Magnesium deficiency, also known as hypomagnesemia, is an often overlooked health problem.

虽然估计不到2%的美国人会遭受镁缺乏症,但一项研究表明,多达75%的美国人不符合他们的建议摄入量( 1 )。

In some cases, deficiency may be underdiagnosed since the obvious signs commonly don’t appear until your levels become severely low.

The causes of magnesium deficiency vary. They range from inadequate dietary intake to loss of magnesium from the body ( 2 )。

Health problems associated with magnesium loss include diabetes, poor absorption, chronic diarrhea, celiac disease and hungry bone syndrome. People with alcoholism are also at an increased risk ( 3 , 4 )。


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Twitches, tremors and muscle cramps are signs of magnesium deficiency. In worst case scenarios, deficiency may even cause seizures or convulsions ( 5 , 6 )。

Scientists believe these symptoms are caused by a greater flow of calcium into nerve cells, which overexcites or hyperstimulates the muscle nerves ( 7 )。

While supplements may help relieve muscle twitches and cramps in individuals with a deficiency, one review concluded that补充剂不是老年人肌肉痉挛的有效治疗方法。其他群体需要进一步研究( 8 )。



While occasional twitches are normal, you should see your doctor if your symptoms persist.


Common signs of magnesium deficiency include muscle twitches, tremors, and cramps. However, supplements are unlikely to reduce these symptoms in older adults or people who aren’t deficient.

Mental health disorders are another possible consequence of magnesium deficiency.

这些包括冷漠,其特征是精神麻木或缺乏情感。恶化的不足甚至可能导致ir妄和昏迷( 5 )。

Additionally, observational studies have associated low magnesium levels with an increased risk of depression ( 9 )。

Scientists have also speculated that magnesium deficiency might promote anxiety, but direct evidence is lacking ( 10 )。

一项审查得出的结论是,镁补充剂可能会受益于焦虑疾病,但证据的质量很差。在得出任何结论之前,需要更高质量的研究( 11 )。

In short, it seems that a lack of magnesium may cause nerve dysfunction and promote mental health conditions in some people.


Magnesium deficiency may cause mental numbness, lack of emotion, delirium, and even coma. Scientists have suggested that deficiency may also cause anxiety, but no strong evidence supports this idea.

Osteoporosis is a disorder characterized by weak bones and an increased risk of断裂。

Numerous factors influence the risk of developing osteoporosis. These include:

  • aging
  • lack of exercise
  • 维生素D和K的饮食摄入量不佳。

Interestingly, magnesium deficiency is also a risk factor for osteoporosis. Deficiency might weaken bones directly, but it also lowers the blood levels of calcium, the main building block of bones ( 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 )。

Studies in rats confirm that dietary magnesium depletion results in reduced bone mass. Although no such experiments have been done involving humans, studies have associated poor magnesium intake with lower bone mineral density ( 16 , 17 )。





Since fatigue is a nonspecific symptom, its cause is impossible to identify unless it is accompanied by other symptoms.

Another more specific sign of magnesium deficiency is muscle weakness, also known as myasthenia ( 18 )。

科学家认为,弱点是由于肌肉细胞中钾的损失引起的,这种疾病与镁缺乏有关( 19 , 20 )。

Therefore, magnesium deficiency is one possible cause of fatigue or weakness.



Animal studies show that magnesium deficiency may increase blood pressure and promote high blood pressure, which is a strong risk factor for heart disease ( 21 , 22 )。

While direct evidence is lacking in humans, several observational studies suggest that low magnesium levels or poor dietary intake may raise blood pressure ( 23 , 24 , 25 )。

The strongest evidence for the benefits of magnesium comes from controlled studies.

几项评论得出结论,镁补充剂可能降低血压,尤其是在高血压的成年人中( 26 , 27 , 28 )。

Put simply, magnesium deficiency may increase blood pressure, which, in turn, increases the risk of heart disease. Nevertheless, more studies are needed before its role can be fully understood.


Evidence suggests magnesium deficiency may raise blood pressure. Additionally, supplements may benefit people with high blood pressure.

