Essiac Tea是一种草药茶,近年来在自然健康爱好者中广泛流行。

Proponents, or those in favor of the herbal tea, claim that it can kill cancer cells, stimulate immunity, and aid detoxification.

However, others consider it a questionable cancer therapy, noting that evidence to support its use is insufficient.

本文着眼于Essiac Tea的成分,好处和潜在副作用。

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Essiac Tea是一个受欢迎的herbal tea吹捧其所谓的抗癌特性。

In the 1920s, Canadian nurse Rene Caisse promoted Essiac tea as a natural cancer treatment, claiming that it was given to her by a patient who originally received it from an Ontario Ojibwa medicine man.


Essiac tea is a blend of different herbs, including:

  • burdock root
  • slippery elm
  • sheep sorrel
  • 印度大黄

In addition to its purported anticancer properties, Essiac tea is also believed to enhance detoxification, boost immune function, and reduce inflammation ( 1 ).



Manufacturers of the product recommend drinking 1 to 12 ounces (30 to 360 mL) daily for best results ( 1 ).


Essiac Tea是由声称与癌症作斗争,改善免疫力,增加排毒和减少炎症的草药的混合物制成的。

Test-tube and animal studies show that Essiac tea is rich in antioxidants and may offeranti-inflammatory特性 ( 2 , 3 ).


These primary ingredients are:

  • Burdock root.This root contains compounds shown to promote血液循环, improve skin texture, and stabilize blood sugar ( 4 ).
  • Slippery elm.受尊敬的药用特性,滑榆树富含抗病抗氧化剂,可能有助于治疗炎症性肠病( 5 ).
  • Sheep sorrel.Also known by its scientific name,Rumex acetosella,已显示绵羊栗色在试管研究中具有有效的抗病毒特性( 6 , 7 ).
  • 印度大黄.One recent animal study found that Indian rhubarb is high in antioxidants and may inhibit the growth of liver cancer cells in rats ( 8 ).

Essiac tea is high in antioxidants and made from a blend of herbs with potential health-promoting properties.

Research on the anticancer effects of Essiac tea has had conflicting results.

例如,一项试管研究表明,茶具有抗氧化特性,并防止了细胞和DNA的损害,这可能有助于防止癌症( 2 ).

一项较旧的试管研究指出,Essiac Tea以高浓度给药时阻断了乳腺癌和白血病癌细胞的生长( 9 ). A more recent animal study found the same growth-blocking effects, though research on human subjects is still needed (10).

还有一些轶事证据表明,某些类型的癌症对Essiac Tea做出了很好的反应,其中包括一例男子从前列腺癌中缓解并将其归因于茶( 11 ).

However, plenty of studies have found little to no effect of Essiac tea on cancer development, including one review of 17 animal studies that detected no anticancer properties ( 1 ).

其他多项动物和试管研究还表明,Essiac Tea对癌细胞没有影响,在某些情况下,它甚至可能刺激乳腺癌细胞的生长( 1 , 12 , 13 , 14 ).

此外,由于目前无法使用人类研究,因此需要更多的高质量研究来了解Essiac Tea如何影响普通人群的癌症发展。


动物和试管研究对Essiac TEA对癌细胞生长和发育的影响有着矛盾的发现。需要关于其提出影响的人类研究。

Drinking Essiac tea has been associated with many side effects.

这些包括恶心,呕吐,频繁排尿,排便增加,皮肤问题,类似流感的症状,头痛, and swollen glands ( 1 ).

In addition, the tea’s manufacturers also note that women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid this product ( 1 ).

一些人还建议避免Essiac茶如果你甲型肝炎e breast cancer, as animal and test-tube studies have found that it may stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells ( 13 , 14 ).


Essiac tea may cause side effects and is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Animal and test-tube studies note that it may increase the growth of breast cancer cells.

Most of the studies available on Essiac tea, including the ones referred to in this article, are older, and current research is needed. In addition, most available studies are in animals and individual cells in a lab rather than in humans.

此外,尽管已经研究了其对癌症的影响,但对Essiac Tea的其他健康主张的研究 - 例如detoxifyingand immune-boosting properties — is lacking.

In fact, many of the purported health benefits of Essiac tea stem solely from anecdotal reports.

Furthermore, the product has not been approved for the treatment of cancer or other medical conditions by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ( 1 ).

它也可能与许多副作用有关,包括恶心,呕吐,尿液频繁和排便增加( 1 ).

因此,在建议之前,需要对Essiac Tea对健康的潜在影响进行更多的研究。


当前对Essiac Tea影响的研究仅限于动物和试管研究以及轶事报告。

Essiac tea is made from a blend of herbs with potential health benefits, though only its purported anticancer effects have been studied — with conflicting results.


Therefore, it’s best to consult with your doctor before consuming Essiac tea, especially if you:

  • are taking any medications
  • 怀孕或母乳喂养
  • 有潜在的健康状况
