Almost everyone has been faced with this conundrum — you reach into the fridge for an egg, but can’t remember how long they have been sitting there.

It’s true that over time, an egg’s quality begins to decline as the air pocket inside gets larger and the whites get thinner. However, an egg only “goes bad” when it starts to decompose because of bacteria or mold.

In fact, your eggs may be perfectly good to eat for many more weeks.


1。Check the Expiration Date


In the US, eggs may be labeled with either a “sell by” or expiration date, depending on which state you live in, in order to let you know if your eggs are still fresh.

“按卖”日期表示商店应该提供多长时间出售的鸡蛋 - 包装后不超过30天 - 但不一定是鸡蛋变坏(1)。

An expiration date, on the other hand, marks the date after which the eggs are considered less than fresh.

If neither of these标签is present, there is yet another date you can look for to tell how fresh your eggs are.


包装日期是印朱利安日期,代表我ng each day of the year is represented by a corresponding, chronological number. Therefore, January 1st is written as 001 and December 31st as 365 (1)。

If your eggs are still within the expiration or “sell by” date on the carton, or within 21–30 days after the “pack date,” you can be pretty sure they are still fresh.

And even though the quality of an egg may start to decline after a certain date, it may still be good to eat for several weeks — especially if it has beenrefrigerated,保持质量,防止细菌的growth (2)。



Checking the “sell by,” expiration or “pack date” on an egg carton can tell you if an egg is still good. But just because an egg has passed its date does not always mean it has gone bad.

2。Conduct a Sniff Test


If you find that your eggs are past their “sell by” or expiration date, you can tell if they are still good with a simple sniff.


If you can’t already tell while the egg is in the shell, crack the egg onto a clean plate or bowl and give it a sniff.

If anything smells off, toss the egg and wash the bowl or plate with hot, soapy water before using again.




3。Complete a Visual Inspection



Sliminess or cracks can indicate the presence of bacteria, while a powdery appearance on the shell may indicate mold (4)。



You can also check to see if the whites or yolk of the egg are runny. This is an indication that the egg is old and that the quality has declined. But this does not necessarily mean it has gone bad, and it can still be perfectly fine to use (4)。



4。Perform a Float Test


This is also a common method for determining the age of a fertilized egg that is developing into a chick (5,,,,6)。


To perform the float test, gently set your egg into a bowl or bucket of water. If the egg sinks, it is fresh. If it tilts upwards or even floats, it is old.

This is because as an egg ages, the small air pocket inside it grows larger as water is released and replaced by air. If the air pocket becomes large enough, the egg may float.

While this method may tell you whether an egg is fresh or old, it doesn’t tell you whether an egg is good or bad (3)。




5。Candle Your Eggs

Candling is a method used either to assess the quality of a table egg or to assess the development of the chick in a fertilized egg.


But it can also be done on your eggs at home, if you’re willing to learn.




您还应该能够通过将鸡蛋从一侧移到另一侧来分辨,蛋清和蛋黄are. Less movement indicates a fresher egg (7)。

Candling may require some practice, but it allows you to reliably identify if an egg is fresh or old. Yet, like the float test, it cannot tell you if an egg has gone bad.


Candling is a more difficult but reliable way of checking how fresh an egg is. However, it doesn’t tell you if an egg is bad.

The Bottom Line



请记住,含有引起食物传播疾病的细菌的卵,例如沙门氏菌,,,,may look and smell completely normal.

因此,不要忘记,即使鸡蛋通过了这些测试,也很重要fully cook it在食用之前,要达到安全的温度。