Chemotherapy is a common cancer treatment that uses one or more drugs to combat cancer cells in your body.

Its symptoms, which may include dry mouth, taste changes, nausea, and fatigue, can make eating seem like a chore.

However, it’s important to eat a healthy, balanced diet during cancer treatment to keep your body functioning optimally. Foods that are mild in flavor, easy on your stomach, and nutrient-dense are some of the best options ( 1 ).

Here are 10 foods to eat during chemotherapy.

Oatmeal provides numerous nutrients that can help your body during chemo.

It boasts ample amounts of carbs, protein, and antioxidants, as well as more healthy fats than most grains. It also helps regulate your bowels because of its beta glucan, a type of soluble fiber that feeds the good bacteria in your gut ( 2 , 3 ).

Oatmeal’s neutral flavor and creamy texture are especially advantageous if you’re experiencing common chemo side effects like dry mouth or mouth sores.

What’s more, you can take隔夜的麦片到你的化疗约会。为了制作这道菜,只需在您选择的牛奶中浸泡燕麦,冷藏过夜。早上,你可以用浆果,蜂蜜或坚果。

If you’re taking oatmeal on the go, eat it within 2 hours to avoid foodborne illnesses — though you can minimize this risk by keeping it in a cooler (4).

Fruit, maple syrup, and nuts are common add-ins, though you can also make savoryoatmealwith avocado or eggs. Eat it plain or with a dash of salt if you’re experiencing nausea or mouth sores.


Oatmeal provides numerous nutrients and is palatable if you’re experiencing chemo symptoms like dry mouth, mouth sores, and nausea. Its fiber can also help keep your bowel movements regular.

If your appetite is lacking, avocados can pack necessary calories and nutrients into your diet.

这种乳脂状的绿色果实在健康的单一饱和脂肪中特别高,这可以帮助降低LDL(坏)胆固醇,同时提高HDL(良好)胆固醇。它也装有纤维,3.5盎司(100克)包装每日价值的27%(DV)( 5 , 6 ).

Its fiber bulks up your stool and feeds the friendly bacteria in your gut ( 7 ).

Because they’re filling, versatile, and mild,avocadosare a great option if you’re experiencing dry mouth, constipation, mouth sores, or weight loss.


Just be sure to wash unpeeled avocados before you slice them, as their skin can harborListeria, a common bacterium that can cause食物中毒( 8 ).


Avocados are a nutritional powerhouse. With plenty of fat and fiber, they can keep you full and provide needed calories when your appetite is low.

Fatigue is a common side effect of chemotherapy.

Eggs mayfight tirednessdue to their generous supply of protein and fats — nearly 6 grams of protein and 4 grams of fat in a single medium-sized egg (44 grams) ( 9 ).


你可以hard-boil eggsfor a portable snack or scramble them for a scrumptious meal. Make sure that they’re thoroughly cooked, with thickened yolks and hardened whites, to prevent food poisoning.

Their soft, soothing texture makes eggs ideal if you’re experiencing mouth sores.


Eggs may ease fatigue due to their combination of protein and fats. Additionally, they’re easy to eat if you have mouth sores.

Taste changes are normal during chemotherapy — and water is commonly said to taste different.

在这些情况下,汤是一个很好的替代to keep you hydrated. It’s made by simmering water with vegetables, herbs, and — if desired — meat or poultry, plus骨头

During this process, electrolytes are released into the fluid. These charged particles, which include nutrients like sodium, potassium, chloride, and calcium, help keep your body functioning properly ( 10 ).

如果您通过呕吐,汗水或腹​​泻丢失电解质( 11 ).

If you have the appetite for it, you can add chicken,tofu, or veggies into your broth. Puréeing this mixture will help it go down easier if you have mouth sores.


However, keep your broth clear and simple if you’re experiencing nausea or vomiting — and sip slowly. Broth is great in these instances, as its lack of fiber makes it easier to digest ( 11 ).



During chemotherapy, you may find yourself in and out of a lot of appointments — so snacks can come in handy.

坚果不仅像杏仁和腰果那么容易接受,但它们也有充足量的蛋白质,健康的脂肪,维生素和矿物质( 12 ).

杏仁是锰和铜的丰富来源,每1盎司(28克)分别提供27%和32%的DV( 12 ).

