Many people feel an urgent need to reduce their impact on the earth because of the catastrophic effects of climate change and resource extraction.

One strategy is to lower your carbon footprint, which is a measure of your total greenhouse gas emissions not just from driving vehicles or using electricity but also lifestyle choices, such as the clothes you wear and food you eat.


事实上,一些研究表明,将韦斯tern diet to more sustainable eating patterns could slash greenhouse gas emissions by 70% and water use by 50% ( 1 ).

Here are 9 simple ways to minimize your carbon footprint through dietary and lifestyle choices.

Food waste is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. That’s because food that’s thrown away decomposes in landfills and emits methane, a particularly potent greenhouse gas ( 2 ,3,4).

Over a 100-year period, methane is estimated to have 34 times the impact as carbon dioxide on global warming (5,6).

It’s currently estimated that each person on the planet wastes a staggering 428–858 pounds (194–389 kg) of food per year, on average ( 7 ).

Reducing food wasteis one of the easiest ways to decrease your carbon footprint. Planning meals ahead of time, saving leftovers, and buying only what you need go a long way towards saving food.


Plastic wrapping, plastic bags, and plastic storage containers are commonly used by consumers and the food industry alike to pack, ship, store, and transport food.

Yet, single-use plastic is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions ( 8 ,9).


  • Forego plastic bags and plastic wrap when purchasing fresh produce.
  • 带上你自己的购物袋去商店。
  • Drink fromreusable water bottles— and don’t buy bottled water.
  • Store food in glass containers.
  • 购买较少的外卖食品,因为它经常包装在泡沫聚苯乙烯或塑料中。

研究表明,减少肉类摄入是降低碳足迹的最佳方法之一( 1 , 10 ).

在16,800名美国人的研究中,释放最多温室气体的饮食最高from beef, veal, pork, and other ruminants. Meanwhile, the diets lowest in greenhouse gas emissions were also lowest in meat ( 10 ).

Studies from around the world support these findings ( 11 , 12 , 13 ).

This is because the emissions from livestock production — especially beef and dairy cattle — represent 14.5% of the globe’s human-induced greenhouse gas emissions (14).

You can try limiting your meat dishes to one meal per day, going meat-free one day per week, or testing outvegetarian or veganlifestyles.

Eating more plant-based protein can dramatically cut your greenhouse gas emissions.

In one study, people with the lowest greenhouse gas emissions had the highest intake ofplant-based proteins, including legumes, nuts, and seeds — and the lowest intake of animal proteins ( 10 ).


One study in 55,504 people found that people who ate medium amounts of meat per day — 1.8–3.5 ounces (50–100 grams) — had a significantly lower carbon footprint than those who ate more than 3.5 ounces (100 grams) per day ( 15 ).

For reference, a serving of meat is around 3 ounces (85 grams). If you regularly eat more than that each day, try swapping in more plant-based proteins, such as beans,tofu, nuts, and seeds.

Cutting back on dairy products, including milk and cheese, is another way to reduce your carbon footprint.

One study in 2,101 Dutch adults revealed that dairy products were the second largest contributor to individual greenhouse gas emissions — behind only meat ( 16 ).

Other studies likewise conclude that dairy production is a major contributor to climate change. Dairy cattle and their manure emit greenhouse gasses like methane, carbon dioxide, nitric oxide, and ammonia ( 1 , 10 , 17 , 18 , 19 ).

In fact, becausecheesetakes so much milk to produce, it’s associated with greater greenhouse gas emissions than animal products like pork, eggs, and chicken ( 20 ).

首先,尝试少吃奶酪,并用plant-based alternativeslike almond or soy milk.

Eating more fiber-rich foods not only improves your health but may also reduce your carbon footprint.

A study in 16,800 Americans found that the diets lowest in greenhouse gas emissions were high infiber-rich plant foodsand low in saturated fats and sodium ( 10 ).

These foods may help keep you full, naturally limiting your intake of items with a heavy carbon load.

Plus, adding more fiber to your diet may improve your digestive health, help balance yourgut bacteria, promote weight loss, and protect against illnesses like heart disease, colorectal cancer, and diabetes ( 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 ).

Growing your own produce in a community garden or your backyard is associated with numerous benefits, includingreduced stress, better diet quality, and improved emotional wellbeing ( 26 ).

Cultivating a plot of land, no matter the size, can reduce your carbon footprint as well.

That’s because growing fruits and vegetables reduces your use of plastic packaging and your dependency on produce transported long distances ( 27 ).

练习organic farming methods, recycling rainwater, and composting may further reduce your environmental impact ( 28 , 29 , 30 ).

Eating more calories than your body needs may promote weight gain and related illnesses. What’s more, it’s linked to higher greenhouse gas emissions ( 31 ).

A study in 3,818 Dutch people demonstrated that those with higher greenhouse gas emissions consumed more calories from food and beverages than those who had low greenhouse-gas-emitting diets ( 32 ).

Likewise, a study in 16,800 Americans noted that those with the highest greenhouse gas emissions consumed 2.5 times more calories than people with the lowest emissions ( 10 ).

Keep in mind that this only applies to people who areovereating, not to those who are eating enough calories to maintain a healthy body weight.

Your calorie needs depend on your height, age, and activity level. If you’re unsure whether you’re consuming too many calories, consult a dietitian or healthcare professional.

Some options toreduce your calorie intakeinclude cutting out nutrient-poor, calorie-rich foods like candy, soda, fast food, and baked goods.

Supporting local farmers is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. Buying locally lowers your dependence on food transported vast distances and may increase your intake of freshfruits和蔬菜,有助于抵消碳排放。

Eating seasonal foods and supporting organic growers are additional ways to minimize your footprint. That’s because food produced out of season is typically imported or takes more energy to grow due to the need for heated greenhouses ( 33 ).

此外,改用本地生产的动物产品,例如eggs, poultry, and dairy can slash your carbon footprint.

You may likewise gain a greater appreciation for the unique foods native to your region.

Revolutionizing your diet is an excellent way to reduce your carbon footprint that canboost your healthas well.

By making simple changes like eating fewer animal products, using less plastic, eating more新鲜农产品, and decreasing your food waste, you can cut your personal greenhouse gas emissions significantly.

Keep in mind that efforts that seem small can make a big difference. You can even bring your neighbors and friends along for the ride.