Though self-isolating is the best way to protect against COVID-19, being stuck at home can lead to some unhealthy behaviors, including overeating due to stress and boredom.


Here are 13 ways to prevent stress eating when you’re stuck at home.


It’s important to differentiate stress eating from disordered eating. If you feel that you have disordered eating tendencies, these tips are not appropriate for your needs.

For information on eating disorder treatment and additional support, contact the国家饮食失调协会求助热线.

One of the most helpful ways toprevent overeating是要了解为什么它首先发生。您可能被迫暴饮暴食的原因有很多,包括压力或无聊。

If you find yourself eating too frequently or eating too much in one sitting, take a minute and check in with yourself. First, it’s important to determine whether you’re eating because you’re hungry and need nourishment, or whether there’s another reason.

Before you eat, pay special attention to how you’re feeling, such as stressed, bored, lonely, or anxious. Simply pausing and evaluating the situation can help you understand what compels you to overeat and may help prevent overeating in the future.

也就是说,打击暴饮暴食很少很容易,您可能必须寻求专业的帮助,尤其是如果这是常见的情况,或者您进食不适,以后会感到羞耻或内gui感。这些可能是disordered eating( 1 ).


Having tempting foods within eyesight can lead to经常零食暴饮暴食,即使您不饿。

Research has shown that visual exposure to high calorie foods stimulates the striatum, a part of your brain that modulates impulse control, which may lead to increased cravings and overeating ( 2 , 3 , 4 ).


To be clear, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying atasty treat occasionally, even when you’re not necessarily hungry. However, overindulging too often can harm both your physical and mental health ( 5 ).

You shouldn’t change your normal eating schedule just because you’re stuck at home. If you’re used to having threemeals a day, try to continue that schedule while you’re working from home. The same goes for if you typically consume only two meals and a snack.

Though it’s easy to stray from your normal dietary pattern when your day-to-day schedule gets disrupted, it’s important to maintain some semblance of normalcy when it comes to eating.

You may find yourself adapting your eating pattern to accommodate your new normal, and that’s OK. Just try to maintain a regular eating pattern based on your individual needs and your preferred eating times.

If you’re really thrown off and find yourself constantly snacking, try making a schedule that includes at least two solid meals per day and following it until you feel that you have become comfortably consistent with your eating habits.

遵循防止暴饮暴食的最重要的营养规则之一就是不要剥夺身体的食物。通常,食物摄入或消费过于限制too few caloriescan lead to binging on high calorie foods and overeating ( 6 , 7 , 8 ).

It’s never a good idea to follow a highly restrictive diet or deprive yourself of food, especially during stressful times.

研究表明,限制性节食不仅对长期体重减轻无效,而且会损害您的身心健康并增加压力水平( 9 , 10 , 11 ).

一些好东西一起被困在何鸿燊me. Not having the option to eat out at restaurants makes you cook more meals yourself, which has been shown to improve overall health.


Plus, it found that people who ate home-cooked meals more than 5 times per week were 28% less likely to be overweight and 24% less likely to have excess body fat, compared with those who ate home-cooked meals less than 3 times per week ( 12 ).

更重要的是,计划用餐a few days ahead can help you kill time and has even been shown to improve diet quality and reduce obesity risk ( 13 ).

被困在家里可以使您有更多时间专注于健康的习惯,包括drinking enough fluids. Maintaining proper hydration is important for overall health and may help you prevent overeating related to stress.

实际上,研究发现慢性脱水与肥胖风险升高之间存在关联。另外,脱水会导致情绪,注意力和能量水平的改变,这也会影响您的饮食习惯( 14 , 15 ).

To combat dehydration, add a few slices of fresh fruit to your water to boost its flavor, which may help youdrink more waterthroughout the day without adding a significant amount of sugar or number of calories to your diet.

Being stuck at home can take a serious toll on your activity levels, leading to boredom, stress, and increased snacking frequency. To combat this, make some time for每日体育锻炼.


Research has shown that physical activity can boost mood and reduce stress, which may reduce your chances of stress eating ( 16 ).


However, boredom can be prevented by making good use of your spare time. Everyone has hobbies that they have always wanted to try or projects that have been put off due to busy schedules.

Now is the perfect time to learn a new skill, tackle a home improvement project, organize your living spaces, take an educational course, or start a new hobby.

Learning something new or starting a project can not only prevent boredom but also likely make you feel more accomplished andless stressed.

Modern-day life is full of distractions. From smartphones to televisions to social media, you’re surrounded by technology meant to distract you from your daily life.

Though catching up on a favorite TV show can help take your mind off of stressful events, it’s important to minimize distractions when eating a meal or snack, especially if you find yourself frequently overeating.


Being more present while you eat may help prevent overeating and can help you become more aware of your eating patterns and food intake ( 17 ).

Mindful eatingis an excellent tool that can be used to bring more awareness to your eating habits.


For example, grabbing a pint of ice cream from the freezer and eating directly from the container rather than doling out a single portion in a dish may cause you to eat more than you intended ( 18 ).

To combat this,练习部分控制为自己唱le portion of food rather than eating out of larger containers.

Stocking your kitchen with filling,nutrient-dense foods不仅可以帮助改善您的整体健康状况,而且还可以抵抗强调强调食物的趋势。

For example, filling your fridge and pantry with foods that can help fill you up in a healthful way — rather than foods rich in empty calories like candy, chips, and soda — is a smart way to prevent the chances of noshing on unhealthy choices.

填充食物是high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Nuts, seeds, avocados, beans, and eggs are just some examples of nutritious, satisfying choices that can help fill you up and prevent overeating ( 19 ).

一杯酒或美味的鸡尾酒可能是放松的轻松方式,请记住alcohollowers your inhibitions, increases appetite, and may increase the chances of overeating ( 20 ).

Plus, drinking too much alcohol harms your health in a number of ways and can lead to dependence issues ( 21 ).

Try to stay within the guidelines set by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), which suggests that alcoholic beverages be limited to one drink per day or less for women and two or fewer drinks per day for men ( 22 ).

During stressful times, it’s more important than ever to keep your overall health in mind. Eating nutritious foods is just one part of keeping yourself healthy and happy.

练习self-compassionand doing the best that you can given the current circumstances is what’s most important.

This is not the time to restrict, overexercise, try a fad diet, compare yourself to others, or focus on weaknesses. If you’re struggling with insecurities, body image issues, or anxiety, use this time to foster a new, healthy relationship with your mind and body.

考虑到当前的情况2019冠状病毒病大流行, you may find yourself stuck at home and feeling stressed and bored, which may increase your chances of overeating.

