
While weight tends to come off fairly rapidly at first, at some point it seems as though your weight won’t budge.

This inability to lose weight is known as a weight loss plateau or stall, and it can be frustrating and discouraging.

但是,若干策略可能会帮助您开始lose weightagain. Here are 14 tips to break a weight loss plateau.

1. Cut Back on Carbs

研究证实了这一点low-carb dietsare extremely effective for weight loss.

我n fact, one large review of 13 studies with follow-up lasting at least a year found that people who consumed 50 or fewer grams of carbs per day lost more weight than those following traditional weight loss diets ( 1 ).

Reducing yourcarb intake当您无可救药地停止时,可能会帮助您的体重再次朝着正确的方向移动。

Whether carb restriction leads to a “metabolic advantage” that causes your body to burn more calories is a question that continues to be debated among nutrition and obesity experts.

Some controlled studies have found that very low-carb diets increase fat burning and promote other metabolic changes that favor weight loss, while other studies haven’t shown this effect ( 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ).

However, very low-carb diets have consistently been shown to reduce hunger and promote feelings of fullness more than other diets. In addition, they cause your body to produce ketones, which have been shown to reduce appetite ( 6 , 7 , 8 ).

This may lead you to unconsciously eat less, making it easier to begin losing weight again without hunger or discomfort.


Research has found that low-carb diets help control hunger, provide feelings of fullness and promote long-term weight loss.

2. Increase Exercise Frequency or Intensity

Revving up yourexerciseregimen may help reverse a weight loss plateau.


One study including more than 2,900 people found that for every pound (0.45 kg) of weight they lost, they burned 6.8 fewer calories, on average ( 9 ).

As weight declines, the progressive reduction in metabolic rate can make continued weight loss extremely difficult.

The good news is that exercise has been shown to help counteract this effect.

Resistance training promotes the retention of muscle mass, which is a major factor influencing how many calories you burn during activity and at rest. In fact, resistance training seems to be the most effective type of exercise for weight loss ( 10 , 11 ).

我n a 12-week study, young, obese women who followed a low-calorie diet and lifted weights for 20 minutes daily experienced an average loss of 13 pounds (5.9 kg) and 2 inches (5 cm) from their waistlines ( 12 ).

还显示出其他类型的身体活动来防止代谢放缓,包括有氧运动和高强度间隔训练(HIIT)( 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 ).

我f you’re already exercising, working out an extra 1–2 days per week or increasing the intensity of your workouts may help提高代谢率.



3. Track Everything You Eat


Overall, researchers have reported that people have a tendency to underestimate the amount of food they eat ( 17 , 18 ).

在一项研究中,肥胖的人们报告每天约有1,200卡路里。然而,在14天的时间内对他们的摄入进行了详细的分析表明,它们实际上是近似的两倍,平均( 18 ).

Tracking yourcaloriesand macronutrients — protein, fat and carbs — can provide concrete information about how much you’re taking in. This will allow you to modify your diet if needed.

此外,研究表明,单独记录食物摄入的行为可能会增强您的减肥努力( 19 , 20 ).

Here’s a review of several user-friendlyapps and websitesto track your nutrient intake.


Tracking your calorie and macronutrient intakes can provide accountability and help you see whether you need to make some dietary adjustments in order to begin losing weight again.


如果你的减肥计划停滞不前,增加你的protein intakemay help.

First, protein boosts metabolic rate more than either fat or carbs.

This has to do with the thermic effect of food (TEF), or increase in metabolism that occurs due to the digestion of food. Protein digestion boosts calorie burning by 20–30%, which is more than twice as much as fat or carbs ( 21 ).

我n one study, healthy, young women followed diets that provided 30% or 15% of calories from protein on two separate days. Their metabolic rate increased twice as much after meals on the higher-protein day ( 22 ).

Second, protein stimulates the production of hormones, such as PYY, that help reduce appetite and make you feel full and satisfied ( 23 , 24 ).

