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Even though my specific dietary recommendations differ depending on factors like blood sugar control and digestive health, I recommend that all my clients eat a nutrient-dense diet composed primarily of whole foods.

Plus, I practice what I preach.

Here’s what healthy eating looks like to me.

Jillian Kubala用来自她的花园的土豆 Share on Pinterest
Photo Courtesy of Jillian Kubala

多年来,我发现吃一个主要是整个食物组成的营养密集的饮食让我感受到我的最佳并控制我的Hashimoto’s-related symptoms.


Nutrient-dense foods — the ones I focus on in my diet — are those that are high in nutrients like vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, and healthy fats. They include fruits, vegetables, seeds, chicken, fish, beans, and nuts.


This diet works for me and absolutely makes a difference in my Hashimoto’s symptoms.

Moreover, I care deeply about eating as sustainably as possible and am lucky to be able to grow my own food, keep chickens, and live in an area with an abundance of farms.


Eating locally and seasonally已与许多健康和环境福利有关,我鼓励您尽可能地支持当地农场,或者尝试成长自己的食物( 1 , 2 ).


Meals can be as simple as a brown rice bowl with veggies and chicken or a sweet potato stuffed with veggies, beans, and eggs.


I know how foods can either benefit or harm health, and it’s important to me that I treat my body well and fuel it with the right foods.

However, I also understand that sustainability, variety, and consistency are the most important factors in any healthy diet — and that means truly enjoying the foods I eat, even when they’re not the most nutritious.

I have a balanced approach to nutrition with both myself and my clients. Enjoying your favorite ice cream or a tastyslice of pizzacan be part of a healthy diet, so long as that diet is composed mostly of nutritious foods.

Life’s too short to obsess over food choices, but life is also too short to not take care of your health. While I love foods like Funfetti cake, pizza, and冰淇淋— and enjoy them on occasion — these foods aren’t part of my everyday diet.

Instead, I choose meals and snacks based on what my body needs and how they make me feel.

I work from home and have for years, so almost all my meals and snacks are homemade.

I let my hunger be my guide, so sometimes I eat three meals a day, sometimes two. Sometimes I snack, sometimes I don’t. And that’s OK! I listen to my body and eat when I’m hungry.

‘Listening to your body’ isn’t that simple for some people

While listening to your body and eating when you’re hungry may seem simple enough, these concepts may not come easily to many people, especially if you’re used to following restrictive diets.

If you struggle with restriction or have lost touch with hunger and fullness cues, working with a registered dietitian, a therapist, or both can help you move toward a more intuitive eating style and overcome habits like restricting or bingeing.

I have a few go-tos for lunch and dinner depending on the season, but here are some of my favorite breakfast and lunch options.


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Photo Courtesy of Jillian Kubala
  • 来自我的母鸡的两个鸡蛋有一半的鳄梨和Cleveland Kraut烤大蒜德国泡菜
  • an egg and veggie omelet with a bit of cheddar cheese and a side of berries or grapefruit
  • Lavva yogurtwith mixed berries, a scoop of natural peanut butter, cacao nibs, unsweetened coconut, and chia seeds


  • a large mixed green salad with chickpeas, pumpkin or sunflower seeds, sun-dried tomatoes, and a fried egg
  • Wild Planet tunawithPrimal Kitchenmayo, dill pickles, and简单的磨坊almond flour crackers
  • a snack plate made with whatever looks good in my fridge and pantry (This could be a combination of fresh fruit, sliced veggies, hummus, cheese, nuts, crackers, dried fruit, and more.)


My husband and I eat dinner together every night and take turns cooking. We both enjoy eating healthy foods and have a few go-to meals we like to prepare.

In the spring, summer, and fall, we use veggies from our backyard farm like greens, asparagus, onions, zucchini, winter squash, peppers, potatoes, eggplant, and tomatoes. Veggies are always the star of our dinners.

