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Finding a healthy granola bar is no easy feat.

Ideally, a granola bar should be packed with fiber, protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals to act as a healthy snack that keeps hunger at bay between meals.

Yet, in reality, many granola bars are loaded with sugar or highly processed ingredients, which means they end up more like a candy bar than a nutritious snack.

Here are 12 healthy granola bars designed to suit a variety of life stages, dietary needs, and health or fitness goals.

最好的格兰诺拉麦片杆应由整个,最少加工的成分制成,并含量很少added sugaror salt as possible ( 1 ).

Although very few granola bars fit these criteria — including those marketed specifically for kids — the two options below do.

Phyter Plant-Based Bars

这些条是由少数整个成分制成的,包括水果,坚果,oats,,,,and seeds, and provide very little added sugar or salt.

他们有6个口味,从理念et potato and coconut to peanut butter and berries. What’s more, they contain no gluten, soy, eggs, or dairy, which also makes them suitable for kids with allergies to these ingredients.

一个1.8盎司(50克)杆含有190-200卡路里,8–10克脂肪,23-24克碳水化合物和6克蛋白质。它们还包装3–4克纤维,少于10毫克的盐和7-9克糖 - 其中只有4克来自添加的糖(2).

Nākd Bars

Nākd bars are made from fruit, nuts, and spices and harbor no added sugar or syrups and very little added salt. They’re also gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan, and come in 17 distinct flavors, including salted caramel and carrot cake.

One 1.3-ounce (35-gram) bar contains 124–156 calories, 5–11 grams of fat, 13–19 grams of carbs, 2–5 grams of蛋白质,,,,2–3 grams of fiber, less than 20 mg of salt, and 12–18 grams of sugar — none of which is added (3).


Kid-friendly granola bars should be made from minimally processed ingredients and contain very little added sugar or salt. Phyter plant-based bars and nākd bars are two good options.

低热量的格兰诺拉麦片酒吧是一种方便,预先设定的小吃,对人们特别方便试图减肥or reduce their overall calorie intake.

For best results, steer clear of highly processed, artificially sweetened granola bars. Instead, opt for ones made from whole ingredients, such as whole grains, fruit, nuts, or seeds, as these are more likely to help you meet your daily nutrient needs.

It’s also worth favoring bars rich in fiber and protein. These two nutrients can help you feel fuller for longer, potentially aiding weight loss by reducing the daily number of calories you eat (4,,,, 5 ).

Health Warrior Chia Bars

健康战士Chia酒吧主要由整体,基于植物的成分制成 - 主要是chia seeds

这些bars are also dairy-free, gluten-free, and soy-free and contain a mere 100 calories per 0.9-ounce (25-gram) bar. You can expect around 4.5 grams of fat, 14 grams of carbs, 5 grams of fiber, 3 grams of sugar, and 3 grams of protein per portion (6).


Kashi chewy granola bars are largely comprised of全粒oats, come in a variety of flavors, and provide 120–140 calories per 1.3-ounce (35-gram) bar.




由全谷物等整个成分制成chickpeas,,,,seeds, dried vegetables, herbs, and spices, they contain 140–150 calories per two 0.6-ounce (18-gram) bars.

两个条还提供约5–7克脂肪,7-8克纤维,4克蛋白质和23-24克碳水化合物 - 少于1克,其中添加了糖(8).


低热量格兰诺拉麦片are an option for people trying to limit their calories or lose weight. Make sure the one you choose is made from mostly whole ingredients and offers fiber and protein.

富含蛋白质的格兰诺拉麦片can help limit hunger between meals and make for a great recovery snack after a grueling workout. Here are a few options that offer decent amounts of fiber and aren’t loaded with added sugars or artificial flavors (4,,,, 9 ).

Lärabar Protein

这些无麸质麦片由水果,坚果和香料混合物制成,并富含pea protein


They also pack around 18 grams of sugar per bar, which can appear high at first glance. However, only up to 2 grams come from added sugar, with the rest from naturally sweet ingredients, such asdates,,,,apples, and blueberries.


