Squash is a family of plants that comes in several different types.

Winter varieties include butternut, acorn, delicata, pumpkin, hubbard, kabocha and spaghetti squashes. Zucchini and yellow squash — either with straight or crooked necks — are considered summer squashes.


大多数南瓜都颜色鲜艳,例如水果 - 但味道温和或咸味,例如蔬菜。


Fruits contain seeds and develop from the flowers of a plant. On the other hand, vegetables are a plant’s roots, stems or leaves.

并非每个人都同意这些植物定义,但是它们被广泛用于区分水果和蔬菜( 1 ).


Therefore, squash is considered a fruit.

南瓜并不是唯一对蔬菜感到困惑的植物。其他经常称为蔬菜的水果包括番茄, 茄子,avocados和黄瓜( 2 ).




The culinary definition of a水果是植物的甜美而肉质的部分。虽然某些类型的南瓜非常甜,但它们不像典型的水果(3).

Instead, squash have a predominantly earthy flavor and are prepared and served as a vegetable — except when some types, like pumpkin, are used in desserts, such as pie.

Squash is not usually吃了生as is fruit, though zucchini and yellow summer squash can be.



Even though squash is botanically a fruit, it is predominantly cooked like a vegetable.

Squash can be eaten in a multitude of ways. The entire squash plant is edible, including the flesh, skin, leaves, flowers andseeds.

You can find squash year-round in most grocery stores and farmers markets.


Summer squash, including zucchini and crookneck, are typically in season from June through September. These varieties have yellow or green skin with white flesh.

Winter squash is often roasted, boiled or steamed. It is usually served with butter orolive oiland savory seasonings.

You can also add cooked winter squash to salads and soups. Alternatively, try stuffing acorn, delicata or hubbard squashes with meats, beans or other vegetables. The seeds of winter squash can be roasted with oil and salt for a crunchy snack.

Zucchini and yellow crookneck squash are usually sauteed, roasted or grilled with olive oil and garlic, or added to sweet breads and muffins. As they can be spiralized, they have also become a popular低碳水化合物替代面条.

All types of squash are very nutritious and can be a healthy addition to your diet. Winter squashes are typically high in fiber, vitamin A and potassium, while summer squashes are rich in B vitamins and vitamin C (4,5).


Squash is available year-round in most places. Winter squash is often served stuffed with other foods or as an addition to soups and vegetable dishes, whereas summer squash is popular in baked goods and as a low-carb noodle alternative.


However — despite notable exceptions, such as南瓜— squashes are not as sweet as other fruits and are usually prepared and served as you would vegetables.

Regardless of how you classify it, squash can be a tasty and nutritious addition to your diet.