我的丈夫是一个狂热的渔夫,所以我们吃了他捕获的鱼,包括侥幸,黑鱼和鲈鱼。其他蛋白质来源包括鸡蛋,鸡 - 我们尽可能从当地农场购买 - 和土耳其。

We mostly rely on sweet potatoes, beans, potatoes, winter squash, brown rice, and quinoa for carb sources. We also loveTinkyada.糙米pasta.



  • Stuffed sweet potatoes.We roast sweet potatoes and then top them with sautéed veggies and a protein source like eggs, beans, or chicken. Here’s a tasty塞甘薯食谱you can try.
  • 杏仁结痂鱼。My husband makes breading from blended almonds to crust fish like fluke. We pan-fry it and serve it with sautéed broccoli and roasted potatoes.
  • Chicken burgers.我们经常用甘薯炸薯条和一个大沙拉为它们制作鸡肉或土耳其汉堡。
  • Whole roasted chicken.This is a go-to winter dish. We get whole chickens from local farms and roast them in a pan with carrots, onions, and potatoes. I like to make stock out of the chicken carcass to use as sipping broth or for soups.
  • 厚实的夏天蔬菜酱和糙米面团。In the summer, when we have an abundance of veggies, we often make a chunky sauce witheggplant, onions, zucchini, and tomatoes and serve it over brown rice pasta with fresh Parmesan.
  • Curry.I love making curries in the winter with coconut milk, potatoes, carrots, and lentils.

As you can see, our meals are pretty balanced and always include sources of fiber, protein, and healthy fat.

If I want something sweet after dinner, I sometimes snack on a nut-butter-stuffed date with chocolate chips or a piece of chocolate with peanut butter. Still, to be honest, I’m usually satisfied with dinner and don’t often want a nighttime snack.

Don’t get me wrong — I love sweets, and if I want something, I’ll have it. It’s just that following a balanced and filling diet that provides enough calories often leads to less snacking, especially at night.

I never feel deprived, because I honor my body by fueling it with delicious, nourishing, and nutritious foods.

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Photo Courtesy of Jillian Kubala

Even though I consider my current diet to be balanced and nutritious, I didn’t always have the best relationship with food.

When I was in my late teens and early twenties, I, like so many other women, wasn’t comfortable with my body and turned to限制性节食为了看某种方式并适合一定的尺寸。

My relationship with food and my body has evolved over the years. Studying nutrition, becoming a dietitian, and learning what makes me feel my best have helped me gain a lot of respect for myself and led me to take care of my body and mind in a consistently healthy way.

Developing a healthy relationship with food takes time. It’s not an easy ride for many people, myself included.


This may mean working with a professional such as aregistered dietitianor therapist.

You may wonder whether it’s healthy for everyone to follow a nutrient-dense diet that’s rich in whole foods.


In general, though, everyone can benefit from following a diet rich inwhole foods像蔬菜,鱼,水果,豆类,坚果和种子。

此外,限制超加工的食物可能会有助于您的感觉整体更好,降低疾病相关的症状,并保护您未来的健康状况( 3 , 4 , 5 ).

A note on food access


例如,尝试更多的冷冻水果和蔬菜。冷冻生产is highly nutritious and can be incorporated into recipes like stir-fries, soups, and smoothies.

Bulk grains and罐装or dried beans are other examples of affordable, nutritious foods that are available at most grocery stores.

If you want to start eating more whole, nutrient-dense foods, start small by aiming for at least two servings of veggies every day and cooking at home a few times per week.

Once these changes become routine, try adding other goals, such as swapping out ultra-processed snack foods for more nutritious options like fresh fruit and nut butter.


Just one thing

许多人认为他们需要很多户外空间来种植自己的食物,但情况并非总是如此。你可以成长an abundance of produce一个小院子里,一个屋顶,或者甚至在阳台上.

Greens, tomatoes, and herbs are just some of the plants that can be grown in small spaces. If you’re short on room, try growing in fabric containerslike these.