这些8-ingredient, high-protein bars are made in large part from dates,蛋白,坚果和香料。更重要的是,它们不含麸质,每1.9盎司(52克)棒中含有约200-210卡路里的卡路里和12克蛋白质。

每部分,它们还提供7-10克脂肪,22-26克碳水化合物,3-6克纤维和13-18克糖 - 均未添加(均未添加)(11).

Kashi Go Protein Bars

这些蛋白质-rich granola bars come in three flavors —dark chocolateand almonds, crunchy peanuts and peanut butter, and dark chocolate and peanut butter.

They’re made from plant-based ingredients, including oats, nuts, and pea protein powder.

Each 1.8-ounce (50-gram) bar provides around 220–230 calories, 12–14 grams of fat, 18–20 grams of carbs, 6 grams of fiber, and 12 grams of protein — plus only 6 grams of added sugar per portion (12).



Nut- or grain-free granola bars can come in handy for people with allergies or food intolerances. Here are some good choices.


这些grain-free bars are made exclusively from nuts, seeds, coconut flakes,椰子oil,,,,and spices. All flavors are gluten-free and vegan. Besides, they contain no genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and are sweetened with only a small amount of coconut sugar.

Each 1.1-ounce (30-gram) bar provides around 230 calories, 18 grams of fat, 12 grams of carbs, 3 grams of fiber, 7 grams of protein, and only 5 grams of added sugar (13).




You can also expect around 3 grams of fiber and less than 8 grams of sugar per portion (14).

Enjoy Life Chewy Bars

享受生活耐嚼的酒吧没有前八个过敏原,,,,including nuts and wheat. They also certified halal, kosher, and non-GMO and come in seven flavors.


Sweetened with tapioca syrup and sugar, they provide around 130 calories, 3.5 grams of fat, 24 grams of carbs, 2 grams of fiber, 9 grams of sugar, and 1 gram of protein per 1.2-ounce (33-gram) bar (15).



They’re free from most nuts and grains, although some bars do contain椰子,,,,which the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) lists as a tree nut. That said, experts suggest that most people allergic to tree nuts can safely eat coconut ( 16 ,,,, 17 ).

Bars come in sizes varying from 1.2–1.7-ounces (34–48 grams) and contain 140–250 calories, 7–15 grams of fat, 19–21 grams of carbs, 5 grams of fiber, and 3–6 grams of protein per portion.



这些nut or grain-free granola bars are mostly made from whole or minimally processed ingredients and can be particularly appealing for people with food allergies or intolerances.

自制granola bars are a great alternative to store-bought ones.

Because they typically use minimally processed ingredients and very little added sugar or salt, they’re often more nutritious than packaged versions.


  • 2cups (160 grams) of oats
  • 1cup (130 grams) of choppednuts of your choice
  • 1cup (147 grams) of packed, diced, pitted dates
  • 1/4–1/2 cup (60–120 ml) of your nut butter of choice
  • 1/4杯(60毫升)的枫糖浆或蜂蜜(可选)
  • 水果干、椰子片或巧克力taste (optional)

Once well mixed, spread the mixture equally over a lined loaf pan or baking dish. Bake for 25–30 minutes at 350℉ (176℃) and let cool before slicing and serving. Alternatively, freeze for 20–25 minutes before serving.

This recipe is very versatile and can be adjusted according to your personal preferences.

例如,您可以用膨化的米饭,kamut面粉或煮熟的藜麦代替燕麦或小米。The dates can be swapped for mashed banana and the nuts replaced with seeds.




尽管granola barsare easy and convenient, many of the options lining supermarket shelves are loaded with added sugar, salt, and heavily processed ingredients — making for a less-than-ideal snack.

Still, with some searching, it’s possible to find healthy alternatives. The healthy options above are made from mostly whole, nutrient-rich ingredients with little to no added sugars.

If you can’t find them or are looking for a lower-cost alternative, you can make your own using your choice of simple, nutrient-rich ingredients.