Some believe that making overweight people feel ashamed of their weight or eating habits may motivate them to get healthier.

However, scientific evidence confirms that nothing could be further from the truth.

胖子羞辱没有激励人们,使他们对自己感到恐惧,使他们吃得更多并增加体重( 1 ).

This article tells you everything you need to know about fat shaming and its harmful effects.

Fat shaming involves criticizing and harassing overweight people about their weight or eating habits to make them feel ashamed of themselves.

The belief is that this may motivate people to eat less,锻炼更多,减肥。


Research shows that much of the discussion on obesity on social media involves fat shaming, which often turns into harassment and cyberbullying — especially against women ( 2 ).

In fact, there are entire online communities where people gather to make fun of overweight people.

然而,对overwei耻辱和歧视ght people cause major psychological harm and worsen the problem.




In the case of overweight individuals, thisstresscan drive them to eat more and gain more weight ( 3 ).

In a study in 93 women, exposure to weight-stigmatizing information made those who were overweight — but not normal-weight — eat more calories and feel less in control of their eating (4).

在73名超重女性中的另一项研究中,观看了污名化视频的人吃了3倍卡路里afterward compared to those who watched a non-stigmatizing video ( 5 ).

Numerous other studies support that any type of fat shaming causes overweight people to become stressed, eat more calories, and gain more weight ( 3 ).


Many studies show that weight discrimination — including fat shaming — causes stress and leads overweight people to eat more calories.

Many observational studies have looked at weight discrimination and the risk of future体重增加和肥胖.

In one study in 6,157 people, participants without obesity who experienced weight discrimination were 2.5 times more likely to develop obesity over the next few years ( 6 ).

Additionally, people with obesity who experienced weight discrimination were 3.2 times more likely to remain having obesity ( 6 ).

这表明胖羞耻不太可能激励人们lose weight.

Another study in 2,944 people found that weight discrimination was linked to a 6.67-times greater risk of developing obesity ( 1 ).



脂肪羞辱的有害影响超出了增加的体重增加 - 这已经足够严重了。

Here are some other harmful effects supported by studies ( 6 , 7 , 8 ):

  • 沮丧。People who are discriminated against due to weight are at a higher risk of depression and other mental issues.
  • Eating disorders.脂肪羞辱与饮食失调的风险增加有关,例如binge eating.
  • Reduced self-esteem.脂肪羞辱与自尊的降低有关。
  • 其他。By causing stress, weight gain, increased皮质醇水平和精神问题,体重歧视可能会增加您患各种慢性疾病的风险。

研究非常清楚,脂肪羞辱会损害人们在心理和身体上的危害( 8 ).




For instance, one study found that those who had experienced weight discrimination were 2.7 times more likely to become depressed ( 9 ).

Numerous studies indicate that depression is very common among people who have obesity — especially those with extreme obesity ( 10 , 11 ).

Depression is one of the top causes for increased suicide risk, and in a study in 2,436 people, severe obesity was associated with a 21-times greater risk of suicidal behavior and a 12-times greater risk of attempted suicide ( 12 ).




体重歧视 - 包括胖羞辱 - 会导致压力和肥胖者的压力和肥胖者更多。

This form of bullying may not only cause additional weight gain but is also linked to depression,eating disorders,自尊心降低,以及其他各种精神和身体问题的风险增加。