Food is a common trigger of digestive issues. In particular, foods that are high in fermentable carbs can cause symptoms like gas, bloating and stomach pain.

A group of these carbs is known as FODMAPs, and foods can be classified as either high or low in these carbs.

Restricting high-FODMAP foods can provide remarkable relief of gut symptoms, particularly in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).


What Does High-FODMAP Actually Mean?

FODMAP代表可发酵的寡核苷酸,二 - ,单糖和多元醇。这些是可能导致消化问题的碳水化合物的科学名称。

根据预定义的截止级别( 1 ).

Published cut-off levels suggest that a high-FODMAP food contains more than one of the following carbs ( 2 ):

  • Oligosaccharides:0.3 grams of either fructans or galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS)
  • Disaccharides:4.。0 grams of lactose
  • Monosaccharides:0.2 grams more fructose than glucose
  • Polyols:甘露醇0.3克甘露醇或山梨糖醇

两所大学提供验证的FODMAP食品清单和应用程序 -Monash UniversityandKing’s College London

It’s also important to be aware that not everyone should avoid FODMAPs. In fact, FODMAPs are beneficial for most people.

为了帮助决定限制FODMAP是适合您的,请阅读文章。Then, if you do decide to restrict them, make sure to look out for the following 10 foods.


小麦是最大的贡献者之一FODMA吗Ps in the Western diet ( 3. ).

This is because wheat is consumed in large quantities — not because it is a concentrated source of FODMAPs.

In fact, compared to the other nine sources discussed in this article, wheat contains one of the lowest amounts of FODMAPs by weight.



Suggested low-FODMAP swaps:Brown rice, buckwheat, maize, millet, oats, polenta, quinoa and tapioca ( 4. 5. ).


小麦is the main source of FODMAPs in the Western diet. However, it can be replaced with other, low-FODMAP whole grains.


Garlic is one of the most concentrated sources of FODMAPs.



Fructans are the main type of FODMAP in garlic.

However, the quantity of fructans depends on whether the garlic is fresh or dried, as dried garlic contains about three times as many fructans as fresh garlic ( 6. ).

尽管在FODMAPS高中,但大蒜与许多人有关health benefits。This is why it should only be avoided in FODMAP-sensitive people.

Suggested low-FODMAP swaps:Chives, chili, fenugreek, ginger, lemongrass, mustard seeds, saffron and turmeric ( 6. 7. 8. ).


Garlic is one of the most concentrated sources of FODMAPs. However, garlic has many health benefits and should only be restricted in FODMAP-sensitive people.


Onionsare another concentrated source of fructans.

Similar to garlic, onion is commonly used to flavor a wide range of dishes, making it difficult to restrict.

Shallots are one of the highest sources of fructans, while a Spanish onion is one of the lowest sources ( 6. ).


Suggested low-FODMAP swaps:Asafoetida is a pungent spice commonly used in Indian cooking. It should be cooked in hot oil first and added in small amounts. Other low-FODMAP flavors can be foundhere


Different onion varieties contain different amounts of FODMAPs, but all onions are considered to contain high amounts.


All水果contain the FODMAPfructose


Also, some fruits contain high amounts of glucose, which is a non-FODMAP sugar. This is important because glucose helps your body absorb fructose.

This is why fruits that are high in both fructose and glucose do not typically cause gut symptoms. It’s also why only fruits with more fructose than glucose are considered high-FODMAP.



高FODMAP果实包括:苹果,杏,樱桃,无花果,芒果,油桃,桃子,梨,李子和西瓜( 7. ).

Low-FODMAP fruits include:Unripe bananas, blueberries, kiwi, limes, mandarins, oranges, papaya, pineapple, rhubarb and strawberries ( 7. ).





Some vegetables are high in FODMAPs.

In fact, vegetables contain the most diverse range of FODMAPs. This includes fructans, galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), fructose, mannitol and sorbitol.

Furthermore, several vegetables contain more than one type of FODMAP. For example, asparagus contains fructans, fructose and mannitol ( 7. ).

重要的是要记住,蔬菜标准t of a healthy diet, and there is no need to stop eating them. Instead, simply switch out high-FODMAP vegetables for low-FODMAP ones.

High-FODMAP vegetables include:芦笋,布鲁塞尔豆芽,花椰菜,苦苣生叶,地球和耶路撒冷朝鲜蓟,卡莱拉,韭菜,蘑菇和雪豆( 7. 8. ).

低FODMAP蔬菜包括:Bean sprouts, capsicum, carrot, choy sum, eggplant, kale, tomato, spinach and zucchini ( 7. 8. ).


