
Although onigiri can be made into various shapes, triangle-shaped onigiri is typically the most common.


这是碘的良好来源,并且 - 取决于添加的各种营养素的填充物。

In this article, I’ll review triangle sushi, what it is, how to make it, the ways it may contribute to your health, and what to know if you’re considering adding it to your diet.

Three triangle sushi (onigiri rice balls) on a plate. 在Pinterest上分享
Yevgeniia Vradii/Getty Images

三角形的寿司,顾名思义,sushiin the shape of a triangle. It’s made with steamed sushi rice that’s wrapped in nori, which is a dried edible seaweed.


Anecdotally, some people believe that shaping the rice balls into the form of mountains was originally a way for Japanese people to ask for protection against spirits.


三角寿司和其他寿司卷之间的最大区别是,普通寿司使用米饭,用糖和糖调味白饭vinegar. On the other hand, triangle sushi is usually made of steamed rice with no sugar or rice vinegar added to it.

Some people choose to add seasonings, such as furikake, to flavor the rice.

Furikake is a type of Japanese seasoning made from a blend of ingredients, such as fish,dried seaweed(Nori),芝麻,盐和香料。有时还包含鸡蛋和糖。

Traditional triangle sushi fillings include dried fish with soy sauce, pickled plum, salted salmon, tuna in mayonnaise, kombu, or furikake.

However, a variety of other fillings may be used, including vegan options like tofu, beans, fruit, veggies, and fresh seaweed.


三角形sushi is onigiri (rice balls) formed in the shape of a triangle. It consists of steamed sushi rice that’s sometimes seasoned wrapped in dried seaweed. It can be served as is or stuffed with your choice of fillings.

The most basic version of a triangle sushi consists simply of steamed sushi rice and dried nori. Each triangle weighs around 1.4 ounces (41 grams) and offers approximately ( 1 , 2 , 3 ):

  • 卡路里:49 kcal
  • Protein:1 gram
  • Carbohydrates:11 grams
  • Sugar:< 1 gram
  • Fiber:< 1 gram
  • Fat:< 1 gram
  • Iodine:23%
  • Copper:9%DV
  • Selenium:5%DV
  • Zinc:3% DV
  • Magnesium:3% DV
  • 硫胺素:3% DV
  • Iron:2%
  • 核黄素:2%
  • Niacin:2% DV

Adding fillings to your sushi rice will affect its nutritional value. For instance,adding fish, tofu, or beans will increase the protein, iron, and zinc contents, while adding fruit or veggies will provide some additional potassium and vitamins A and C.

Flavorings, such as酱油, pickled plum, or furikake, can significantly increase the salt content of triangle sushi, so it’s best to use a light hand or pick low sodium varieties when available.



Adding triangle sushi to your diet can offer some potential health benefits. There are also some considerations to keep in mind.

May support thyroid function


Iodineis essential for your thyroid to function properly. The thyroid plays various important roles within the body, including regulating your metabolism.

饮食中的碘过多会导致您的甲状腺功能减慢,从而导致皮肤干燥,等症状low energy,健忘,抑郁,体重增加和手脚刺痛( 4 )。

The recommended amount of iodine for adults is 150 mcg per day. One triangle sushi rolled in a half-sheet of nori typically provides around 35 mcg of iodine, or 23% of the daily value (DV) ( 3 )。

Could help promote gut health

Due to its seaweed content, triangle sushi also contains agars, fucoidans, and carrageenans, which are all compounds with prebiotic functions.

Prebiotics are non-digestible fibersthat feed the beneficial bacteria lining your gut. The higher the amount of good bacteria in your gut, the less space for harmful bacteria there is. That balance helps keep your gut healthy ( 5 )。

In addition to a healthy gut, prebiotics may also improve your immunity, brain health, and heart health ( 6 )。

此外,研究人员认为,海藻中的益生元也可能具有一定的抗菌和anti-inflammatory效果,这可以进一步受益于您的整体健康( 5 )。


If your triangle sushi containsseaweed, fish, or shellfish,它可能无意中被重金属(例如砷或汞)所污染。

The amount of heavy metals found in fish depends on the species and level of pollution found in the environment in which they grow.

在最近的研究中,接近所有被检查的鱼类样品中有三分之一含有汞含量that exceeded the safe limits set by the World Health Organization ( 7 )。

Exposure to heavy metals,例如汞,与多种症状有关,包括牙齿,震颤,头痛,疲劳和痴呆症( 8 )。

Generally speaking, the larger and older the fish, the more mercury it will likely contain. For instance, shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and bluefish, bluefin tuna, and striped bass contain the most ( 9 )。

Seaweed can also become contaminated with heavy metals, especially arsenic. Just like fish, the amount it contains will depend on the level of pollution in the area the seaweed grew in ( 10 )。

The amount of arsenic in most seaweed doesn’t usually appear to exceed the safe limit, though.

Moreover, the amount of seaweed you’d be eating from a normal portion triangle sushi will be quite low, making your risk of arsenic overload also low.