这些矿物质形成超氧化物歧化酶,身体中的一些最强大的抗氧化剂。抗氧化剂有助于对抗损害您的细胞的自由基( 13 ).

你可以also addnutsto oatmeal or other dishes.

However, they may not be easy to eat if you’re experiencing mouth sores. In these instances, choose nut butters instead.


杏仁boast an impressive number of nutrients, including manganese and copper, and serve as an ideal snack.

Like nuts,pumpkin seedsare great for snacking on between your appointments.

They’re rich in fats, protein, and antioxidants like vitamin E, which can help fight inflammation ( 14 , 15 , 16 ).

What’s more, they deliver nearly 3 grams of iron per 1/3 cup (33 grams), or about 15% of the DV ( 14 ).

然而,一些治疗方法,如血液transfusions, may increase your risk of iron overload, or excess iron in your body. If you develop this condition, you’ll want to watch your intake of pumpkin seeds and otherhigh-iron foods( 14 , 17 ).




Cruciferous vegetables, including kale, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, boast an impressive nutritional profile ( 18 , 19 , 20 ).

In particular,broccolioffers a significant amount of vitamin C. This vitamin is vital for your immune system ( 18 ).

更重要的是,它含有苏尔林,一种植物复合思想改善brain health

Research has shown that sulforaphane can positively impact brain health by reducing inflammation and protecting cells from damage, which is especially important when undergoing chemotherapy ( 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 ).

Steam or roast these veggies with olive oil and a dash of salt. If you’re experiencing taste changes, try a squeeze of lemon as long as you don’t have mouth sores or nausea.



Homemade smoothies are a great option if you’re having a hard time chewing solid food or getting enough nutrients in your diet.

They’re highly customizable, allowing you to choose the best ingredients for your symptoms or taste changes.


  • 1–2 cups (240–475 ml) of liquid
  • 1.5-3杯(225-450克)的蔬菜和/或水果
  • 1汤匙(15克)的蛋白质
  • 1 tablespoon (15 grams) of fat

For instance, combine fresh or frozen fruit with milk orkefir, then toss in a handful or two of washed spinach leaves. Dump in a spoonful of flax seeds for fat and peanut butter for protein.

If you’re using freshberries, be sure to soak them before rinsing thoroughly in running water. This will help remove any debris or bacteria that could make you sick ( 25 ).



Smoothies are a great option for times when eating is difficult. Plus, they’re an ideal way to add fruit and veggies to your diet.

如果您正在经历腹泻或恶心,白面包或饼干是一个不错的选择,因为它们通常很容易消化。Whole-grain versions供应添加的营养素,是您的胃不扰乱的理想选择。

Salted crackers or saltines are especially useful to replenishsodiumlost through diarrhea or vomiting ( 26 ).

Eat them plain or top with nut butter, smashed avocado, or ricotta cheese if you desire more flavor and nutrients.



If you enjoy seafood, it’s a good idea to eat two servings of fish per week when you’re in chemotherapy. That’s because it provides protein and omega-3 fatty acids ( 27 ).

Omega-3S是您必须通过饮食的重要脂肪。它们支持脑健康,吹嘘抗炎性质。另外,吃大量的蛋白质和健康丰富的食物,如鱼可以帮助您避免在治疗期间避免不健康的体重减轻( 27 , 28 , 29 ).


What’s more fattier fish like三文鱼和herring are a rich source of vitamin D, which is necessary for proper bone and immune health. In fact, a small salmon filet (170 grams) provides 113% of the DV ( 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 ).

Steam, pan-fry, or roast yourfish挤满柠檬。使用肉温度计确保它达到至少145°F(63°C) - 或165°F(74°C)的内部温度(如果您正在重新加热)( 25 , 34).



Chemotherapy can trigger a host of side effects, including dry mouth, taste changes, fatigue, mouth sores, andnausea。这些可以难以难以难以置疑。

Knowing what foods to eat, such as bland foods for mouth sores and wet or creamy textures for dry mouth, may help nourish your body while navigatingcancertreatment.

It’s advantageous to pack nutritious, travel-friendly foods to your appointments. Practicing food safety is also important to lower your risk of food poisoning.
