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根据它的创造者,它能帮助你实现他lthy weight loss without depriving you of foods or beverages you enjoy. It also doesn’t require you to exercise.

This article reviews the F-Factor Diet and whether it works for healthy weight loss.

An F-Factor Diet inspired meal with chicken and broccoli 在Pinterest上分享

The F-Factor Diet was created by Tanya Zuckerbrot, a registered dietitian. It comes with a food line, meal plan, and other branded products. The F-Factor Diet book was released in 2006.

The “F” in F-Factor stands for fiber, a nutrient that most people don’t得到足够的. Fiber is an indigestible carb that adds bulk to foods ( 1 , 2 )。

The F-Factor plan is based on:

  • high fiber foods
  • lean protein
  • complex carbs

Its four core principles make it different from many other diet plans:

  • 吃正确的碳水化合物
  • 在餐馆吃饭
  • 如果您选择喝酒
  • spending less time exercising

Factor饮食强调flexibility and doesn’t require you to restrict yourself when it comes to eating out or enjoying alcohol in moderation.

饮食is designed to be more sustainable than many other dietary approaches. The creator says that it’s based on the science of anatomy and physiology, which don’t change with dieting.



The F-Factor Diet aims for three meals plus one snack per day. It combines lean proteins with high fiber foods and is designed to:

  • 低卡路里
  • 让你饱满
  • prevent feelings of deprivation

There are several phases to the F-Factor Diet. Each increases your net carb intake until you reach your carb goal.

Net carbsare the digestible carbs your body breaks down and absorbs, after accounting for any sugar alcohols and fiber.

They’re generally calculated by subtracting the fiber content from the grams of carbs in a serving of food.

Note that the F-Factor Diet would be considered alow carb diet, which generally consists of 20–130 grams of carbs per day ( 3 )。

饮食emphasizes unprocessed carb sources like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds over processed carb sources that include refined grains and added sugar.

In phase 1, the F-Factor Diet incorporates fewer than 35 grams of net carbs per day. This is spread over approximately 3 servings of carbs. This is meant to jump-start your weight loss.


The last phase of the F-Factor Diet is the maintenance phase, which you will remain in indefinitely. In this phase, you include around 9 servings of carbs per day, or fewer than 125 grams of net carbs.


The F-Factor Diet encourages eating three meals plus one snack per day. It starts by slowly increasing the number of net carbs you eat before reaching a weight maintenance eating pattern.

Factor饮食强调eating healthy, whole foods that are minimally processed, which can support a weight loss journey.

Foods recommended on the F-Factor Diet are also high in fiber, a nutrient known to help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Fiber is slowly digested, keeping you full for longer between meals ( 4 , 5 )。

数十年的研究发现饮食之间有联系fiber and losing weight,甚至防止肥胖和相关慢性疾病( 6 , 7 )。

One study in 345 adults with excess weight or obesity found that fiber intake was the most significant dietary factor in promoting weight loss, regardless of calorie intake or the macronutrient composition of their diet ( 8 )。



Though research on the F-Factor Diet specifically is lacking, its principles may offer several other potential health benefits, including:

  • 可能会改善您的心脏健康。研究表明,高纤维饮食可以帮助降低您的LDL(坏)胆固醇并预防动脉粥样硬化,动脉粥样硬化会导致心脏病(可导致心脏病)( 2 , 9 , 10 )。
  • 可能会降低血糖。Foods that are higher in fiber tend to help preventblood sugar spikes甚至降低您的2型糖尿病风险( 11 , 12 )。
  • May prevent constipation.Eating a high fiber diet can help increase the frequency and bulk of your stool, as well as promote bowel regularity ( 13 )。

As you can see, there are several other potential health benefits of following the F-Factor Diet, which mostly have to do with its significant fiber content.




The F-Factor Diet minimizes theimportance of exercise作为减肥程序的一部分。甚至说运动可能会增加食欲,使您进食更多并防止体重减轻。

通过做跑步,步行,骑自行车,瑜伽,举重或运动体育运动来体育活跃,对体重减轻和整体健康有益( 14 , 15 )。

Furthermore, the emphasis on fiber as the main nutrient could make you lose sight of other important nutrients in your diet. Though fiber is important, it’s not the only nutrient needed to maintain a healthy, sustainable weight.

For instance,protein脂肪在减肥中扮演不可或缺的角色,因为它们可以帮助您保持更长的时间并增加燃烧的卡路里数量( 16 , 17 )。

Another potential downside is that the diet could cause you to consumetoo few calories,由于很长一段时间内营养素的摄入量不足,这可能会导致许多健康问题。

What’s more, eating large amounts of fiber at once can lead to bloating, cramping, gas, and even diarrhea. Though these are normal side effects that indicate fiber is doing its job, it may be best to increase your intake slowly if you’re not used to eating much fiber ( 2 )。

Also, during phase 1, the F-Factor Diet requires you to eat a specific brand of high fiber, appetite-control crackers called GG Bran Crispbread. The crackers are used in place of bread to keep you full for longer between meals.

