


A glass of iced ginger ale next to chopped ginger root on a table. 在Pinterest上分享
Sophia Hsin/Stocksy

Commercially available ginger ale typically consists of carbonated water, sugar, and ginger flavoring. It is — fancy name aside — asoda

它有三个一般的品种:普通、干燥(a spicier flavor), or diet. Traditional, artisanal ginger ale will use a “mother culture” of bacteria and yeast to provide natural carbonation. It may also contain more ginger root and cane sugar.

However, there’s very little姜根在您的日常生姜啤酒中。这是关键,因为生姜根是其中一种可能使您胃部不适的放松的成分。

In fact, ginger root has a long and studied history in the relief of nausea — whether it’s brought on by pregnancy, chemotherapy, indigestion, or other illness. Its anti-nausea ability is attributed to several compounds, like shogaols and gingerols ( 1 ,,,, 2 ,,,, 3 ,,,, 4 )。



Some home remedies for nausea call for drinking ginger ale at room temperature, while others require drinking it flat. Flat, bubbly, warm, or cold, it’s usually just ginger-flavored sugar water — and while it might be delicious, it probably won’t help your nausea much.

In fact, carbonation may actually make your nausea worse instead of bringing relief. That’s because it introduces gas into your intestines, leading to bloating and discomfort ( 5 )。

更重要的是,用苏打体加载消化道可能会加剧有时伴随恶心的其他症状,例如腹泻。那是因为像果糖这样的简单糖会刺激肠道抽水electrolytes和水,松开肠子( 6 )。

许多饮食苏打也会触发这种影响。这糖醇(like erythritol, mannitol, sorbitol, and xylitol) in artificial sweeteners that diet sodas contain are partially fermented in the gut, which could cause gastric distress ( 7 )。

Interestingly, an older study from 2007 revealed that erythritol resists gut fermentation, which may make it easier to tolerate when consumed in single doses of up to 50 grams ( 8 )。





这following herbs, or herbal teas and infusions, have been linked with nausea relief. It is worth mentioning that many of these studies used other forms of these herbs like capsules or oils, so ingesting them as teas may not have the same effect ( 2 )。

  1. lemonginger tea ( 9 ,,,, 10
  2. 薄荷茶 ( 11 ,,,, 12
  3. chamomile tea ( 13 ,,,, 14


Other alternatives include acupressure bracelets, which stimulate the Pericardium 6 (P6) pressure point on the inner side of the wrist associated with nausea and vomiting. There is some evidence to show this method could bring relief ( 15 ,,,, 16 )。


Be sure to stay hydrated, too, especially if your nausea is accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea. It’s important to replenish electrolytes in these instances by way of椰子水or broth.

However, if your nausea is ongoing, stems from a known cause like chemotherapy or pregnancy, and results in appetite loss, weakness, or unintentional weight loss, speak with a healthcare professional about antiemetic (vomit-suppressing) medications that may help.



Ginger root has a long history of relieving nausea. Unfortunately, commercial干姜只是没有太多的生姜,也不太可能提供帮助。

Be wary: Carbonation, sugar, and artificial sweeteners may actually worsen your symptoms. In large amounts, they can even bring ondiarrhea



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