Vegetables contain a diverse range of FODMAPs. However, many vegetables are naturally low in FODMAPs.

6.。豆类and Pulses

豆类and pulses are notorious for causing excess gas and bloating, which is partly attributed to their high FODMAP content.

The key FODMAP in legumes and pulses is called galacato-oligosaccharides (GOS) ( 4. ).


This is because GOS is water-soluble, meaning some of it leaches out of the lentils and into the liquid.


豆类and pulses are good sources of蛋白质for vegetarians, but they are not the only choice. There are many other low-FODMAP, protein-rich options.

High-FODMAP legumes and pulses include:Baked beans, black-eyed peas, broad beans, butter beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils, soybeans and split peas ( 4. ).

Low-FODMAP, vegetarian sources of protein include:豆腐,鸡蛋和大多数螺母和种子。




Sweeteners can be a hidden source of FODMAPs, as adding sweeteners to a low-FODMAP food can increase its overall FODMAP content.

To avoid these hidden sources, check the ingredients list on packaged foods.

Alternatively, if you’re in the UK, the King’s College low-FODMAP应用程序允许您扫描包装食品上的条形码以检测高FODMAP食品。

High-FODMAP sweeteners include:龙舌兰花蜜,高果糖玉米糖浆,蜂蜜和在无糖薄荷糖和口香糖中添加多元醇(检查山梨糖醇,甘露醇,木糖醇或异麦芽醇的标签)( 5. 9. ).

Low-FODMAP sweeteners include:Glucose, maple syrup, sucrose, sugar and most artificial sweeteners like aspartame, saccharin and Stevia ( 5. 9. ).


High-FODMAP sweeteners can increase a food’s FODMAP content. To avoid these hidden sources, check the ingredients list on packaged foods.

8.。Other Grains

小麦不是FODMAPS中唯一的谷物。事实上,像黑麦这样的其他谷物含有近两倍的饲料数量( 4. ).

That being said, some types of rye bread, such as sourdough rye bread, can be low in FODMAPs.

This is because the process of making sourdough involves a fermentation step, during which some of its FODMAPs are broken down into digestible sugars.

This step has been shown to reduce its fructan content by more than 70% ( 10. ).

This reinforces the notion that specific processing methods can alter the FODMAP content of food.

High-FODMAP谷物包括:Amaranth, barley and rye ( 5. ).

Low-FODMAP grains include:Brown rice, buckwheat, maize, millet, oats, polenta, quinoa and tapioca ( 4. 5. ).


小麦is not the only high-FODMAP grain. However, the FODMAP content of grains can be reduced through different processing methods.


Dairy products是FODMAP乳糖的主要来源。

However, not all dairy foods contain lactose.

This includes many hard and matured kinds of cheese, as much of their lactose is lost during the cheesemaking process ( 11. ).

But it’s important to remember that some cheeses contain added flavorings, such as garlic and onion, that make them high FODMAP.


低FODMAP乳制品包括:Cheddar cheese, cream, feta cheese, lactose-free milk and Parmesan cheese.


Dairy is the main source of the FODMAP lactose, but a surprising number of dairy foods are naturally low in lactose.



This is not exclusive to beverages made from high-FODMAP ingredients. In fact, beverages made from low-FODMAP ingredients can also be high in FODMAPs.



High-FODMAP beverages include:柴茶,洋甘菊茶,椰子水,甜点酒和朗姆酒( 9. ).

低FODMAP饮料包括:Black tea, coffee, gin, green tea, peppermint tea, vodka, water and white tea ( 9. ).



Should Everyone Avoid FODMAPs?

Only a small subset of people should avoid FODMAPs.

事实上,FODMAPS对大多数人都很健康。许多FODMAPS函数就像prebiotics那meaning they promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut.

Nonetheless, a surprising number of people are sensitive to FODMAPs, particularly those who have IBS.

Moreover, scientific studies have shown that around 70% of people with IBS achieve adequate relief of their symptoms on a low-FODMAP diet ( 12. ).

What’s more, pooled data from 22 studies suggest that diet is most effective at managing abdominal pain andbloatingin people with IBS ( 13. ).


FODMAPs should only be restricted in a small subset of the population. For everyone else, FODMAPs should be readily included in the diet given their beneficial role in gut health.

The Bottom Line


For these people, high-FODMAP foods should be swapped for low-FODMAP foods from the same food group. This will help reduce the risk of nutritional deficiencies that can occur when following a restrictive diet.