此外,保持高蛋白质摄入量可以帮助防止肌肉质量的损失和代谢率下降,这两者通常在体重减轻期间发生( 25 , 26 , 27 ).


我ncreasing protein intake can help reverse a weight loss stall by boosting metabolism, reducing hunger and preventing muscle mass loss.

5. Manage Stress

Stress can often put the brakes on weight loss.

我n addition to promoting comfort eating and triggering food cravings, it also increases your body’s production of cortisol.

Cortisol is known as the “stress hormone.” While it helps your body respond to stress, it can also increase腹部脂肪storage. What’s more, this effect seems to be stronger in women ( 28 , 29 ).

Therefore, producing too much cortisol can make weight loss very difficult.

我t may seem as though you have little control over the stress in your life, but research has shown that learning to manage stress can help promote weight loss ( 30 , 31 ).

我n one eight-week study of 34 overweight and obese women, a stress-management program that included muscle relaxation and deep breathing led to an average weight loss of 9.7 pounds (4.4 kg) ( 31 ).


The increased cortisol production that’s associated with stress can interfere with weight loss. Stress-reduction strategies may help promote weight loss.

6. Try Intermittent Fasting


我t involves going for long periods of time without eating, typically between 16–48 hours.


A review of several intermittent fasting studies found that it led to a 3–8% weight loss and 3–7% decrease in waist circumference within 3–24 weeks ( 32 ).

Alternate-day fasting is a form of intermittent fasting in which people alternate between eating very few calories on one day and as much as they want the next.

一篇审查发现,这种饮食方式有助于防止肌肉质量损失超过每日卡路里限制( 33 ).

To learn about six different methods of intermittent fasting, read本文.



7. Avoid Alcohol

Alcoholmay be sabotaging your weight loss efforts.

Although one alcoholic drink (4 ounces of wine, 1.5 ounces of hard liquor or 12 ounces of beer) contains only around 100 calories, it provides no nutritional value. In addition, many people have more than one drink at a sitting.

Another problem is that alcohol loosens inhibitions, which may lead you to overeat or make poor food choices. This may be especially problematic for those trying to overcome impulsive food-related behaviors.

One study of 283 adults who completed a behavioral weight loss program found that reducing alcohol intake led to a reduction in overeating and greater weight loss among those with high levels of impulsivity ( 34 ).

What’s more, research has shown that alcohol suppresses fat burning and may lead to belly fat accumulation ( 35 ).



Alcohol may interfere with weight loss by providing empty calories, making it easier to overeat and increasing belly fat storage.

8. Eat More Fiber

我ncluding morefiberin your diet may help you break through a weight loss plateau.


首先,可溶性纤维艺术运动减慢nt of food through your digestive tract, which can help you feel full and satisfied ( 36 ).

Although research suggests that all纤维的类型可能是有益的for weight loss, a large review of several studies found that a soluble fiber known as viscous fiber was most effective at keeping appetite and food intake under control ( 36 , 37 ).

Another way that fiber may aid weight loss is by decreasing the number of calories you absorb from other foods.

Based on a study analyzing calorie absorption among diets with varying amounts of fiber, researchers estimated that increasing daily fiber intake from 18 to 36 grams could lead to 130 fewer calories being absorbed from mixed meals(38).




While sugary beverages lead to weight gain, some beverages may help reverse a weight loss stall. Studies have found that plaincan boost metabolism by 24–30% for 1.5 hours after drinking a 17-ounce (500-ml) serving ( 39 , 40 ).

This may translate into weight loss over time, especially in those who consume water before meals, which may help reduce food intake.

我n a 12-week study of older adults who followed a weight loss diet, the group who consumed one serving of water before meals lost 44% more weight than the non-water group ( 41 ).

Coffee and tea may also benefit your weight loss efforts.

These beverages typically contain caffeine, which has been shown to increase fat burning and boost metabolic rate by up to 13%. However, these effects seem to be strongest in lean individuals ( 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 ).

我n addition,green tea含有称为EGCG(EPigallocateChin Gallate)的抗氧化剂,发现在一项研究中促进17%的脂肪烧伤( 43 ).

