
Consumingsoda,甜甜圈和其他垃圾食品最初可能会帮助您增加体重,但它可以增加您患心脏病,糖尿病和癌症的风险( 1 ,,,, 2 ,,,, 3 )。

A healthier approach to gaining weight involves gaining a balanced amount of肌肉质量and subcutaneous fat rather than a lot of unhealthy belly fat ( 4 )。

A recent animal study suggests that belly fat specifically may be correlated with increased cancer risk ( 5 )。

大部分的体内脂肪也增加了您患2型糖尿病和其他健康问题的机会,即使您没有超重 6 ,,,, 7 )。

To gain weight healthily, focus on eating more nutrient-dense foods and living an overall健康的生活方式that involves exercising, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress, if you can.




While about 74 percent of adults in the U.S. are either overweight or obese, there are also many people with the opposite problem of being underweight ( 8 ,,,, 9 )。

Some individuals may be naturally underweight due to genetics or a快速代谢。Being underweight may also be indicative of poor nutrition or underlying health conditions ( 9 )。



Being underweight is defined as having abody mass index(BMI)低于18.5。据估计,这远小于维持最佳健康所需的体重( 10 )。

您可以使用 this calculator 查看您在BMI量表上适合的位置。

However, keep in mind that there are many problems with the BMI scale, which only looks at weight and height. It does not take muscle mass into account.


根据疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)的数据,与男性相比,体重不足的年龄大约是女性的两倍。在一项美国调查中,将参与者分为男性和女性,男性中有1.3%和20岁以上的女性体重不足( 9 )。


Being underweight is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) below 18.5. It’s more common in women.


One study found that clinically underweight individuals have nearly two times the risk of death compared to obese individuals, suggesting that being underweight may be worse for your health than being obese (11)。

Additionally, another study found that self-reported health outcomes fell significantly in underweight individuals after the age of 38, indicating that a low BMI later in life may come with increased health risks ( 12 )。

体重不足会损害您的免疫功能,增加感染风险,导致骨质疏松症和骨折并引起生育问题(13,,,,14,,,, 15 ,,,, 16 )。

更重要的是,体重不足的人更有可能获得肌肉减少症(与年龄有关的肌肉浪费),可能面临更大的痴呆风险(17,,,, 18 )。

对于儿童,它也可以导致增长和发展问题( 19 )。




  • 饮食失调:这包括anorexia nervosa,,,,a serious mental health disorder ( 20 )。
  • 甲状腺问题:过度活跃的甲状腺(甲状腺功能亢进)可以增强新陈代谢并导致不健康的体重减轻( 21 )。
  • 乳糜泻:最严重的形式gluten intolerance。Overall, the incidence of celiac disease has risen throughout the 20th and 21st centuries ( 22 )。
  • Diabetes:患有不受控制的糖尿病(主要是1型)会导致严重的体重减轻( 23 )。
  • 癌症:Cancer can cause the body to be in a hypercatabolic state, which leads to increased energy being used. It can cause someone to lose a lot of weight but the severity and weight loss can depend on the type of cancer and the age of the person. ( 24 ,,,, 25 )。
  • Infections:Certain infections can cause someone to become severely underweight. This can include parasites, tuberculosis, and HIV infection ( 26 ,,,, 27 ,,,, 28 )。

If you’re underweight, you may want to make an appointment with a doctor to rule out any serious medical conditions.

This is particularly important if you have recently started losing large amounts of weight without trying.


There are several medical conditions that can cause unhealthy weight loss. If you’re underweight, consider making an appointment with a doctor to rule out a serious health problem.


Below, we’ve outlined several different ways to help you gain weight.

Increase your caloric intake

The most important thing you can do to gain weight is to create a calorie surplus, meaning you eat more calories than your body needs.

You can determine your calorie needs using this卡路里计算器

If you want to gain weight slowly and steadily, aim for 300–500 calories more than you burn each day according to the calculator. If you want to gain weight fast, aim for around 700–1,000 calories above your maintenance level.

Keep in mind that calorie calculators only provide estimates. Your needs may vary by several hundred calories per day, give or take.

You don’t need to count calories for the rest of your life, but it can help to do it for the first few days or weeks to get a feel for how many calories you’re eating. There aremany great tools在那里帮助您。



Increase your protein intake

Adequate consumption of high quality proteins from animal products is essential for optimal growth, development, and human health ( 29 )。

A 2020 study of 23 individuals demonstrated that increasing protein will increase lean muscle mass ( 30 )。

To promote skeletal and muscle growth and physical strength in healthy adults with minimal to intense physical activity, the Recommended Dietary Allowance of protein is between 1.0 to 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day ( 30 )。

Up to 2 grams per kilogram of body weight of protein per day may be safe for healthy adults, with the upper limit at 3.5 grams per kilogram of body weight per day.

