Leeks belong to the same family as onions, shallots, scallions, chives, and garlic.


Leeks are usually cultivated, but wild varieties, such as the North American wild leek — also known as ramps — are gaining popularity.

Ramps are popular with foragers and top chefs alike due to their potent flavor, which is a cross between garlic, scallions, and commercially grown leeks.


Here are 10 health benefits of leeks and wild ramps.


Leeks are nutrient-dense, meaning that they’re low in calories yet high in vitamins and minerals.

一箱3.5盎司(100克)的煮熟的韭菜用31个卡路里( 1 ).

At the same time, they’re particularly high in provitamin A carotenoids, including beta carotene. Your body converts these carotenoids intovitamin A那which is important for vision, immune function, reproduction, and cell communication ( 2 ).

They’re also a good source of vitamin K1, which is necessary for blood clotting and heart health ( 3. ).

Meanwhile, wild ramps are particularly rich in vitamin C, which aids immune health, tissue repair, iron absorption, and collagen production. In fact, they offer around twice as much vitamin C as the same quantity of oranges (4. 5. ).

韭菜也是一个很好的来源那which may help reduce premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms and promote thyroid health. What’s more, they provide small amounts of copper, vitamin B6, iron, and folate ( 6. 7. 8. ).



Leeks are a rich source of antioxidants, particularly polyphenols and sulfur compounds.

抗氧化剂fight oxidation, which damages your cells and contributes to illnesses like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

韭菜是Kaempferol的一种特别重要的来源,一种多酚抗氧化剂思想,以防止心脏病和某些类型的癌症(9. 10. 11. ).

它们同样是含有含有含有含量的伟大来源,具有相同的有益硫化合物garlic其抗微生物,胆固醇降低和潜在的抗癌特性( 12. 13. ).

Meanwhile, wild ramps are rich in thiosulfinates and cepaenes, two sulfur compounds needed for blood clotting and thought to protect against certain types of cancer ( 14. 15. 16.).

SummaryLeeks are rich in antioxidants and sulfur compounds, especially kaempferol and allicin. These are thought to protect your body from disease.

3.。May reduce inflammation and promote heart health

韭菜是葱花,包括洋葱和大蒜的一家蔬菜。几项研究将Alliums联系起来较低的心脏病和中风的风险( 17. ).

While most of these studies have tested onions or garlic, leeks contain several beneficial compounds thought to降低炎症and protect heart health (18.).

例如,韭菜中的Kaempferol具有抗炎性质。Kaemfferolol富含食物与心脏病患病或死亡的风险较低( 10. ).

Moreover, leeks are a good source of allicin and other thiosulfinates, which are sulfur compounds that may benefitheart health通过减少胆固醇,血压和血栓形成( 13. 15. 19. 20. ).

SummaryLeeks contain heart-healthy plant compounds shown to reduce inflammation, cholesterol, blood pressure, the formation of blood clots, and your overall risk of heart disease.

4.。May aid weight loss


At 31 calories per 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of cooked leaks, this vegetable hasvery few calories每个部分。

What’s more, leeks are a good source of water and fiber, which may prevent hunger, promote feelings of fullness, and help you naturally eat less ( 21. ).

They also provide soluble fiber, which forms a gel in your gut and is particularly effective atreducing hunger and appetite 22. ).

Additionally, research consistently links diets rich in vegetables to weight loss or reduced weight gain over time. Adding leeks or wild ramps to your diet can boost your overall vegetable intake, which may increase this effect ( 23. 24. ).

SummaryThe fiber and water in leeks can promote fullness and prevent hunger, which may aid weight loss. Furthermore, this vegetable is very low in calories.


Leeks boast an array of cancer-fighting compounds.

For instance, the kaempferol in leeks is linked to a lower risk of chronic diseases, especially cancer. Test-tube research shows that kaempferol mayfight cancerby reducing inflammation, killing cancer cells, and preventing these cells from spreading ( 11. 25. ).


Animal studies reveal that ramps grown in富硒浓缩soil may help lower cancer rates in rats ( 27. ).

更重要的是,人类的研究表明,那些经常消耗包括韭菜,包括韭菜的人可能会降低胃癌风险低46%,而且那些很少吃它们的人( 28. ).

Similarly, high intake of alliums may be linked to a lower risk of colorectal cancer ( 29. 30. ).

请记住,年代之前还需要做更多的研究trong conclusions can be made.

SummarySome studies suggest that leek compounds may fight cancer and that high intake of alliums, including leeks and wild ramps, may lower your risk of this disease. Still, more studies are needed.



这是部分原因是它们是可溶性纤维的来源,包括益生元,工作要保持肠道健康( 31. ).

然后这些细菌产生短链脂肪酸(SCFA),如醋酸盐,丙酸盐和丁酸盐。SCFA可以减少炎症并加强你的肠道健康状况( 32. 33. ).

研究表明,富含益生菌的饮食可能有助于您的身体对重要营养素的吸收,这可以提高您的整体健康状况( 34. ).



Although leeks aren’t studied as rigorously as onions and garlic, emerging research suggests that they may offer additional benefits.

  1. 可能降低血糖水平。The sulfur compounds in alliums have been shown to effectivelylower blood sugar levels 35 ).
  2. 可以促进脑功能。These sulfur compounds may also保护你的大脑from age-related mental decline and disease ( 35 ).
  3. May fight infections.动物的研究表明,在韭菜中存在的kaempferol可以保护细菌,病毒和酵母感染( 10. ).


Summary韭菜5月help lower blood sugar levels, promote brain function, and fight infections. However, more research is needed to confirm these benefits.


Leeks make a delicious, nutritious, and versatile addition to any diet.

To prepare them, cut the roots and dark green ends off, keeping only the white and light green parts.


Leeks can be eaten生的,但你也可以偷猎,炒,烤,炖,煮沸或腌制它们。

他们为汤,蘸酱,炖菜,炸玉米饼馅,沙拉,疥疮,炒菜,和土豆盘。You can also eat them on your own.

You can refrigerate raw leeks for about a week and cooked ones for around two days.

Unlike cultivated leeks, wild ramps are incredibly pungent. Just a small amount of ramps can add a burst of strong, garlic-like flavor to your favorite dish.


The bottom line

韭菜和野生坡道具有各种营养素和有益的化合物,可能改善您的消化,促进weight loss那reduce inflammation, fight heart disease, and combat cancer.

In addition, they may lower blood sugar levels, protect your brain, and fight infections.

These alliums, which are closely related to garlic and洋葱那make great additions to a healthy diet.