Turmeric is a flowering plant in the ginger family. Its scientific name isCurcuma longa

People have used the herbal spice known as turmeric for thousands of years to make tea from the plant’s rhizome stems, or its underground root system.


It’s also commonly used in the ancient Indian health system Ayurveda. Thus, you might see turmeric tea called by one of its traditional Indian names, such as haldi or manjal ( 1 ,,,, 2 ).


a mug of turmeric tea dusted with cinnamon Share on Pinterest
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Turmeric tea is made by steeping fresh or driedturmericin water. It is yellow, orange, or golden in color and has an earthy flavor profile with a spicy kick that people often describe as bitter yet sweet.

味道让人想起ginger root-which is understandable, since turmeric and ginger root are both in theZingiberaceae植物家族( 1 ).




人们在传统医学实践中使用姜黄来治疗各种疾病数百年。但是,科学家直到发现姜黄素中的一组多酚抗氧化剂(称为姜黄素)(称为姜黄素( 1 ,,,, 3 ,,,, 4 ,,,, 5 ).


Studies in humans have shown that curcumin has anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, and antioxidant properties ( 3 ,,,, 4 ,,,, 6 ,,,, 7 ,,,, 8 ).


There’s currently no evidence that turmeric tea has the same effect as turmeric supplements. Results from studies on turmeric and curcumin supplements can’t be applied to turmeric tea.

更重要的是,人体不会很好地吸收姜黄的姜黄素,因此您从姜黄茶中消耗的量可能比研究人员在研究浓缩姜黄补充剂的实验室研究中使用的数量要少得多( 2 ,,,, 9 ,,,, 10 ,,,, 11 ).

Still, turmeric tea is a nutritious, delicious beverage. And researchers are continuing to investigate exactly how to harness curcumin’s potent health properties ( 12 ).

姜黄茶可能暂时无法解决任何重大问题,但其益处肯定可以支持健康( 13 ).


1。Good source of some nutrients


One teaspoon (3 grams) of dried turmeric — an amount you might use to make a cup or two of turmeric tea — also contains ( 14 ):

  • Manganese:每日价值的26%(DV)
  • 铁:DV的9%
  • 铜:DV的4%


Bioactive compounds are nutrients that promote health in humans. These include common vitamins and minerals, as well as lesser known compounds such as polyphenols and volatile oils.

Curcuminoids such as curcumin are the largest group of bioactive compounds found in turmeric tea, although it contains hundreds of others, including many volatile essential oils and multiple types ofantioxidants(( 15 ,,,, 16 ,,,,17,,,, 18 ).

3。Naturally low in calories

Without any additional milk or sweeteners, such ashoney,,,,1cup (237 mL) of turmeric tea likely contains somewhere between 10 and 30 calories, depending on how much turmeric you use and the type.

Thus, if you’re looking for ways to reduce calories in your diet, turmeric tea would be a great replacement for high calorie beverages such as soft drinks, juices, and alcohol.

4。A great bedtime tea

Plain turmeric tea doesn’t contain anycaffeine。Therefore, it’s a great tea to have in the late afternoon or evening without disrupting your sleep cycle.

Plus, it pairs well with other non-caffeinated teas such aschamomile

However, turmeric tea is often used in blends with other types of green or black tea, both of which are caffeinated. If you want to enjoy turmeric tea without the jolt of caffeine, be sure to find a tea that is caffeine-free.

5。Might promote heart health


Studies suggest that turmeric and curcumin supplements may lower blood pressure and levels of fat in the blood — both of which can be risk factors for heart disease when they exceed normal levels.

For example, one study found that taking turmeric for 12 weeks or longer significantly reducedsystolic blood pressure,血压读数中的第一个数字。这个数字表示每次心脏跳动时的动脉压力承受了多少压力( 19 ).

A separate study observed that turmeric and curcumin supplements reduced some blood fat levels, including LDL (bad) cholesterol and total triglycerides ( 20 ).


6。Could boost your mood

科学家还在探索姜黄素可能与depressionand mood disorders ( 21 ,,,, 22 ).



You can enjoy a cup of turmeric tea any time of day — have a cup to start the day, enjoy one after lunch, or sip one before bed.

7。Works as a natural, plant-based dye

姜黄以其明亮的淡黄色橙色而闻名,它来自其中包含的姜黄素( 1 ).

In fact, turmeric’s color pigments are extremely powerful, which means they can easily stain many materials, such as teeth, clothes, and countertops.

In some situations, that might be exactly what you’re looking for. Turmeric tea — or simply turmeric infused in water — can be used to dye many different things, such as fabric and even eggs, without relying on any harsh chemicals or additives.


