
The most researched benefit of lutein is related to eye health, but it has also been linked to heart health, improved cognitive function, and reduced risk of certain types of cancer.

This article explores everything you need to know about lutein, including food sources of it, supplements, health benefits, and potential risks.

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Christine Han/Stocksy United

叶黄素是荧光素,或含氧类胡萝卜素。Carotenoidsare responsible for the naturally occurring yellow, orange, and red pigments found in foods. They are considered an essential nutrient — since our bodies can’t make them, we must get them through food ( 1 ).


叶黄素在眼睛的视网膜中发现,以及另一种曲黄素,玉米黄蛋白。因为发现这些类胡萝卜素浓缩在眼睛的后面,所以它们被称为黄斑颜料,并且可能有利于眼睛健康( 1 ).

Lutein has antioxidant properties that may also play a role in cognitive function,心脏健康,并且预防一些癌症,虽然需要更多的研究( 1 ).


The Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) is an often-cited study on lutein and eye health. Researchers looked at specific formulations of supplements and their impact on age-relatedmacular degeneration(AMD).

A supplement containing lutein and zeaxanthin reduced the occurrence of advanced AMD by 25% over 5 years in people who already had AMD. In people without AMD, the supplement did not prevent or treat the condition ( 2 ).

Β-胡萝卜素, another carotenoid linked to eye health, was originally used in the supplement but was found to increase the risk of lung cancer in people who smoke.

Swapping out beta carotene for lutein and zeaxanthin was just as beneficial for eye health and did not increase lung cancer risk ( 2 , 3 ).


叶黄素具有抗氧化性能,研究发现它在预防这些眼部条件下显着有效( 4 , 5 , 6 ).

此外,研究表明,叶氏素对婴儿在怀孕期间的眼睛发育以及整个寿命的视觉,尽管需要更多的研究来确定孕妇和母乳喂养女性的最佳剂量( 7 ).

最后,叶黄素可能是对干眼的有效治疗,但需要更多的研究( 8 ).

Heart health

叶黄素的高膳食摄入量,以及高水平的循环叶黄素,与更好的心脏健康有关( 9 ).

One study associated lutein and zeaxanthin with improvements in clinical markers in patients with heart disease. Researchers believe the anti-inflammatory properties were beneficial and suggest continued research in this area ( 10 ).

另一项研究发现,每天的年代upplementation of 20 mg of lutein for 3 months was associated with a decrease incholesterol和triglyceride levels, both of which are known risk factors for heart disease ( 11 ).

然而,整体混合了对叶黄素和心脏健康的研究,一些研究发现没有任何相关性。需要更多的研究,特别是在人类中,以确定叶黄素在心脏健康中的作用( 3 , 12 ).


叶黄素以及其他类胡萝卜素可以改善癌症预后( 13 ).

One study found that a high intake of lutein, along with other nutrients found infruits和蔬菜,与胰腺癌的风险降低有关( 14 ).

Additionally, lutein, along with other carotenoids, may be protective against breast cancer as well as head and neck cancer ( 15 , 16 , 17 ).

Overall, research on lutein and its benefits relating to cancer is promising but not definitive, and more human studies are needed ( 18 ).


Research indicates that a high dietary intake and high circulating levels of lutein are associated with both更好的认知性能和增强的内存( 19 , 20 , 21 ).

One study found that a daily supplement including 10 mg of lutein along with zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin was effective in improving memory over the course of 1 year ( 22 ).

Carotenoids也可能在预防神经变性疾病方面发挥保护作用,这意味着它们可能有助于促进年龄较大的脑部健康,尽管研究仍然混合( 3 , 23 ).

Lutein is generally found indark, leafy green vegetables和yellow-pigmented foods. Because it’s a fat-soluble nutrient, you need to consume some fat to absorb the lutein you eat.

Some lutein-rich food sources are ( 6 ):

  • 蛋黄(最容易吸收的来源,由于它们的脂肪含量)
  • 罗勒
  • parsley
  • dark leafy green vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli, and lettuce
  • yellow corn
  • red grapes
  • 硬质小麦
  • 豌豆


典型的饮食每天含有1-3毫克的叶黄素,但大多数益处已经显示为每天6毫克,这可以通过消耗叶黄素的食物来源来实现( 6 ).

Most补充contain 20 mg or more, which is much higher than the amount needed to get the benefits of lutein. However, most studies on lutein have used doses from 10–40 mg per day and have not found any adverse effects ( 5 ).

Lutein is categorized as Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS), meaning that research has not found a significant link between regular lutein consumption and adverse side effects.


虽然没有发现这些研究的结果是显着的,但需要更多的研究来确认叶黄素如叶绿素等叶绿素的安全性和最佳的剂量( 5 , 24 , 25 ).

Before adding lutein supplements to your diet, it’s a good idea to talk with your doctor.


However, while some of the research is promising, most if it is not definitive and more studies are needed to confirm some of these benefits.
