Fiber can influence many aspects of health.

From gut bacteria to减肥,它通常被认为是健康饮食的基本部分。

Most people have a very basic understanding of fiber, and tend to lump it all into one category.

但是,事实是那个not all fiber is created equal.


This article explains everything you need to know about the different types of fiber.

What is Fiber and How is it Classified?



The recommended intake is 38 grams for men, and 25 grams for women. However, most people are only eating around half of that, or 15-17 grams per day (1,2)。

Fiber is mostly found in plant foods, including vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds (for more details,这里is a list of 22 high-fiber foods)。

There is actually ahugevariety of different fibers found in foods.



  • 膳食纤维:Fiber found naturally in foods.
  • 功能纤维:从整个食物中提取和分离的纤维,然后加入到加工食品中。

However, there is a major problem with classifying fiber in this way. It tells us绝对没有关于他们的健康效果。

一种流行的替代方法是基于其对光纤进行分类solubility(可溶性Vs不溶性),viscosity(粘性Vs非粘性)和发酵能力(fermentable vs non-fermentable).

Then there is yet another class of nutrients called resistant starches, which are often classified as dietary fibers.

Bottom Line:



The solubility of fiber refers to its ability to dissolve in water.


  • Soluble fiberblends with water in the gut, forming a gel-like substance. It can reduce blood sugar spikes, and has various metabolic health benefits ( 4 )。
  • 不溶性纤维不混合水并通过消化系统,主要是完整的。它主要是作为“膨胀”代理商,并且可以通过肠道加速食物和浪费的速度( 5 )。

Soluble fibers include gums, pectins, psyllium, beta-glucans and others. Insoluble fibers include lignin and cellulose.

Different plant foods have varying proportions of soluble and insoluble fibers.

Bottom Line:

Fiber is often categorized based on its ability to dissolve in water. Soluble fiber has various benefits for metabolic health, while insoluble fiber functions mostly as a bulking agent.

Fermentable Fiber

估计100万亿活细菌居住在the human gut, mainly in the large intestine ( 6 )。

These bacteria are actually至关重要的for optimal health in humans. They play various roles related to weight management, blood sugar control, immunity, brain function and mental health ( 7 ,8, 9 , 10 ,11, 12 )。

他们非常重要,因为它们通常被称为“被遗忘的器官”( 13 )。


这是哪里fermentable光纤发挥作用。这些是友好的肠道细菌能够消化(发酵)并用作燃料( 14 )。

这增加了友好的肠道细菌的数量和平衡,这也产生了具有强大的健康益处的短链脂肪酸( 15 )。


Fermentable fibers include pectins, beta-glucans, guar gum, inulin and oligofructose.

The best whole-food sources of fermentable fibers are beans and豆类. A 1-cup serving often provides最多一半推荐的每日纤维摄入量。

All that being said, one of the by-products of fiber fermentation is gas. This is why foods high in fermentable fiber can cause flatulence and stomach discomfort, especially if people are not used to eating a lot of fiber.

Bottom Line:



Some types of soluble fibers form a thick gel when they blend with water. These are known as粘性fibers.

Put simply, the viscosity of a fluid refers to its “thickness.” For example,甜味剂蜂蜜比水更粘。

When you eat viscous fiber, it forms a gel-like substance that “sits” in the gut.

这减缓了消化和营养吸收的吸收,导致长期的丰满感和减少食欲( 16 ,17, 18 )。

A review of 44 studies on fiber treatments found that只有粘性纤维减少食物摄入并引起减肥( 19 )。

Viscous fibers include glucomannan, beta-glucans, pectins, guar gum and psyllium. Good whole-food sources include legumes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts,燕麦和flax seeds.

Bottom Line:



Starches are the main types of carbohydrates in the diet.

They are long chains of glucose molecules, found inpotatoes,谷粒还有许多其他食物。

Some starch is actually resistant to digestion, so that it passes through the digestive system unchanged.

这种类型的淀粉被称为抗淀粉, and it functions like soluble, fermentable fiber in the gut ( 20 )。

Resistant starch has numerous powerful health benefits. It improves digestive health, enhances insulin sensitivity, lowers blood sugar levels and significantly reduces appetite ( 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 )。




Bottom Line:






Oligofructose and inulin are the two main fructan varieties in the diet. They can feed the friendly bacteria in the gut, and have been shown to help treat certain types of diarrhea (26)。

However, fructans are also classified asFODMAPs, types of carbohydrates known to cause digestive issues in many people ( 27 )。

In fact, fructans and other FODMAPs trigger adverse symptoms in3 out of 4 people患有肠易肠综合征,一种常见的消化系统障碍(28)。




β-葡聚糖可以提高胰岛素敏感性和降低血糖水平。它们还可以显着降低胆固醇水平并增加丰满感的感觉( 30 )。




许多研究表明glucomannancan cause modest weight loss, fight constipation and improve risk factors for heart disease ( 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 )。

Bottom Line:




Good sources of healthy fibers include vegetables, fruits, oats, legumes, nuts, dark chocolate,牛油果,chia种子和各种其他食物。
