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If you’re interested in burning calories and losing weight, rowing is a great choice.


要减肥,您需要发展卡路里的赤字。这意味着您燃烧的卡路里比摄入的卡路里更多 - 通常通过控制饮食和/或通过运动消耗更多卡路里。

谦虚calorie deficitof around 500 calories per day is usually a good place to start ( 1 ).

Rowing on a regular basis is a great method of contributing to this deficit.

Calories burned through rowing




中度(15分钟/1小时) Vigorous (15 min/1 hr)
135 lb (61 kg) 53/214 107/427 130/519
145 lb (66 kg) 58/231 116/462 140/561
155 lb (70 kg) 61/245 122/490 149/595
165磅(75公斤) 66/263 131/525 159/638
175 lb (79 kg) 70/280 140/560 170/680
185磅(84公斤) 74/294 147/588 179/714
195磅(88公斤) 78/312 156/623 189/757
205 lb (93 kg) 81/326 163/651 198/791
215磅(98公斤) 86/343 172/686 208/833
225磅(102千克) 89/357 179/714 217/867


May promote fat loss

When you supplement rowing with a proper diet, you’ll probably start to lose weight in the form of fat loss.

Exercises like rowing help mobilize fats in your body so that they can be used as energy (3, 4 , 5 ).

A nutritious diet that provides fewer calories than you burn may also help burn fat. If you’re looking tocut your total calorie intake, try eating more protein and veggies to keep you full, switching to zero-calorie drinks like water, and eliminating processed foods ( 6 ).

Studies suggest that a combination of aerobic exercise (cardio) and resistance training (like weight lifting) is optimal for fat loss ( 6 , 7 ).

Physical activity guidelines from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) suggest that you get at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week (8).

As rowing is predominantly an aerobic exercise, it’s important totack on resistance training为了获得最佳效果。

Compared with running

While running and rowing are vastly different exercises, you can compare them based on the number of calories they burn. In general,跑步seems to burn slightly more calories than rowing.



Notably, running tends to be a较高的影响练习than rowing. This means that rowing may be a better option for people with preexisting injuries or other conditions.

That said, as neither exercise is vastly different in terms of calories burned, you should choose whichever you prefer — or alternate between them.


Rowing boosts weight loss by providing a significant calorie burn, though you should be sure to pair it with a proper diet. It’s comparable to running in terms of calories expended, though it has less impact on your joints.

In addition to aiding weight loss, rowing supports your health in several ways.

Full body workout

划船几乎是一种全身运动,因为它刺激了大多数主要的肌肉群,包括您的lats(latissimus dorsi),上背部(菱形),四头肌(股四头肌),腿筋,核心,二头肌,二头肌和前臂。

This puts rowing ahead of other common exercise methods, such as running, cycling, and doing cardio on the elliptical machine, in terms of the extent of muscles worked.


The only major muscle groups not worked during rowing are the chest (pectoralis major and minor) and triceps.


While rowing is best known for its aerobic (or cardiovascular) benefits, some people claim that it provides肌肉和力量增长— though data in this area is limited.

If optimizing muscle growth and strength is your goal, you should add traditional resistance training to your workout plan. Methods include using weights,乐队, or body weight in low to moderate ranges of 6–30 reps per set (10).

划船运动倾向于使用低阻力和more repetitions than is required to promote optimal muscle gains.



Cardiovascular or aerobic exercises like rowing have repeatedly been shown to boost heart health.

Studies reveal that people who exercise regularly have lower blood pressure, resting heart rate, and LDL (bad)cholesterol,以及更高的HDL(好)胆固醇和更健康的体重( 11 , 12 ).

这些积极的健康状况也可能减少r risk of stroke, heart attack,糖尿病, and obesity ( 13 , 14 , 15 ).

Rowing 5 days per week for 30 minutes each day easily meets the DHHS’ recommendation to get at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week.


Rowing offers full body stimulation, potential muscle and strength gains, and improved heart health.

While it may seem fairly straightforward, proper rowing takes agreat deal of technique.

