
As a result, a larger selection of plant-based options have become noticeable at grocery stores, restaurants, public events, and fast food chains.



The term “vegan” was created in 1944 by Donald Watson — an English animal rights advocate and founder of The Vegan Society — to describe a person who avoids using animals for ethical reasons.Veganismrefers to the practice of being vegan ( 1 ).

Veganism expanded to include a diet that excluded animal-derived foods, such as eggs, meat, fish, poultry, cheese, and other dairy products. Instead, a vegan diet includes plant foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes.

Over time, veganism grew into a movement based not only on ethics and animal welfare but also environmental and health concerns, which have been validated by research ( 2 , 3 ).

People have become more aware of the negative effects of modern animal agriculture on the planet, as well as the potential negative health effects of eating a diet high inprocessed meatand choosing saturated over unsaturated fats ( 4 , 5 , 6 ).

In the 1980s, Dr. T. Colin Campbell introduced the world of nutrition science to the term “plant-based diet” to define a low fat, high fiber, vegetable-based diet that focused on health and not ethics.

Today, surveys indicate that approximately 2% of Americans consider themselves vegan, the majority of whom fall into the Millennial generation ( 7 ).

What’s more, many people don’t label themselves as being plant-based or vegan but are interested in reducing their animal consumption and trying foods that are popular on a plant-based or vegan diet.



Although a number of definitions are circulating, most people agree upon some specific differences between the terms “plant-based” and “vegan.”



Many people use the term “plant-based” to indicate that they eat a diet that either entirely or mostly comprises plant foods. However, some people may call themselves plant-based and still eat certain animal-derived products.

Others use the term “whole foods, plant-based”将他们的饮食描述为由原始或最少加工的大部分植物食品组成( 8 ).

Someone on a whole foods, plant-based diet will also avoid oils and processed grains, whereas these foods may be consumed on a vegan or otherwise plant-based diet.

The “whole foods” part is an important distinction, as so many processed vegan foods exist. For instance, certain varieties of boxed mac and cheese, hot dogs, cheese slices, bacon, and even “chicken” nuggets are vegan, but they would not fit on a whole foods, plant-based diet.


Being vegan reaches beyond diet and also describes the lifestyle that one chooses to lead on a daily basis.



这通常包括服装,个人护理产品,鞋子,配件和家庭用品。对于某些素食主义者,这也可能意味着避免药物或immunizationsthat use animal byproducts or have been tested on animals.



It’s possible to be both plant-based and vegan, as these terms are not meant to divide people based on the lifestyle they choose.


On the other hand, some people may start out eating a whole foods, plant-based diet and then decide to expand into veganism by aligning the rest of their lifestyle, avoiding animal products in other non-food areas as well.




“基于植物的”通常是指主要基于植物食品的饮食的人,而不受动物衍生产品的限制。全食,基于植物的饮食意味着and processed packaged foods are likewise excluded.

The term “vegan” extends to one’s lifestyle choices beyond diet alone. A vegan lifestyle aims to avoid causing harm to animals in any way, including through products used or purchased.

