
It’s supposedly very important for muscle growth, sports performance and fat loss.


However, despite its popularity, the research on nutrient timing is far from convincing ( 1 ).



专业健美运动员和运动员已经使用了营养时机已有50多年了,并且已经研究了许多方面( 2 ,,,, 3 ,,,, 4 ).

One of the world’s leading researchers incarbohydrate约翰·艾维(John Ivy)博士的时机已经发表了许多研究表明其潜在的好处。2004年,他出版了一本书Nutrient Timing: The Future of Sports Nutrition


但是,仔细研究研究表明,这些发现远非结论性,并且有两个重大局限性( 1 ,,,, 5 ):

  1. Short-term blood markers:Many of the studies only measure short-term blood markers, which often fail to correlate with long-term benefits ( 6 ).
  2. Ultra-endurance athletes:Many of the studies follow extreme endurance athletes, which do not necessarily represent the average person.

For these reasons, the findings in much of the research that supports nutrient timing may not apply to everyone.




The anabolic window is the most commonly referenced part of nutrient timing ( 7 ).

它也称为机会之窗,它基于这样的想法,即身体处于营养吸收的理想状态15–60 minutesafter exercise.

然而,尽管研究合成风ow is far from conclusive, it is regarded as an important fact by many professionals and fitness enthusiasts.

The theory is based on two key principles:

  1. Carb replenishment:锻炼后,立即供应碳水化合物有助于最大化糖原储备,从而改善性能和恢复。
  2. Protein intake:锻炼会分解蛋白质,因此锻炼后蛋白质通过刺激肌肉蛋白质合成(MPS)有助于修复和启动生长。

Both of these principles are correct to some extent, but human metabolism and nutrition are not as black and white as many people like to think.


碳水化合物合成窗口代表的一个主要方面lenishment, since carbs are stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen.

研究表明,在锻炼后30-60分钟内补充糖原,这支持合成代谢窗口理论( 8 ,,,, 9 ).

但是,只有在您每天训练几次或一天之内进行多次体育赛事时,时间安排才有意义。对于每天锻炼一次的普通人,每顿饭都有足够的时间补充糖原( 10 ).

Additionally, some research actually shows training with lower muscle glycogen to be beneficial, especially if your goal is fitness and fat loss ( 11 ).

New research has even shown immediate replenishment may reduce the fitness benefits you receive from that session ( 12 ).



The second aspect of the anabolic window is the use of protein to stimulate muscle protein synthesis (MPS), which plays a key role in recovery and growth.


反而,focus on yourtotal daily protein intake,并确保每顿饭都吃高质量的蛋白质( 13 ).

A recent meta-analysis by leading researcher Dr. Brad Schoenfeld also arrived at this conclusion, summarizing that daily protein and nutrient intake is the priority ( 13 ).

In short, if you meet your total daily needs for protein,caloriesand other nutrients, the anabolic window is less important than most people believe.

Two exceptions are elite athletes or people who train several times per day, who may need to maximize fuel replenishment between sessions.



Nutrient Timing Before You Train

The pre-workout window may actually be more important than the anabolic window.

根据您的目标,服用某些补充剂的正确时机实际上可能有助于绩效( 14 ).

For example, performance-enhancing supplements likecaffeine必须在正确的时间进行适当的效果( 15 ).

This also applies to food. A well-balanced, easily digestible meal eaten 60–150 minutes before a workout may improve performance, especially if you have not eaten for several hours ( 16 ).

相比之下,如果您的目标是减脂,食物较少的训练可能会帮助您燃烧脂肪,改善胰岛素敏感性并提供其他重要的长期利益( 17 ,,,, 18 ).

Hydration is also closely linked to health and performance. Many people tend to be dehydrated before working out, so it may be important to drink around 12–16 oz (300–450 ml) ofwaterand electrolytes before the workout ( 19 ,,,, 20 ,,,, 21 ).

Additionally, vitamins may affect workout performance, and may even reduce training benefits. So although vitamins are important nutrients, it may be best not to take them close to your workout ( 22 ).


Nutrient timing may play an important role in pre-workout nutrition, especially if you want to maximize performance, improve body composition or have specific health goals.


Recent research has shown that itdoesn’t really matter如果你吃早餐。反而,what您吃早餐已成为热门话题。


但是,尽管从理论上讲这听起来很棒,但大多数这些观察结果都是轶事,并且不受研究的支持( 23 ).

And, while some studies do show greater fat burning, this is caused by the increased dietary fat intake from the meal, not because you’re burning more body fat.

Additionally, some studies show thatprotein-based breakfastshave health benefits. However, this is likely due to the many benefits of protein, and timing probably does not play a role ( 24 ).

As with the anabolic window, the breakfast myth is not supported by research.



There is no evidence to support one best approach for breakfast. Your breakfast should reflect your dietary preferences and goals.

Nutrient Timing at Night

“Cut carbohydrates at night to lose weight”.

This is another diet myth, promoted by celebrities and magazines around the world.

This reduction of carbs simply helps you reduce total daily calorie intake, creating a卡路里赤字- 减肥的关键因素。时机并不重要。

In contrast to eliminating carbs at night, some research actually shows carbs can help with sleep and relaxation, although more research is needed on this ( 25 ).

This may hold some truth, as carbs release the neurotransmitter serotonin, which helps regulate your sleep cycle.

Based on the health benefits of a晚安睡眠,,,,evening carb intake may actually be beneficial, especially if you have problems sleeping.




For elite athletes, nutrient timing may provide an important competitive advantage.


反而,focus your efforts on consistency, daily calorie intake, food quality and sustainability.