High protein foodsinclude meats, fish, eggs, many dairy products, legumes, nuts, and others. Protein supplements like乳清蛋白can also be useful it is difficult for you to get enough protein in your diet.

However, protein may also reduce your hunger and appetite significantly, making it harder to get in enough calories ( 31 )。

Additionally, eating too much protein may also increase your risk of heart disease ( 32 )。



Protein forms the building blocks of your muscles. Eating sufficient protein is required to gain muscle weight in addition to other nutrients.




吃很多high carband高脂食品如果体重增加是您的优先事项。每顿饭时最好吃大量蛋白质,脂肪和碳水化合物。

您可能需要避免饮食计划间歇性禁食。This eating plan can be useful for weight loss and other benefits but can make it much harder to eat enough calories to gain weight ( 33 )。




Increase your intake of energy-dense foods

It’s very important to eat mostly whole foods, like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.


Using plenty ofspices,,,,sauces, and condiments can help with this. The tastier your food is, the easier it may be to eat a lot of it. Toppings may also add additional calories.


这里有一些高能量的食物,可能会帮助你gain weight:

  • Nuts喜欢almonds,,,,walnuts,澳洲坚果和花生
  • 博士ied fruit,包括葡萄干,日期,李子和其他人
  • High fat dairy,,,,such as whole milk, full-fatyogurt,奶酪和奶油
  • 脂肪和油脂喜欢extra virgin olive oil and鳄梨油
  • Grains,包括燕麦和糙米等全谷物
  • Meat,,,,such as chicken, beef, pork, and lamb; you can also choose fattier cuts
  • 块茎,包括土豆,地瓜和山药
  • Other energy-dense foods喜欢黑巧克力,,,,avocados,,,,peanut butter, coconut milk, granola, and trail mix





将高卡路里的摄入量与重型阻力训练结合在一起可能有助于您增加体重( 34 )。



  1. 饭前避免喝水。这可以填补您的胃,使得摄入足够的卡路里变得更加困难( 35 )。
  2. 多吃。尽可能地挤进另外一顿饭或小吃,例如睡前。
  3. 博士ink milk. Drinking whole milk to quench thirst can be a simple way to get in more high quality protein and calories.
  4. 尝试增强体重摇动。如果您的体重遇到困难,请考虑增重粉摇。这些蛋白质,碳水化合物和卡路里非常高。
  5. 使用更大的盘子。如果您想吸收更多卡路里,请考虑使用大盘子,因为较小的盘子会使人们饮食少( 36 )。
  6. 在咖啡中添加奶油。这是添加更多卡路里的简单方法。
  7. Take creatine. The muscle-building supplement肌酸一水合物可以帮助您增加几磅的肌肉体重( 37 )。
  8. Get quality sleep.Sleeping properly对于肌肉生长非常重要( 38 )。
  9. 先吃蛋白质和脂肪来源。如果您的盘子上有多种食物,请首先食用卡路里浓密和蛋白质丰富的食物。吃更高的纤维食品,例如生蔬菜。
  10. Avoid smoking, and if you smoke, consider quitting. Smokers tend to weigh less than non-smokers, and quitting smoking often leads to weight gain ( 39 )。


To gain weight, you’ll likely need to consume additional calories.

You can avoid overeating too much and make sure that the excess calories go to your muscles instead of just your fat cells by starting a resistance training program.

Resistance training, or strength training, includes both bodyweight exercises and free weights. Resistance training leads to muscle hypertrophy, which increases muscle mass ( 34 )。


一项研究发现,在健康成年人中,在耐药训练期间补充蛋白质六周增加了27%( 40 )。



为了最大化肌肉质量,最好专注于有氧运动的阻力训练( 41 )。



Lifting heavy weights and improving your strength through resistance training can help you gain muscle mass.

每天消耗500卡路里的卡路里,一个人可能会在6个月内平均获得约15磅(6.8千克) 42 )。

A more aggressive approach of consuming an additional 1,000 calories per day may allow a weight gain of about 25 pounds (11.4 kg) over 6 months. However, a large portion of this weight gain may be compromised of fat ( 42 )。

It can be very difficult for some people to gain weight, and the amount of time it takes to gain weight will be different for everyone.

那可能是因为您的身体可能会有一定的重量,称为设定点,感觉舒适。理论上是,无论您尝试在设定点(减肥)或超过体重(体重增加)下,您的身体都会通过调节饥饿水平和代谢率而变化( 43 )。

When you eat more calories and gain weight, your body may respond by reducing your appetite and boosting your metabolism. This may be largely mediated by your brain, as well as weight-regulating hormones like瘦素(( 43 )。

However, researchers have not proven or dismissed their theory and more research is still needed ( 43 )。





There are many reasons for wanting to gain weight.




Just one thing
