
When vitamin B9 occurs naturally in foods, it’s called folate. You get folate from beans, oranges, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, avocados, leafy greens, and more.

无论是以叶酸还是叶酸的形式,维生素B9对于您体内的细胞和DNA形成都很重要( 1 )。

Low blood levels of folate have been linked to health issues like a higher risk of birth defects, heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers ( 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 )。


Here are 4 potential side effects of too much folic acid.

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It’s estimated that about 85% of folic acid from fortified foods or supplements is absorbed, while only 50% of natural folate from foods is used by your body ( 1 )。

将叶酸吸收到您的血液中后,肝脏被肝脏分解成较小的化合物。但是,肝脏只能一次处理一定量的叶酸( 7 )。

结果,食用太多的强化食物和补充剂会导致无代谢的叶酸(UMFA)积聚在血液中。吃东西不会发生high folate foods( 7 )。

This is concerning because high blood levels of UMFA appear to be linked to various health concerns ( 1 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 )。

Dietary folate equivalents

Because folic acid is more readily absorbed than folate from food, the Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine have developed dietary folate equivalents (DFEs) to set clearer folate intake recommendations ( 1 )。

1 MCG DFE等于 1 ):

  • 食物中的1 mcg叶酸
  • 0.6 MCG来自强化食品或食物消耗的饮食补充剂的叶酸
  • 0.5 mcg从空腹服用的饮食补充剂中的叶酸


However, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends that adults over the age of 19 limit their intake of folic acid from fortified foods and supplements to 1,000 mcg per day. The UL for children is even less, ranging from 300–800 mcg depending on age ( 12 )

请记住,大多数人每天不会消耗超过1,000 mcg的MCG叶酸,除非他们服用大剂量的补充剂。

实际上,根据NIH的说法,据估计,只有51-70岁的男女每天只有大约5% 1 )。


Your body absorbs folic acid from fortified foods and supplements easier than it absorbs naturally occurring folate from foods. Getting too much folic acid can cause unmetabolized folic acid (UMFA) to build up in your body, which might harm health.


Your body usesvitamin B12制作红细胞并保持心脏,大脑和神经系统的最佳功能( 13 )。

如果未治疗,维生素B12缺乏会导致不可逆的神经损伤,这使得延迟诊断特别令人担忧( 13 )。

Your body uses folate and vitamin B12 similarly, meaning that a deficiency in either can cause similar symptoms.

因此,叶酸补充剂可能会掩盖维生素-B12诱导的巨核细胞贫血,并导致潜在的维生素B12缺乏症未被发现( 14 , 15 , 16 )。

大型细胞贫血是以红细胞肿大为特征的疾病。它可能引起诸如虚弱,疲劳,难以集中和呼吸急促等症状( 14 , 15 )。

If you take folic acid supplements and recognize any of these symptoms, consider getting your B12 levels checked.


High intakes of folic acid may mask a vitamin B12 deficiency. In turn, this could increase your risk of brain and nervous system damage.


一项研究超过60岁linked high blood levels of folate or UMFA to mental decline in those with low vitamin B12 levels. This link was not seen in those with normal B12 levels ( 17 )。

另一项研究表明,叶酸且维生素B12水平低的人可能比具有正常血液参数的人高达3.5倍( 18 )。



A high intake of folic acid may speed up age-related mental decline, particularly in individuals with low vitamin B12 levels. Nonetheless, further research is necessary.

Adequate folate intake during pregnancy is necessary for your baby’s brain development. It also reduces the risk of birth defects ( 19 , 20 ,21,22)。

Because many women don’t meet their folate needs through food sources alone, those of childbearing age are often encouraged to take folic acid supplements ( 1 )。


在一项研究中,与每天接受400-999 MCG的妇女的孩子相比,在怀孕期间,每天补充1000多个MCG叶酸的母亲在脑发育测试中得分较低(400-999 MCG( 10 )。

另一项研究将怀孕期间较高的叶酸血液水平与更大的风险联系在一起胰岛素抵抗在9-13岁的儿童中( 11 )。

Though further research is needed, it may be best to avoid taking more than the recommended daily dose of 600 mcg of folic acid supplements duringpregnancy除非卫生专业人员另有建议。




研究表明,将健康细胞暴露于足够水平的叶酸可能会保护它们免受癌性。但是,将癌细胞暴露于高水平的叶酸可能有助于它们成长或扩散( 23 , 24 )。

尽管如此,研究还是混合的。虽然一些研究指出略有增加癌症风险在服用叶酸补充剂的人中,大多数研究尚未找到联系( 2 , 25 , 26 , 27 )。

It’s speculated that the risk may depend on the type of cancer and your health history.

For instance, some older studies suggest that people previously diagnosed with prostate or colorectal cancer who supplemented with more than 1,000 mcg of folic acid per day had a 1.7–6.4% higher risk of cancer recurrence ( 28 , 29 )。

Still, eating lots of folate-rich foods doesn’t appear to increase cancer risk. It may even减少它( 30 , 31 , 32 )。

Ultimately, more research is needed on the potential link between folate, folic acid supplements, and cancer risk and recurrence.



Folic acid is included in most multivitamins, prenatal supplements, andB复合维生素,但它也作为补充出售。在某些国家,一些食物也用维生素加固。

Folic acid supplements are typically recommended to prevent or treat low blood folate levels. Moreover, those who are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant often take them to reduce the risk of birth defects ( 1 )。

对于14岁以上的人来说,叶酸的建议饮食津贴(RDA)为400 mcg。怀孕和母乳喂养的人应分别获得600和500 mcg。补充剂量通常在400-800 mcg范围内( 1 )。

您可以不用处方购买叶酸补充剂。通常,以普通剂量服用它们(通常被认为是安全的)( 33 )。

也就是说,他们可以与某些处方药相互作用,包括用于治疗癫痫发作的一些药物,类风湿关节炎和寄生虫感染。因此,如果您要服用其他药物,最好在使用叶酸补充剂之前咨询健康专业人员( 1 )。




然而,太多的叶酸ay cause several side effects, including slower brain development in children and accelerated mental decline in older adults.

While further research is needed, you can work with your healthcare professional to determine your folate levels and whether you need to take a supplement.