With many schools now closed due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, you may be looking for activities to keep your children active, engaged, and entertained.

Although numerous activities can keep kids busy, cooking is one of the best choices, as it’s both fun and educational.

烹饪可能有助于制定他们的解决问题和手眼协调技巧,增加信心,甚至通过鼓励水果和素食摄入量来提高饮食质量( 1 , 2 , 3 ).

Yet, it’s important to choose age-appropriate recipes and assign kitchen tasks that are safe for your child to tackle.


Here are 15 healthy recipes that you can make with your kids.

Overnight oats are an oatmeal dish that you prepare ahead and refrigerate overnight — with no cooking required.

Not only can pre-making nutritious breakfast options save you time, but choosing dishes that children can make themselves may also help your kids get excited about preparing healthy food.

过夜燕麦很简单,适合所有年龄段。另外,它们很容易个性化,让孩子们要创造性,并尝试不同的营养密集的浇头berries, nuts, coconut, and seeds.

Try out these easy,孩子批准的食谱with your children. They can participate by measuring, pouring, and chopping ingredients, depending on their age. Let your kids jazz up their oats by choosing toppings of their own.

Most kids love fruit, which is why strawberry and cantaloupe yogurt pops make a perfect snack.

草莓和甜瓜都装满了纤维,维生素C和叶酸,这是一种对增长和发展很重要的生物蛋白( 4 , 5 , 6 ).

Dipping fruit inprotein-packed yogurt营养含量并提升丰满感。

This easy recipeis appropriate for children of all ages. Kids can cut the fruit, dip it in the yogurt, and slide the fruit onto popsicle sticks, depending on their age.

Many banana bread recipes require multiple steps that can leave your kitchen a mess.

Notably,this healthy reciperequires just one bowl and is kid-friendly.


Plus, the dark chocolate chips andbanana给这个面包一丝甜味。

Have your children mash the bananas, measure ingredients, and fold the chocolate chips into the batter. Once it’s out of the oven, they can top their slices with nut butter for a boost of protein.

Ants on a log, which combines crunchy celery, smooth or chunky nut butter, and sweet, chewy raisins, is a classic snack for many kids.

All you need are those three basic ingredients, though you can also spice things up. Let your kids get involved by spreading their favorite nut butter onto the celery and sprinkling fun toppings, such as chocolate chips,granola, and fresh or dried fruit, onto the “logs.”

If your child has a nut allergy, you can fill the celery with cottage cheese, cream cheese, or even mashed avocado for a more savory twist.

This recipeoffers many variations of ants on a log sure to please even the pickiest of eaters.

Avocados最健康的食物之一,你可以吗eat. They’re an excellent source of healthy fats, fiber, and micronutrients like potassium, folate, and vitamins C and E ( 7 ).

Plus, their smooth, creamy texture can be a hit with kids, especially when made into guacamole and paired with tortilla chips or veggie sticks.

Guacamole is a breeze to make and can be modified depending on your child’s tastes. For example, you can add veggies like onions and tomatoes to the mix, as well as fresh herbs like cilantro.

Kids can have a blast mashing the avocados with a handheld masher or old-fashioned mortar and pestle.

Here’s akid-friendly guacamole recipethat your whole family will love.

This mini eggplant pizza recipeis ideal for kids and parents alike.

It uses eggplant instead of pizza dough for the base, which can help increase your child’s vegetable intake.

Kids of all ages can participate by spreading tomato sauce on the茄子回合并用奶酪浇头。更冒险的食物可以尝试不同的橄榄或凤尾鱼。

Smoothies are an excellent way to introduce more fruits, veggies, and other healthy ingredients into your child’s diet.

This green smoothie recipeis naturally sweetened with frozen fruit and contains a healthy dose of fat and protein from nutritious additions like Greek yogurt and avocado.

Plus, the新鲜的绿色give this smoothie an enticing hue.