Moreover, research suggests that consuming caffeinated beverages can significantly enhance the metabolism-boosting, fat-burning effects of exercise ( 46 ,47).


Drinking water, coffee or tea can help boost your metabolic rate and assist with weight loss. Caffeine and EGCG have been shown to promote fat burning.

10. Spread Protein Intake Throughout the Day

When it comes to protein, it’s not just your total intake for the day that matters.

Consuming protein throughout the day provides you with several opportunities to boost your metabolism through the thermic effect of food (TEF).

There’s also mounting research showing that eating protein at every meal is beneficial for weight loss and muscle mass retention ( 48 , 49 ).

Experts in protein metabolism recommend that adults consume a minimum of 20–30 grams of protein per meal, based on three meals per day ( 49 ).

这是一个列表20 delicious, high-protein foods这可以帮助您实现这一目标。



11. Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is extremely importantfor good mental, emotional and physical health.

我t’s also becoming clear that not getting enough sleep can lead to weight gain by lowering your metabolic rate and altering hormone levels to drive appetite and fat storage ( 50 , 51 , 52 , 53 ).

我n fact, not getting enough sleep may be a contributing factor in cases of stalled weight loss.

一项研究发现,连续五晚的健康成年人每晚睡了四个小时,平均休息的代谢率降低了2.6%,恢复到他们的基线水平12小时后返回基线水平( 53 ).

To support weight loss and overall health, aim for 7–8 hours of sleep per night.


我nsufficient sleep can interfere with weight loss by reducing your metabolic rate and shifting your hormone levels to promote hunger and fat storage.

12. Be as Active as Possible

Although working out is important, other factors also influence the number of calories you burn each day.

For example, your metabolic rate increases in response to fidgeting, changing posture and similar types of physical activity.

These types of activity are known as non-exercise activity thermogenesis , or NEAT.

研究表明,整洁会对您的代谢率产生重大影响,尽管金额与人的人有显着变化( 54 , 55 , 56 ).

One study found that compared to lying down, people’s metabolic rates increased by an average of 54% when fidgeting while seated and a whopping 94% when fidgeting while standing ( 57 ).

An easy way to increase your NEAT is by standing up more often, including using a常设桌子.

Another study found people who stood rather than sat during the afternoon portion of their workday burned nearly 200 additional calories, on average ( 58 ).


我ncreasing your daily non-exercise physical activity can help boost your metabolic rate and promote weight loss.

13. Eat Vegetables at Every Meal



我n fact, studies have found that diets that include lots of vegetables tend to produce the greatest weight loss ( 59 , 60 ).

Unfortunately, many people don’t get enough of these weight loss friendly foods.

However, it’s easy to add a side of cooked or raw greens, tomatoes or other veggies at any meal, including breakfast.

这是一个列表healthy, low-carb vegetablesto include at mealtimes.


Vegetables are loaded with important nutrients, yet low in calories and carbs. Including them at every meal may help you reverse a weight loss plateau.

14. Don’t Rely on the Scale Alone

When trying to lose weight, hopping on the scale is likely part of yourdaily routine.




我n addition, you may retain water for a number of reasons, including your dietary choices. However, the most common reason involves changes in hormone levels that affect fluid balance, particularly in women ( 61 ).

Fortunately, there are several strategies you can take to helplose water weight.

Also, instead of focusing solely on the number on the scale, assess how you feel and how your clothing fits. It’s also a good idea to measure yourself on a monthly basis to help keep yourself motivated when your weight loss seems to have stalled.


Your scale weight may not reflect a loss of body fat, especially if you work out or experience fluid retention. Evaluate how you feel, how your clothes fit and whether your measurements have changed instead.

The Bottom Line

Weight loss plateaus can be frustrating and demoralizing.

However, they are a normal part of the weight loss process. In fact, nearly everyone experiences a stall at some point on their weight loss journey.

Fortunately, there are several strategies you can take to begin losing weight again and safely achieve your goal weight.