
谷物和小麦产品以其健康促进特性而闻名,例如改善心脏健康,血糖控制和体重管理( 1 )。



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Both whole grain and whole wheat products contain all three components of a grain kernel, also known as a caryopsis. These include ( 2 ):

  • Bran.这是纤维外层of the kernel that’s rich in B vitamins and other minerals.
  • 胚芽。This reproductive part of the kernel is rich in a variety of nutrients, such as healthy fats, vitamin E, B vitamins, and antioxidants.
  • 胚乳。谷物内核的最大成分由淀粉碳水化合物组成。在大多数情况下,白面粉主要由胚乳组成。

When the entire kernel is used, a manufacturer can legally use the term whole grain or whole wheat depending on the type of grain used ( 3 )。

The term whole wheat is exclusively used for products that only use the entire wheat kernel in their product. For example, whole wheat bread would only contain whole wheat flour, which uses the entire wheat kernel ( 1 )。

Contrarily, whole grain is used when other grains are added to the product, such as amaranth, barley, corn, millet,quinoa,,,,rice, rye, sorghum, teff, triticale, and even wheat. In all cases, the entire kernels of these grains are used ( 1 ,,,, 3 )。

Since wheat is a type of grain, it also falls under the definition of whole grain. Essentially, all whole wheat products are whole grain, but not all whole grain products are whole wheat.


全谷物和全麦都包含谷物内核的所有三个部分 - 麸皮,胚乳和细菌。但是,全麦专门指的是小麦仁,而全麦则包括大麦,玉米和黑麦等其他谷物。

Considering that both whole grain and whole wheat products contain the entire kernel, they’reequally nutritious

当谈到粮食产品,是很重要的eat mostly whole grain or whole wheat products, as they contain the most nutrients. Unlike whole grains, refined flours have had their germ and bran removed, which takes away many nutrients and fiber.


For example, a 2019 review study including 137,807 people found a significant inverse relationship between whole grain consumption and weight. This suggests that whole grains can aid体重管理,,,,likely due to the filling effects of fiber ( 1 )。

更重要的是,许多研究将富含全谷物的饮食与较低的心脏病风险,2型糖尿病,某些类型的癌症和过早死亡联系起来( 4 ,,,, 5 ,,,, 6 ,,,, 7 ,,,, 8 )。

相比之下,细粮,有他们bran and germ removed, are not linked to the same health benefits due to their low nutrient and fiber contents ( 9 ,,,,10,,,, 11 )。

Therefore, try to mostly eat whole grain or whole wheat products whenever possible.



并非所有含有全麦或全谷物的产品固有健康。例如,一些白面粉和bread productshave small amounts of whole wheat added to them to increase their nutrient content.

Despite having some whole wheat flour added, it wouldn’t be considered 100% whole wheat, as it contains other flours that don’t contain the entire kernel.


To ease the confusion, the following table provides a simple overview of the most common wheat and grain types:

类型 定义t离子 全谷物?
全谷物 任何谷物谷物的整个内核,例如Amaranth,大麦,玉米,小米,藜麦,米饭,黑麦,高粱,Teff,小麦和小麦 Yes
全麦 The entire kernel of the wheat grain Yes
白面粉 主要是谷物内核的胚乳部分;胚芽和麸皮已被清除 No
Multi-grain 包含多种类型的谷物,但可能会完善(即,不包括每种谷物的整个内核) No
White whole wheat bread 由白化小麦制成,赋予白色外观,并包含整个小麦内核 Yes
小麦面包,小麦饼干 用麦面粉制成,但不包含所有三个小麦仁的部分 No

购物时,请务必仔细阅读标签。For whole grain or whole wheat products, either whole grain or whole wheat should be clearly stated on the label.

Note that some products may be partially made with whole grain or whole wheat flours. For example, the label may say it “contains 50% whole wheat flour,” which means the product is partially made from whole wheat flour but also contains refined flours.

By looking for “100% whole grain” or 100% whole wheat” on the label and in the ingredient list, you can be assured that you’re purchasing the healthiest product for you and your family.


To ensure you’re getting the entire grain kernel, and therefore, the healthiest nutritional profile, be sure to look for “100% whole grain” or “100% whole wheat” when purchasing grain products.

全麦和whole grainscontain all three components of the grain kernel and are equally nutritious.

The main difference between the two is that whole wheat is reserved for products using the entire wheat kernel, while whole grain is an umbrella term for all types of grains in their whole form.


For the most health benefits, choose products that are labeled “100% whole grain” or “100% whole wheat” and contain no refined grains in the ingredient list.