Magnesium deficiency is sometimes seen in people with severe asthma ( 29 )。

Additionally, magnesium levels tend to be lower in individuals with asthma than in people who do not have the condition ( 30 , 31 )。

Researchers believe a lack of magnesium may cause the buildup of calcium in the muscles lining the airways of the lungs. This causes the airways to constrict, making breathing more difficult ( 7 , 32 )。

有趣的是,有时会给患有严重哮喘患者的硫酸镁吸入器,以帮助放松和扩大气道。对于患有生命危险症状的人,注射是首选的分娩方法( 33 , 34 )。

However, evidence for the effectiveness of dietary magnesium supplements in individuals with asthma is inconsistent ( 35 , 36 , 37 )。

In short, scientists believe severe asthma may be a symptom of magnesium deficiency in some people, but further studies are needed to investigate its role.


Magnesium deficiency has been associated with severe asthma. However, its role in the development of asthma is not entirely understood.

Heart arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat, is among the most serious symptoms of magnesium deficiency ( 38 )。

The symptoms of arrhythmia are mild in most cases. Often, it has no symptoms at all. However, in some people, it may cause heart palpitations, which are pauses between heartbeats.


  • 头晕
  • shortness of breath
  • chest pain
  • fainting

In the most severe cases, arrhythmia may increase the risk of stroke or heart failure.

Scientists believe that an imbalance of potassium levels inside and outside of heart muscle cells may be to blame, a condition associated with magnesium deficiency ( 39 , 40 )。

Some people with congestive heart failure and arrhythmia have been shown to have lower magnesium levels than people who don’t have the condition.

治疗镁注射量的人显着改善了其心脏功能( 41 )。

镁补充剂还可能有助于减轻某些心律不齐的人的症状( 42 )。


One of the symptoms of magnesium deficiency is heart arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat, which may increase the risk of more serious complications, such as a stroke or heart failure.

The table below shows the recommended daily allowance (RDA) or adequate intake (AI) for men and women in the United States ( 43 )。

年龄 Male Female Pregnancy 哺乳
Birth to 6 months 30 mg* 30 mg*
7–12 months 75 mg* 75 mg*
1 - 3年 80 mg 80 mg
4–8 years 130 mg 130 mg
9–13 years 240 mg 240 mg
14 - 18年 410毫克 360 mg 400 mg 360 mg
19–30 years 400 mg 310毫克 350毫克 310毫克
31–50 years 420 mg 320 mg 360 mg 320 mg
51+ years 420 mg 320 mg

*Adequate intake

Although many people don’t reach the RDA for magnesium, there are plenty of magnesium-rich foods to choose from.

It is widely found in both plants and animal-sourced foods. The richest sources are seeds and nuts, but whole grains, beans, and leafy green vegetables are also relatively rich sources.


  • 杏仁:286 mg
  • pumpkin seeds:535 mg
  • dark chocolate:152毫克
  • peanuts:168 mg
  • 爆米花:144毫克



  • flaxseeds
  • 葵花籽
  • chia seeds
  • cocoa
  • 咖啡
  • 腰果
  • hazelnuts
  • oats

Magnesium is also added to many breakfast cereals and other processed foods.




Seeds, nuts, cocoa, beans, and whole grains are great sources of magnesium. For optimal health, try to eat magnesium-rich foods every day.

Magnesium deficiency is a widespread health problem.

一些研究表明,有75%的美国人不符合其对镁的饮食要求( 1 )。However, true deficiency is much less common — less than 2%, according to one estimate (45)。

The symptoms of magnesium deficiency are usually subtle unless your levels become severely low.

Deficiency may cause:

  • 疲劳
  • muscle cramps
  • mental health conditions
  • 心律不齐
  • osteoporosis

If you believe you may have a magnesium deficiency, your suspicions can be confirmed with a simple blood test. You should speak with your doctor to rule out other possible health problems.

Whatever the outcome, try to regularly eat plenty of magnesium-rich whole foods, such as nuts, seeds, grains, or beans.

These foods are also high in other healthy nutrients. Including them in your diet not only lowers your risk for magnesium deficiency, but it also supports your overall health.