
At its simplest, losing weight means burning more calories than you consume. So, it makes sense to include exercise in your routine, since it helps you burn more calories.


所以,如果你的目的到底是什么运动’re trying to lose weight? This article takes a look at the evidence to help you find the answer and figure out what’s best for you.

Guille Faingold/Stocksy United

One of the most popular types of exercise for weight loss is aerobic exercise, also known as cardio. Examples include:

  • walking
  • running
  • 骑自行车
  • 游泳

Aerobic exercise doesn’t have a major effect on your muscle mass, at least not compared to lifting weights. However, it is very effective at burning calories.

A 10-month study examined how cardio without dieting affected 141 people with obesity or overweight. Participants were split into three groups and not told to reduce calorie intake ( 1 )。

Those who burned 400 calories per cardio session (5 times per week) lost 4.3% of their body weight, while those who burned 600 calories per session (also 5 times per week) lost a little more, at 5.7%. The control group, which didn’t exercise, actually gained 0.5% of their body weight.

其他研究还表明,有氧运动可以帮助您燃烧脂肪,尤其是危险belly fatthat increases your risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease ( 2 ,,,, 3 ,,,, 4 )。

That means adding cardio to your lifestyle is likely to help you manage your weight and improve your metabolic health, if you keep your caloric intake the same.


Doing aerobic exercise regularly can increase the number of calories you burn and help you lose body fat.


However, resistance training — such as weight lifting — has benefits that go beyond that. Resistance training helps increase the strength, tone, and amount of muscle you have.

One study of 141 older adults with obesity examined the effects of cardio, resistance training, or both on body composition during a period of intentional weight loss. This study found that those who did no exercise or cardio alone lost fat but also lost more muscle and bone mass than the groups that did resistance training ( 5 )。

So, resistance training appears to have a protective effect on both muscle and bone during periods of reduced calorie intake.

肌肉也更高增加新陈代谢,帮助您全天候燃烧更多的卡路里 - 即使在休息时也是如此。这是因为肌肉比脂肪代谢更具活性,这意味着它需要更多的能量( 6 )。

This also helps prevent the下降代谢that can occur alongside weight loss.

Because of this, doing some form of resistance training is a crucial addition to an effective long-term weight loss plan. It makes it easier to keep the weight off, which is actually much harder than losing it in the first place.


Lifting weights helps maintain and build muscle, and it helps prevent your metabolism from slowing down when you lose fat.

高强度interval training (HIIT) is a type of exercise characterized by short bursts of intense exercise followed by a brief rest before repeating this cycle. HIIT can be done with cardio or resistance training exercises and provides the benefits of both ( 7 )。

Most HIIT workouts are only 10–20 minutes long, but they offer some powerful benefits in regard to weight loss.


However, HIIT exercise achieved these same benefits with a 40% time savings compared to cardio ( 8 )。




You’ve probably heard that physical exertion is a good way to work up an appetite, or maybe you even found yourself eating more than usual after a vigorous workout.


一项在20名活跃健康的成年人中进行的一项研究指出,他们在锻炼前的饭菜中吃了更多的食物,而实际上,总体而言,参与者在锻炼的日子里吃的食物比没有的日子要少( 9 )。

In another study in 26 women with obesity on low calorie diets, researchers found that short HIIT sessions had a strong appetite suppressing effect ( 10 )。

研究人员还指出,早间运动似乎比晚上运动更有益于能量平衡和卡路里的摄入量 - 进一步支持锻炼可以减少食欲的理论( 11 )。

Regardless, more research is needed, and hunger responses to exercise are likely highly individual. If you’re trying to lose weight but tend to eat more than usual after vigorous or long exercise sessions, consider shorter durations (like HIIT) or less intense exercise.


Exercise may make you more or less hungry; however, research mostly points to exercise having an appetite reducing effect.

运动在许多方面都对您的健康真的很棒,不仅在体重管理方面( 12 )。

Regular exercise can improve your blood sugar control and may help reduce your risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers ( 13 ,,,, 14 )。

锻炼还可以帮助你保持和增长muscle mass, keep your bones strong and dense, and prevent the onset of conditions like osteoporosis — which is characterized by bone brittleness ( 15 ,,,, 16 )。

此外,锻炼还带来了一些精神上的好处。它可以帮助您降低压力水平并更有效地管理压力,并且似乎可以保护对神经退行性疾病(例如阿尔茨海默氏病)( 17 ,,,, 18 )。




Because of its numerous health benefits, exercise should absolutely be a part of your routine — regardless of your weight goals. In fact, most successful weight loss maintainers listed in the National Weight Control Registry, who have lost at least 30 pounds (14 kg) and kept it off for at least 1 year, report exercising for at least 1 hour per day ( 19 )。

美国人的体育活动指南概述了所有年龄段的理想运动,以帮助优化健康。对于成年人,他们是 20 ):

  • 有氧运动(有氧运动)练习:150–300中等强度分钟或每周75–150剧烈强度分钟
  • 肌肉强度(抗药性)练习:2or more days per week of exercises utilizing all major muscle groups

However, if your goal is weight loss, you should prioritize diet over exercise because it will have a much larger impact. If your time is limited, consider resistance training (rather than cardio) to help maintain your muscle mass and metabolic rate or HIIT to help you achieve a similar calorie burn as cardio in less time ( 21 )。

此外,不要仅仅取决于跟踪您的进度的规模。如果您在失去脂肪的同时获得肌肉,那么您的体重可能不会像您想要的那样快地变化 - 但是,您会更健康。也考虑进行测量,并跟踪衣服的合身方式。这些是脂肪减少的指标,而不是单独体重。



Exercise is important for overall health, and different types of exercise may offer different advantages when it comes to weight loss.

If you’re trying to lose weight, you may particularly interested in resistance training, which can preserve your fat-free mass and increase your calories burned at rest, and HIIT, which provides the same benefits as cardio, but for less time.


Just one thing

立即尝试:Exercise can play a role in weight loss, but diet is definitely the most important aspect. If you’re stumped about where to begin with diet changes to promote weight loss, read our guide on如何快速减肥