
The genus includes hundreds of species commonly found in Europe, North America, and Asia.

These nutrient-rich berries have a tart, tangy taste and mild sweetness. They range in color from yellow to dark red ( 1 )。

数百年来,人们一直使用霍桑·贝瑞(Hawthorn Berry)作为消化问题,心脏病和高血压的草药疗法。实际上,浆果自从公元659年以来一直是中药的关键部分( 1 )。


Hawthorn berry is a rich source ofpolyphenols,它是植物中发现的强大抗氧化剂( 1 , 2 )。

抗氧化剂help neutralize unstable molecules called free radicals that can harm your body when they are present at high levels.

Free radicals can come from certain foods. You can also have higher levels of them as a result of exposure to environmental toxins such as air pollution and cigarette smoke ( 3 )。

Polyphenols are associated with numerous health benefits due to their antioxidant activity, including a lower risk of ( 2 , 4 , 5 ):

  • some cancers
  • type 2 diabetes
  • asthma
  • some infections
  • heart problems
  • 过早的皮肤老化




Hawthorn berry may have anti-inflammatory properties that could improve your health.

研究发现chronic inflammation与许多疾病有关,包括2型糖尿病,哮喘和某些癌症( 6 )。

In a study in mice with liver disease, hawthorn berry extract significantly decreased levels of inflammatory compounds, leading to reduced liver inflammation and injury ( 7 )。

In one study, researchers gave vitexin — a compound present in hawthorn leaves — to mice with respiratory conditions. This treatment decreased the production of molecules that trigger inflammation and reduced the response of white blood cells to inflammation ( 8 )。



Hawthorn berry extract has shown anti-inflammatory potential in test-tube and animal studies. Still, research in humans is needed.

在传统中医中,霍桑·贝瑞(Hawthorn Berry)是最常见推荐的食物之一treat high blood pressure( 9 )。

动物研究表明,霍桑可以充当血管扩张剂,这意味着它可以放松限制血管,最终降低血压( 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 )。


研究人员发现,每天服用500毫克提取物的人会降低舒张压 - 血压读数的底数( 14 )。

在2006年的一项研究中,研究人员每天为79例2型糖尿病和高血压提供了1,200毫克的山楂提取物,持续16周。服用提取物的人比安慰剂组的人经历了更多的血压改善( 15 )。

Still, more studies are needed to back up these findings. It’s also important to note that using an extract is not the same as eating the berries.



Some studies indicate that hawthorn extract may improve blood cholesterol levels thanks to its flavonoid and pectin content.果胶是参与胆固醇代谢的一种纤维( 11 , 16 )。

血液胆固醇水平不平衡,尤其是高甘油三酸酯和低HDL(好)胆固醇 - 在atherosclerosis, or plaque buildup in your blood vessels ( 17 )。


In one animal study, mice that received two doses of hawthorn extract had lower total and LDL (bad) cholesterol, as well as 28–47% lower liver triglyceride levels, compared with mice that did not receive the extract ( 18 )。

Similarly, a 6-week study in rats showed that when rats were fed hawthorn berry supplements, they had significantly reduced levels of fasting triglycerides and LDL (bad) cholesterol ( 19 )。

最后,一项为期64人动脉粥样硬化的6个月研究发现,以每磅2.3 mg(每公斤5 mg)的体重的2.3 mg(每公斤5毫克)服用山楂提取物可显着降低颈动脉中有害斑块的厚度( 20 )。



Research in animals and humans suggests that taking hawthorn extract may help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. However, more human research is needed.

People have used hawthorn berries and extract for centuries to treat digestive issues, particularly indigestion and stomach pain ( 1 )。

浆果含有纤维,已被证明可以通过减少便秘并充当益生元来帮助消化。Prebioticsare foods that nourish and promote healthy gut bacteria, which are vital to maintaining healthy digestion ( 21 )。

一项对消化缓慢的人的观察性研究发现,每一克饮食纤维人消耗的每一克都与肠运动之间的时间减少了30分钟( 22 )。


此外,一项大鼠研究观察到,山楂提取物大大减少了消化系统中食物的肠道运输时间( 23 )。


Furthermore, research in rodents suggests that compounds in hawthorn berries could enhance the production and activity of digestive enzymes — namely those needed for the digestion of fatty and protein-rich foods ( 10 )。


People have used hawthorn berry as a digestive aid for centuries. It may help relieve constipation and enhance the production of enzymes needed to digest fatty and protein-rich foods.