Your kids can help by washing and chopping the ingredients and adding them to the blender.


The translucent rice paper used to prepare spring rolls allows the colorful ingredients inside to shine through, providing a visually appealing meal or snack for kids. Plus, spring rolls are easy to make and highly versatile.

Your kids can help by using a spiralizer to create long, thin strands of veggies, layering ingredients in the rice paper shells, and mixing tasty dipping sauces.

Carrots,zucchini, and cucumbers make good choices for spiralizing. If you desire, you can add protein sources like chicken or shrimp to make the rolls more filling.

Here’s akid-friendly spring roll recipe.

If you’re looking for a sweet treat for your kids that isn’t packed with added sugar and artificial ingredients, trythis chocolate chip cookie dough bite recipe.

It’s loaded with healthy ingredients like almond butter,coconut milk, and raisins and sweetened with honey and dark chocolate chips.


This scrumptious recipe使用的材料像杏仁粉,鸡蛋,蜂蜜,一个pples, and coconut oil to create a sweet yet nutrient-dense, snack-size treat.

虽然大多数甜点依赖于精致的成分,如白面粉和vegetable oil, these mini apple pies are much more wholesome.

Kids can pitch in by rolling the dough into individual balls, stirring the ingredients, and assembling the pie jars.

Kids can learn a lot about cooking by making omelets. Plus, they’re customizable and packed with nutrients that are essential for growth.

例如,鸡蛋通常被认为是nature’s multivitamin因为他们拥有许多维生素和矿物质,包括胆碱,铁和维生素A,B12和E,所有这些都对儿童的健康至关重要( 8 ).


What’s more, kids are likely to enjoy cracking the eggs, whisking the ingredients, and frying their creation on the stove. Older children can even be tasked with making their own omelets from start to finish.

Check outthis veggie omelet recipeto get some ideas.

Some popular snacks marketed to kids, such as cheesy crackers, areloaded with additiveslike unhealthy oils, preservatives, and artificial flavors and colors ( 9 ).

Nonetheless, you and your kids can make healthy snack alternatives at home using simple, nutritious ingredients.

This recipefor cheesy crackers uses just four ingredients, including real Cheddar cheese and whole grain flour. Your kids can cut the dough into fun shapes before you bake them.

Making colorful salad jars with your kids is an excellent way to motivate children toeat more veggies.

If your child is a picky eater, making vegetables more visually appealing and giving your kid frequent chances to try them may promote their veggie intake ( 10 ).

Furthermore, research shows that kids prefer sweet veggies over bitter ones, so mixing both sweet and bitter types into one dish may diversify your child’s diet ( 11 ).


Bitter veggies include kale, arugula, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and broccoli, while sweet varieties include carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash, peas, and corn.

Check outthis fun recipefor colorful salad jars.

Many ice cream and yogurt pops are packed withadded sugarand artificial colorings and sweeteners. Since these ingredients should be limited in children’s diets, consider ditching the store-bought ones and have your kids help make nutrient-dense, homemade yogurt pops.

This recipefor frozen yogurt pops uses protein-packed yogurt and is naturally sweetened with frozen fruit and a bit of honey.

Kids can help by gathering the ingredients, pouring the fruit and yogurt purée into paper cupcake liners, and slotting the tray into your freezer.

Sweet potatoes are a favorite veggie of many kids because of their pleasant taste and bright color. They’re also highly nutritious, offering ample beta carotene, fiber, and vitamin C ( 12 ).

To make nutrient-dense nachos, replace the regular corn chips withsweet potatoes.

Kids can layer on healthy toppings of their choice, such as salsa, cheese, black beans, and peppers.

Here’s a child-friendly recipefor sweet potato nachos.

与孩子们烹饪不仅让他们忙碌,还教导他们烹饪技巧,甚至鼓励他们尝试新的,healthy foods.

Try involving your kids in some of the recipes above to get them inspired in the kitchen and makingdelicious snacksand meals.