Rowing consists of four distinct phases — the catch, the drive, the finish, and the recovery. Here are the basics:

  1. Start by sitting down on the pad and securing your feet with the straps.
  2. 接下来,打开电子跟踪器。有些型号在开始划船时会自动打开。
  3. Loosely grasp the oar with your thumbs wrapped around it.
  4. Start in the “catch” position with your arms straight, leaning forward at the hips with your shoulders in front of your hips and your shins close to vertical.
  5. 接下来,通过向腿部推动并将身体向后摆动来过渡到“驱动器”位置。
  6. 然后用手臂拉动“终点”位置。您的手应该在肩膀放松的情况下从飞轮上直线移动。
  7. Enter the “recovery” phase by returning to the start position. Let your arms move forward, then tilt your torso forward, and finally bend your legs.
  8. Repeat for the desired duration.


  • legs, back, arms on the catch, drive, and finish phases
  • 恢复阶段的手臂,背部,腿

Rowing technique takes times to develop. As such, practicing on a regular basis is necessary before you transition to more advanced workouts.


Rowing’s four phases are called the catch, drive, finish, and recovery. This exercise takes substantial muscle synchronization, so give yourself time to master the technique before moving to harder workouts.

After you get the hang of the technique, you can begin incorporating rowing into your exercise routine. Over time, you can build up reps and intensity to burn more calories.



When you’re starting out, your goal should be to focus on technique while slowly increasing the intensity of your workouts.


Details Time (minutes) Rate (每分钟中风)
Warmup 5 20
Main workout 10 24
Cooldown 5 20
全部的 20 minutes 440 strokes


To start, complete this workout 3 days per week until you feel you’re getting the hang of it.

Intermediate rowing workout

This workout kicks up the vigor a notch via intervals with ascending intensity, starting with lower strokes per minute (SPM) for longer durations and ending with higher SPM for shorter times.


Higher intensity workouts like this one can increase your exercise capacity over time.

Details Time (minutes) 费率(每分钟中风)
Warmup 10 20
Round 1 5 22
第2轮 4 24
第3轮 3 26
第4轮 2 27
第5轮 1 28
Cooldown 10 20
全部的 30 minutes 766 strokes

This workout provides 15 minutes of intense rowing sandwiched between a 10-minute warmup and 10-minute cooldown.

While only slightly longer than the beginner workout, the intermediate one builds intensity throughout, leading to a higher heart rate and more calories burned.


Advanced rowing workout


Research suggests thathigh intensity interval training(HIIT) can increase your VO₂ max — the maximum rate at which you can deliver oxygen to working muscles — more efficiently than constant intensity exercise ( 16 , 17 ).

A highervo₂max可能会减轻疲劳,使您在运动或参加运动时付出更多的努力( 16 ).


Details Time (minutes) 费率(每分钟中风)
Warmup 10 20
Round 1 7 26–28
休息 5 18–20
第2轮 7 26–28
休息 5 18–20
第3轮 7 26–28
Cooldown 10 20
全部的 51 minutes 1,126–1,188 strokes

During rest periods you can row lightly to keep your blood flowing, though you should use this time to prepare yourself for the next set.

Now that you’re advanced, you may need to complete this workout at least 5 days per week to boost your exercise capacity.

Be sure to drink plenty of fluids throughout the workout to stay hydrated.

Methods for increasing intensity


One of the best methods is by using intervals.

For example, interval training may include working at a higher intensity for a given period, followed by a rest period. You then repeat this cycle for a certain number of reps.




Use the beginner, intermediate, and advanced templates above to provide solid rowing workouts. To increase intensity, try using intervals or mixing in other exercises.

A wide variety ofrowing machinesare available on the market.

The most common is the flywheel rower, which uses a fan blade that spins when the oar is pulled to create more resistance the harder you row.


Yet another kind called a magnetic resistance rower has a magnetic brake system that can be adjusted for resistance levels. This type tends to be the quietest.

Lastly, hydraulic rowing machines provide resistance via a piston filled with liquid or air. These tend to be the most compact and affordable, though they may not allow a natural rowing motion.




Many types of rowers exist, all with various pros and cons. Before purchasing, investigate several models to see which will be most fitting for your application.

Rowing is a versatile cardio exercise with several benefits, including improved heart health. In addition, rowing promotes calorie burning that may aid减肥.

If you’re looking to try a new exercise, rowing is a great alternative to跑步and cycling.