These crackers, in conjunction with other recommended foods, would need to be reevaluated for people who are unable to consume wheat or gluten.

此外,饮食性因子的价格点can vary. The program’s annual revenue is reportedly over $1 million, with a personal startup package with Zuckerbrot costing $15,000.

The good news is that you can likewise embark on the F-Factor Diet on your own for much cheaper, using Zuckerbrot’s books “The F-Factor Diet” and “The Miracle Carb Diet” as guidance.

There are also many recipes available on the F-Factor Diet website.


Though the F-Factor Diet has several potential benefits, it overlooks the importance of exercise and nutrients other than fiber as part of healthy weight loss and maintenance.

The F-Factor Diet outlines general guidelines regarding what to eat but leaves you with the flexibility to make your own choices.


Here are some foods and beverages that would fit the F-Factor Diet guidelines:

  • Whole grains:brown rice,quinoa,法罗,小米,燕麦片,全麦面包和饼干
  • Beans and legumes:黑豆,肾豆,鹰嘴豆,小扁豆,豌豆
  • 坚果和种子:坚果黄油,南瓜种子,腰果,核桃,葵花籽,开心果
  • 高纤维水果:pears, oranges, apples, berries, bananas, dates
  • 高纤维蔬菜:西兰花,胡萝卜,甜菜,花椰菜,地瓜,朝鲜蓟,avocados
  • 瘦蛋白:鸡蛋,鸡肉,鱼,干酪
  • 饮料:水,酒精

Note that although alcohol is permitted on the F-Factor Diet, it should only be consumed in moderation. This is defined as one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men ( 13 )。

The F-Factor Diet also promotes its own line of powders and bars that offer a combination of protein and fiber for people looking for convenient snacks.

When eating out, the diet recommends skipping the extra dressings and oils, avoiding fried foods, choosing high fiber sides, ordering the appetizer portion of entrées, and replacing desserts with low calorie options like coffee.


Factor饮食强调whole, minimally processed foods like whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, lean proteins, and high fiber fruits and vegetables.

No foods are officially excluded on the F-Factor Diet.

However, highly processed foods and low quality carbs should be minimized for the best weight loss results. These include:

  • 精制谷物:白面包,面食,饼干,白米饭,饼干,玉米饼
  • Processed foods:candy, potato chips, fast foods, french fries, baked goods
  • Refined oils:菜籽油,大豆油,玉米油,氢化脂肪
  • Sugar-sweetened beverages:soda, fruit juice, sweet tea, sports drinks, energy drinks

Keep in mind that even though these foods don’t offer much in the way of nutrition or health benefits — and can even contribute to a higher risk of certain chronic diseases — the F-Factor Diet allows you to enjoy them on occasion if you want to ( 19 , 20 )。



Below is what 3 days of the F-Factor Diet may look like during the maintenance phase.


  • Breakfast:cottage cheese with almonds and raspberries
  • Lunch:瘦火鸡和奶酪三明治全麦面包,生菜,tomato, and avocado
  • 晚餐:全麦面食,侧面牛排,烤朝鲜蓟和橙色的一面
  • Snack:香蕉和花生酱


  • Breakfast:Greek yogurt with berries, hard-boiled egg
  • Lunch:芝麻菜沙拉上面放着牛排和切碎的蔬菜
  • 晚餐:roasted chicken breast with peas, a side salad, and whole wheat roll
  • Snack:glass of milk with high fiber crackers


  • Breakfast:high fiber waffles topped with berries
  • Lunch:mixed green salad topped with chopped veggies and tofu
  • 晚餐:西葫芦面条with tuna, spinach, tomatoes, and garlic
  • Snack:带腰果的苹果片

The sample meal plan above includes some foods that would fit the maintenance phase of the F-Factor Diet, but you could adjust it based on your personal preferences.

The F-Factor Diet is a weight loss diet that emphasizes eating high fiber foods in combination with lean proteins. It allows you to eat at restaurants and doesn’t restrict any foods or beverages or require you to exercise.

Research on the F-Factor Diet specifically is unavailable, but the high fiber nature of the diet may promote weight loss and support overall health. It may even prevent constipation,support heart health,并帮助您管理血糖。


While most people would likely benefit from eating more fiber, eating a variety of healthy, whole foods and following a lifestyle that works well for you may be the best option for可持续的体重减轻.