
They’re super nutritious, great in smoothies and easy to include in tasty, raw desserts.

Each avocado has a single large seed that is normally thrown away, but some people claim that it has health benefits and should be eaten.



The avocado seed is encased in a hard shell and comprises 13–18% of the size ofthe whole fruit(1)。

有关其成分的信息有限,但确实包含大量脂肪酸,饮食纤维,碳水化合物和少量蛋白质(2, 3 , 4 , 5 ).

The seed is also considered to be a rich source of phytochemicals, including substances that plants produce to protect themselves.

虽然鳄梨种子中的某些植物化学物质可能具有抗氧化潜力,但其他植物化学物质可能无法提供任何健康益处(2, 3 ).

The carbs in an avocado seed consist mainly of starch, with its dry weight being nearly 75% starch. Starch is made up of a long chain of sugars, and researchers have begun to investigate its potential use in food products (6).


鳄梨的种子主要由脂肪acids, carbs in the form of starch and dietary fiber, as well as a small amount of protein and a broad range of phytochemicals.

在尼日利亚,鳄梨种子提取物用于管理高血压( 4 ).



  • 胆固醇:已显示鳄梨种子粉可减少小鼠中总胆固醇和“坏” LDL胆固醇( 5 ).
  • 糖尿病:It mayreduce blood sugar levelsin diabetic rats. One animal study showed that it was as effective as an anti-diabetic medication ( 7 ,8).
  • 血压:动物研究表明,鳄梨种子提取物可能有助于放松血管,这有助于降低血压,这是心脏病的关键危险因素( 9 , 10 ).
  • Antioxidant:Test-tube studies on avocado seed extracts have shown that the avocado seed may have strong antioxidant properties (2, 11 ).
  • 抗菌:一项试管研究发现,它阻止了Clostridium sporogenes,一种形成孢子的细菌( 12 ).
  • Antifungal:Avocado seed has inhibited fungal growth in test-tube studies. In particular, it can inhibitCandida albicans,一种经常在肠道中引起问题的酵母( 13 , 14 ).

尽管这些发现很有希望,但请注意,它们基于试管和动物研究。在得出任何结论之前,需要进一步的基于人类的研究( 11 , 14 ).

In addition, these studies mostly used processed avocado seed extracts, not the whole seed itself ( 7 , 11 , 13 ).


Studies on avocado seeds suggest they may reduce your risk of heart disease and fight off bacteria and fungi. Nevertheless, further research in humans is needed before any conclusions can be made.

There are concerns that some plant compounds in avocado seed, such as trypsin inhibitors and cyanogenic glycosides, may be harmful ( 15 ).


One Nigerian study gave rats very high doses of avocado seed extract over 28 days and observed no harmful effects ( 4 ).

Furthermore, based on the local population’s consumption of avocado seeds, it estimated the maximum daily intake of avocado seed extract to be 1.4 mg per pound (3 mg per kg) of body weight in adult humans ( 4 ).

在小鼠中的另一项研究发现,鳄梨种子提取物的浓度不高达227毫克每磅(每公斤500毫克)每天的体重,没有毒性。摄入这种或更高水平的鳄梨种子提取物的小鼠在24小时内死亡( 16 ).

There are also concerns that avocado seed oil may cause harm, as it has been shown to increase enzymes and fat build-up in the livers of rats (17,18).


Also, the extraction process used in the studies could alter its effects on your body.


Research on the safety of avocado seed is sparse. It can be harmful to mice and rats in very high doses, and it’s unknown whether it’s safe for human consumption.


First, they need to be dried out in the oven at a high temperature for a few hours. Some people dry the seeds in the oven for two hours at 250°F(121°C)。



However, drying out the seed may reduce its antioxidant content, so you may not reap the benefits you expected.

Note that the seed is bitter. If you are going to add it to your smoothie, make sure to balance it with some sweetness by including fruit, such as a banana or some strawberries.

重要的是,没有证据表明鳄梨种子可以安全食用。喝一杯可能是一个更好的主意green teaor handful of浆果, rather than taking a risk.




While animal and test-tube studies have found some benefits of avocado seeds, evidence to suggest health benefits in people is lacking.


It’s currently not recommended to eat avocado seeds.
