People run for a variety of reasons, including to reduce stress, improve health, and compete in races.


This article explains whether running builds or breaks down muscle.

Running can build lower body muscles, but it largely depends on the intensity and duration of your runs.

在一项研究中,有12名训练有素的大学生完成高强度间隔训练(HIIT) involving 4 sets of running at near maximum capacity for 4 minutes followed by 3 minutes of active rest ( 1 ).

After 10 weeks of HIIT workouts 3 times per week, they showed close to an 11% increase in the muscle fiber area of their quadriceps (located at the front of the thigh), compared with the control group.


Aerobic exercise like running is thought to build muscle by inhibiting proteins that interfere with muscle growth and decreasing muscle protein breakdown (MPB) ( 1 , 2 , 3 ).


例如,在一项针对30名男性业余跑步者的研究中,他们跑了6.2、13或26.1英里(10、21或42公里),所有小组的肌肉损害标记物均显着增加( 4 ).


These results suggest that high intensity, short duration running buildsleg muscles,而长跑造成重大muscle damage, inhibiting muscle growth.



Muscle building occurs when muscle protein synthesis (MPS) exceeds muscle protein breakdown (MPB) ( 5 ).

蛋白质is an important component of muscle that may be added or removed based on factors like diet and exercise ( 6 ).

如果您将蛋白质视为单独的砖块,MPS是将砖块添加到墙上的过程,而MPB则是将它们带走的过程。如果您铺设的砖比带走的砖块更多,则墙壁会长大 - 但是,如果您带走的砖块比躺着的更多,则墙壁会收缩。

换句话说,要锻炼肌肉,您的身体必须做更多的蛋白质than it removes.

Exercise — primarily举重— is a strong stimulus for MPS. Although exercise also causes MPB, the increase in MPS is greater, leading to net muscle gain ( 5 , 7 ).



高强度,持续时间短的跑步锻炼,例如HIIT可以帮助您建立下半身的肌肉,尤其是在股四头肌和腿筋(大腿背面)(大腿背面)( 8 ).


  • 6组20秒的冲刺,最大强度,步行2分钟或慢跑2分钟
  • 5 sets of 30-second sprints at maximum intensity separated by 4 minutes of walking or light jogging
  • 4套45秒冲刺at moderate intensity separated by 5 minutes of walking or light jogging
  • 4套30秒的山冲刺,距离您沿着山走路的时间分开



For example, if you can’t catch your breath between sets, increase your rest time or decrease your total number of sets. Conversely, you can amp up these routines by decreasing your rest time, increasing your number of sets, or both.

In either case, don’t forget to warm up beforehand and cool down afterward to help prevent injuries and boost recovery.


After your workout, walk at a normal pace for 5–10 minutes. An活跃的冷却helps lower your heart rate and prevents waste products from accumulating in your muscles (9).


HIIT workouts may help you gain lower body muscles. Warming up and cooling down can prevent injuries and enhance recovery.



While exercise stimulates MPS, protein enhances it further, promoting greater muscle gains ( 10 , 11 ).

This is why many people喝蛋白质奶昔on either end of their workouts.

为了获得肌肉,专家建议每天消耗0.64-0.91克蛋白质(每公斤1.4-2克)体重。这等于150磅(68.2 kg)的人(68.2 kg)的96-137克蛋白质( 12 , 13 ).

Good sources of proteininclude meat, poultry, dairy, fish, eggs, soy, beans, and legumes.

Carbs and fats


饮食低碳水化合物,脂肪含量高,例如ketogenic diet,已被证明会损害厌氧运动的表现( 14 ).

Fat tends to serve as an energy source during lower intensity exercise like long distance running ( 15 ).

为了助您锻炼并确保足够的维生素和矿物质摄入量,目的是从碳水化合物中获得45-65%的卡路里,而从脂肪中获得20-35%的卡路里( 16 ).

Healthy sources of carbs include fruit, whole grains, starchy vegetables, dairy products, and beans, whilegood fat sources包括脂肪鱼,特级初榨橄榄油,全鸡蛋,种子,鳄梨,坚果和坚果黄油。




这些指南是19岁及以上成人,和include water from both foods and beverages.

大多数人可以stay hydratedby eating a healthy diet and drinking water when thirsty, as well as during and after exercise ( 18 ).


A robust diet is integral to gaining muscle with running. Be sure to stay hydrated and eat adequate amounts of protein, carbs, and fats.

Although long distance running may inhibit muscle growth, high intensity, short duration running may promote it.

Doing HIIT several times per week can help youbuild lower body muscle.

Make sure you遵循均衡饮食并保持水分以支持肌肉建设过程。