However, this risk may be worth keeping in mind for those who ingest large amounts of seaweed regularly, be it through sushi, seaweed salad, or seaweed-based supplements ( 10 )。

Often contains high amounts of salt

三角寿司可以包含大量钠(盐),尤其是当您使用咸味调味品(如酱油)和coconut aminosto flavor to it ( 11 , 12 )。

An overly salty diet may increase blood pressure in some people, which can in turn increase your risk of heart failure ( 13 , 14 , 15 )。

高盐饮食也与胃癌的风险增加有关。但是,我们需要更多的研究来更好地了解人类的联系( 16 )。

You can decrease the overall salt content of your triangle sushi by opting forlow sodium condiments和调味料,尽可能。



三角寿司相对容易自行制作。Here’s what you’ll need and the steps to follow to make about four servings.


  • 1 cup (255 grams) sushi白饭, uncooked
  • 1杯(240毫升)水
  • 2 nori sheets, each cut in half
  • Furikake mix, to taste (optional)
  • 切碎或切成丁的水果和蔬菜;煮熟豆类,小扁豆或豌豆; crushed nuts or nut butter; cooked meat or fish, to taste (optional)


  1. Rinse your sushi rice under cold running water and cook according to the package instructions. For best results, continue onto the following steps while your rice is still warm.
  2. If using seasoning, add it to your cooked rice and mix evenly.
  3. Wet your hands and rub a pinch or two of salt into them to prevent the rice from sticking to your skin. Then scoop up about one-fourth of your rice.
  4. If adding a filling, flatten out the rice, scoop out about one tablespoon (15 mL) of filling, and fold the edges of the rice over to cover your filling.
  5. Lightly form your rice into a ball. Then, rest the ball into your palm and use your fingertips to form it into a triangular shape.
  6. Position your nori sheet in front of you with the short edge towards you. Place your rice triangle onto the short edge of your nori sheet, with the tip facing down, towards you.
  7. 将Nori纸的两个下边缘折叠在三角形的尖端上,以覆盖它。
  8. Roll your triangle over onto the nori sheet, away from you, as to cover the remaining rice with nori.
  9. Trim the excess nori sheet with kitchen scissors. Place a grain of rice on each of the remaining corners and fold them over onto your nori sheet to close your triangle.

Here’s avisual guideof the method above to help you better visualize how to fold your triangle sushi.

Here are a few ideas for seasonings or fillings you can add when making your own triangle sushi.

Seasoning options

Along with or instead of furikake mix, you can purchase these either from an Asian supermarket or online.

  • Goma shio(black sesame salt)
  • Ume goma shio(plum sesame salt)
  • katuso fumi(fish flakes with seaweed and spices)
  • Seasoned kombu(海藻)
  • Sesame seeds
  • 低钠酱油
  • Coconut aminos

Filling options

三角形sushi can be served as is or filled with your fillings of choice. Feel free to choose from the suggestions below or make up your own!


  • 金枪鱼罐头蛋黄酱
  • Smoked salmon
  • Shredded chicken with sun-dried tomatoes
  • 炖牛肉
  • Salted cod roe

Plant-based fillings

  • 切成丁的烟豆腐
  • Marinatedtempeh
  • Edamame beans in a peanut sauce
  • Jackfruit in a spiced chili sauce
  • Shredded carrots, apples, or zucchini
  • 切成丁的黄瓜,草莓,芒果或鳄梨
  • Pickled plum orginger
  • 炒蘑菇或aubergine(茄子)
  • Wakame or simmered kombu seaweed




三角形sushi is best enjoyed fresh. Storing it in the refrigerator can cause the nori to become soggy and the rice to become dry and clumpy.


It’s best to wrap the rice triangles alone, adding the nori only right before eating, to prevent it from becoming overly soft.

如果您尽了最大的努力,您会发现三角寿司的外层已经干燥了一夜sesame oil.

这种烤版的Onigiri被称为yaki-onigiri. The heat will create a crispy outer layer while maintaining a moist and tender inner layer.


三角形sushi is best eaten shortly after it has been prepared. If you want to store it, try wrapping the triangle-shaped rice in plastic wrap and rolling it in the nori only right before it’s time to eat it.

三角形sushi is a rice ball shaped into the form of a triangle and wrapped into a sheet of dried seaweed.

Flavor can be added to it through seasonings, condiments, or various meat- fish- or plant-based fillings.


但是,根据您选择的调味料或填充物,三角寿司的盐或重金属也可能很高 - 两者在食用过度时可能会对您的健康产生负面影响。

让最健康福利amo最少的unt of risk, opt for low sodium seasonings and try to avoid over-filling your triangle sushi with seaweed or fish that’s high in mercury.

Moreover, try to opt for plant-based fillings whenever possible.

Just one thing

Try this today: Triangle sushi is an interesting way to recycle small amounts of leftovers and enjoy them in a new variation. I find that sauce-based leftovers such as a lentil Dahl or three-bean chili work best, but feel free to experiment to find your own personal favorite combinations!