一项试管研究发现,山楂和提取物可以通过抑制皱纹形成和增加皮肤水分来防止衰老的迹象( 24 )。

Research suggests that this effect may be due to the hawthorn berry’s antioxidant content. Nevertheless, research in this area is limited, and human studies are needed.


Some research suggests that hawthorn berries may help reduce signs of aging as a result of their antioxidant content.

科学家一直在调查霍索恩作为一种潜在的焦虑症的新疗法( 25 , 26 ,27)。

在一项对264人焦虑的人的较旧研究中,霍桑提取物的结合,, and California poppy flower significantly reduced anxiety levels compared with a placebo. However, it’s unclear what specific role hawthorn played ( 28 )。

与传统相比,霍桑似乎几乎没有副作用抗焦虑药. That’s one reason scientists continue to research it as a potential treatment for central nervous system disorders such as anxiety and depression ( 1 )。




Scientists are investigating hawthorn supplements as a potential treatment for anxiety. However, right now there’s not much research on them for this purpose. More studies of the effects of hawthorn berry on anxiety are needed.

霍索恩·贝瑞(Hawthorn Berry)与其他传统药物一起在传统环境中使用在传统环境中使用。Heart failureis a condition in which the heart can’t properly pump blood.

Multiple studies have suggested hawthorn berry may have beneficial effects without severe adverse effects in people with heart failure ( 1 , 10 )。

研究主要显示心脏功能和心脏失败症状的改善 - 例如呼吸和疲劳短暂( 1 , 10 )。

Researchers have suggested that compounds called flavonoids in hawthorn might be behind these beneficial effects ( 10 )。

但是,一些证据表明,在某些心力衰竭的情况下,霍桑可能有害。一项研究发现,与常规治疗一起进行,增加了心力衰竭会进展的风险( 29 )。



In some traditional medicine practices, people commonly take hawthorn berry alongside other traditional medications for heart failure. However, it may be harmful when combined with conventional medications for heart failure.

Hawthorn berry may be difficult to find at your local grocery store. However, you may be able to find it at farmers markets and specialty health food stores.

You can add hawthorn to your diet in many ways:

  • Raw berries.Raw hawthorn berries have a tart, slightly sweet taste and make a great on-the-go snack. But try not to eat the seeds. Like apple seeds, they contain the toxin cyanide.
  • Tea.You can buy premade hawthorn tea or make your own using the plant’s dried berries, flowers, and leaves.
  • Jams and desserts.In the Southeastern United States, people commonly make hawthorn berries into jam, pie filling, and syrup.
  • 葡萄酒和醋。山楂浆果可以发酵成美味的酒精饮料(对于成人)或可口的醋,您可以用来制作沙拉酱。
  • Supplements.您可以以方便的粉末,药丸或液体形式服用霍桑浆果补品。


Different brands and forms of hawthorn supplements have varying dosing recommendations. Typical dosages are 250–500 mg three times daily. However, research has yet to determine an optimal effective dose ( 1 )。


因此,始终确保从信誉良好的来源购买它们( 30 )。

Look for products that have received a seal of approval from independent organizations that assess supplement effectiveness and quality, such as United States Pharmacopeia (USP), NSF International, or ConsumerLab.




人们报告的最常见的人是出汗,头痛,嗜睡,呼吸症,轻度皮疹,躁动和胃肠道效应( 1 )。




与标准的现代疗法相比,使用药草作为多种疾病的替代疗法变得越来越受欢迎,例如较少或温和的副作用和成本降低( 31 )。

但是,使用这些草药会增加患草药 - 药物相互作用的风险,这可能会改变标准药物的影响,并通过增加,减少或改变现有药物的影响而导致负面影响( 32 )。

Research on possible interactions between hawthorn berries and standard medications suggests a potentially harmful effect when people consume hawthorn berries along with heart medications ( 33 )。

山楂浆果可能会增加血液稀释剂的作用,降低血压和心力衰竭的药物( 1 , 34 )。

此外,霍索恩可能会增加洋地黄的活性 - 一种用于治疗充血性心力衰竭和心律不齐或心律问题的药物。这可能会增加毒性和心律不齐的风险( 1 , 12 , 13 )。

If you’re taking medication for your heart, speak with a healthcare professional before using hawthorn berry supplements.


Hawthorn berries may negatively interact with heart medications. If you’re taking such medications, speak with a healthcare professional before taking any hawthorn berry supplement.


Studies indicate that it may lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels and may even help treat heart failure. In addition, it may reduce inflammation, reduce signs of skin aging, and aid digestion.



Try this today:If you’re looking for ways to improve your heart health, check outthis articleon heart-healthy foods.