姜黄茶是低热量,咖啡因(it’s a great tea for the evening hours), and rich in nutrients such as manganese and iron. Its bioactive compound curcumin has been linked with several potential health benefits.

Turmeric tea has a unique flavor that some people call earthy or sharp. It’s delicious all on its own but is also commonly paired with other spices and flavors.


  • ginger
  • cinnamon
  • nutmeg
  • anise
  • basil
  • cardamom


  • dairy or plant-based milk
  • 绿茶
  • orange juice
  • pineapple juice

And you might enjoy adding flavorings like these:

  • lemon
  • lime
  • honey
  • 枫糖浆
  • coconut
  • vanilla
  • black pepper

Black peppermight sound like an odd pairing for tea, but when it comes to turmeric tea, it’s not as far-fetched as you might think.

黑胡椒不仅为姜黄的辛辣打孔增添了深度,而且还含有一种称为Piperine的营养素,可帮助您的身体从姜黄中吸收更多的姜黄素。请记住,您的身体不能很好地吸收姜黄素,因此可以帮助您( 10 ,,,, 23 ,,,, 24 ).

What’s more, curcumin is a fat-soluble nutrient, so pairing turmeric with fats like coconut oil or milk — such as in populargolden milk姜黄茶食谱 - 还可能帮助您吸收更多的营养( 25 ).


Turmeric tea is tasty and has health-promoting features all on its own, but you can certainly spice it up even more with herbs, spices, and ingredients that add both flavor and nutrition.

Turmeric tea is very easy to make at home with fresh or dried turmeric and just a few tools. Here are 3 ways to make it.

1。Fresh turmeric tea

To make turmeric tea usingfresh, wholeturmeric:

  1. 将一块1英寸(2.5厘米)的新鲜姜黄切成小切片。
  2. 将姜黄与1杯(237毫升)水混合。
  3. Bring water and turmeric to a boil.
  4. Let sit for 3–5 minutes.
  5. 将姜黄碎片从液体中脱出。


To make turmeric tea usingdried, groundturmeric ( 14 ):

  1. Using a whisk or similar tool, combine 1/2 tsp (1.5 grams) ground turmeric with 1 cup (237 mL) water.
  2. Bring water and turmeric to a boil.
  3. Let sit for 3–5 minutes.
  4. Stir well to make sure turmeric is well blended.

3。Cold-brewed turmeric tea

To makecold-brewed姜黄茶:

  1. Place 4 tbsp. (37.6 grams) dried turmeric tea, or a 4-inch (10-cm) piece of fresh turmeric cut into 1/2-inch (1-cm) cubes, in 4 cups (946 mL) water.
  2. Let sit in refrigerator for 24 hours.
  3. Strain tea using cheesecloth or a wire mesh sieve.

With any of these base recipes, you can easily add honey to sweeten the tea to your taste or include other ingredients as you like.


你可以让姜黄茶在家里只有两个gredients and a couple of minutes. Fresh turmeric root is commonly used to make tea, but you can use dried turmeric pieces or ground turmeric instead.

In general, turmeric tea is considered safe for most people when consumed in moderation.


It’s currently unclear whether turmeric issafe for pregnant和母乳喂养的人数大于食物中常见的人。因此,最好在怀孕或母乳喂养时保持姜黄的摄入量(中等程度)( 13 ).

Some people have been known to experience allergic reactions to curcumin. If you notice any type of skin irritation after handling or consuming turmeric, check with a healthcare professional before drinking turmeric tea ( 26 ).

如果您要服用任何药物,最好在喝姜黄茶之前先检查医生。姜黄素可能与某些药物相互作用,例如血液稀释剂,抗抑郁药,抗生素和癌症药物( 27 ).


Turmeric tea is safe for most people in moderate amounts, but avoid it if you experiencing allergy symptoms after handling or consuming turmeric. If you’re pregnant or taking medications, consult a healthcare professional before drinking it.

If you’re looking for a unique and healthy drink to add to your day, turmeric tea might be right for you.

Many people find that drinking turmeric tea is a lovely ritual. Plus, the tea is low in calories, is caffeine-free, and shows great potential for health benefits in laboratory settings, although more research is needed.

It’s also super easy to make at home and a blank canvas for your culinary imagination, since you can add many different ingredients.

Give turmeric tea a try and see what you think.

Just one thing

立即尝试:Dive deeper into the impressiveZingiberaceaefamily of plants by exploring thesehealth benefits of ginger-which is great for pairing with turmeric tea!