
虽然often considered a vegetable,从技术上讲,它们是从开花植物生长并含有种子的水果。

大小和颜色的范围很多。虽然具有深紫色皮肤的茄子最常见,但它们可能是红色,绿色甚至黑色( 1 ).


This article takes a deep look at 7 health benefits of eggplants.

1. Rich in Many Nutrients

Eggplants are anutrient-dense food, meaning they contain a good amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber in few calories.


  • 卡路里:20
  • Carbs:5克
  • 纤维:3克
  • 蛋白质:1克
  • 锰:RDI的10%
  • 叶酸:5% of the RDI
  • Potassium:5% of the RDI
  • 维生素K:4% of the RDI
  • 维生素C:3% of the RDI

Eggplants also contain small amounts of other nutrients, including niacin, magnesium and copper.



2. High in Antioxidants


抗氧化剂是有助于保护人体免受有害物质损害的物质(称为自由基的有害物质)( 3 ).

研究表明,抗氧化剂可以帮助预防多种类型的慢性疾病,例如心脏病和癌症( 4 , 5 ).

茄子特别富含花青素,一种具有抗氧化特性的色素,其颜色是鲜艳的( 6 ).

In particular, an anthocyanin in eggplants called nasunin is especially beneficial.

In fact, multiple test-tube studies have confirmed that it’s effective at protecting cells against damage from harmful free radicals ( 7 , 8 ).




Thanks to their antioxidant content, some studies suggest that eggplants may help reduce the risk of heart disease.

在一项研究中,胆固醇高的兔子每天给予0.3盎司(10 mL)的茄子汁,持续两周。

在研究结束时,它们的LDL胆固醇和甘油三酸酯的水平较低,两种血液标记物在升高时会导致心脏病风险增加( 9 ).

Other studies have demonstrated that eggplants may have a protective effect on the heart.

在一项研究中,喂动物的生物或烤茄子30天。两种类型都改善了心脏功能和心脏病发作的严重程度降低( 10 ).

While these results are promising, it’s important to note that current research is limited to animal and test-tube studies. Further research is needed to evaluate how eggplants may affect heart health in humans.



4. May Promote Blood Sugar Control

Adding eggplants to your diet may help keep your blood sugar in check.

这主要是因为茄子的纤维含量很高,该纤维通过消化系统完好无损( 11 ).

纤维罐lower blood sugar通过减慢体内糖的消化率和吸收速率。较慢的吸收使血糖水平保持稳定,并且防止尖峰和崩溃( 12 ).

Other research suggests that polyphenols, or natural plant compounds, found in foods like eggplant may reduce sugar absorption and increase insulin secretion, both of which can help lower blood sugar ( 13 ).

One test-tube study looked at polyphenol-enriched extracts of eggplant. It showed that they could reduce levels of specific enzymes that influence sugar absorption, helping reduce blood sugar ( 14 ).

Eggplants fit well into current dietary recommendations for controlling diabetes, which include a high-fiber diet rich in whole grains and vegetables ( 15 ).




Eggplants are high in fiber and low in calories, making them an excellent addition to any weight loss regimen.

纤维缓慢地穿过消化道,可以促进饱腹感和饱腹感,减少卡路里的摄入量( 16 ).


Additionally, eggplants are often used as a high-fiber, low-calorie replacement for higher-calorie ingredients in recipes.


Eggplant is high in fiber but low in calories, both of which can help promote weight loss. It can also be used in place of higher-calorie ingredients.

6. May Have Cancer-Fighting Benefits


For instance, solasodine rhamnosyl glycosides (SRGs) are a type of compound found in some nightshade plants, including eggplant.

一些动物研究表明,SRGS可能导致癌细胞死亡,也可能有助于减少某些类型的癌症的复发( 17 ).

尽管该主题的研究受到限制,但直接应用于皮肤时,SRG被证明对皮肤癌特别有效( 18 , 19 ,20).


One review looking at approximately 200 studies found that eating fruits and vegetables was associated with protection against pancreatic, stomach, colorectal, bladder, cervical and breast cancer ( 21 ).

However, more research is needed to determine how the compounds found in eggplants may specifically affect cancer in humans.


Eggplants contain solasodine rhamnosyl glycosides, which test-tube studies indicate may aid in cancer treatment. Eating more fruits and vegetables may also protect against some types of cancer.



It can be baked, roasted, grilled or sautéed and enjoyed with a drizzle of olive oil and a quick dash of seasoning.


This can reduce your carb and calorie intake, all while increasing the fiber and nutrient content of your meal.


茄子是一个多才多艺的成分,可以前pared and enjoyed in a variety of different ways.


Eggplant is a high-fiber, low-calorie food that is rich in nutrients and comes with many potential health benefits.

From reducing the risk of heart disease to helping with blood sugar control and weight loss, eggplants are a simple and delicious addition to任何健康的饮食.
