

There are claims about when and how you should consume fruit, as well as who should avoid it altogether.

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Here are the top 5 myths about the best time to eat fruit, along with the facts.


This is one of the most prevalent myths regarding when to eatfruit

The myth claims that eating fruit with meals slows digestion and causes food to sit in your stomach and ferment or rot.

它还声称,用餐吃果实gas那discomfort, and a range of other unrelated symptoms.


Fruit can cause your stomach to empty more slowly, but it does not cause food to sit in your stomach indefinitely.

One study found that participants who consumed gelled pectin, a type of fiber in fruit, had a slower stomach emptying rate of around 82 minutes, compared with around 70 minutes in those who did not eat pectin (1).


此外,减缓您的胃的排空通常是一件好事。它可能会帮助您感觉更长( 2 ).

Still, even if fruit did cause food to sit in your stomach for significantly longer than usual, your stomach is specifically designed to prevent the growth of bacteria, which is what causes fermentation and rotting ( 3. ).

When food reaches the stomach, it’s mixed withstomach acid,它具有大约一两个的低pH值。你的胃内容物变得如此酸性,大多数微生物不能生长( 3. ).

This part of digestion occurs partly to help kill bacteria in your food and prevent microbial growth.

As for the rest of these claims, saying that eating fruit with meals is the cause ofbloating那diarrhea, and discomfort is equally misleading.

No evidence supports the idea that eating fruit on an empty stomach affectslongevity那fatigue, or dark circles under the eyes.


Eating fruit with a meal can slow the emptying of your stomach, but only by a small amount. This is actually a good thing, as it may help you feel more full.

Myth 2: Eating fruit before or after a meal reduces its nutrient value

This myth seems to be an extension of myth number 1. It claims that you need to eat fruit on an empty stomach to gain all of its nutritional benefits.


However, this is not true. The human body has evolved to be as efficient as possible when it comes to extracting nutrients from food.

当你吃饭时,你的肚子充当水库,一次只释放少量,以便你的肠子很容易消化它( 4. ).

Also, the small intestine is designed to absorb as many nutrients as possible. It’s up to 20 feet (6 meters) in length, with over 320 square feet (30 square meters) of absorptive area ( 5. ).

This huge absorptive area means that getting the nutrients from fruit (and the rest of your meal) is easy work for your digestive system, regardless of whether you eat fruit on an empty stomach or with a meal.




这个想法是人们diabetes often have digestive problems那and eating fruit separately from meals somehow improves digestion.



而不是单独吃水果,尝试用一顿饭或小吃配对。旁边吃水果食物高蛋白质那fiber, or fat can cause your stomach to release food into the small intestine more slowly (6. 7. ).

The benefit of this for someone with diabetes is that a smaller amount of sugar is absorbed at a time, which may lead to a smaller rise inblood sugar levels全面的。

For example, studies have shown that just 7.5 grams of soluble fiber — which is found in fruit — can decrease the rise in blood sugar after a meal by 25% ( 8. ).

The type of fruit you eat is also important. For people with diabetes, look forfruits with a low glycemic index,这会慢慢提高你的血糖。这些包括除瓜,菠萝和干果外的大多数水果(9.).

Still, some people with diabetes indeed develop digestive problems.

最常见的问题被称为gastroparesis。It happens when the stomach empties slower than normal or not at all.

虽然有些人dietary changes可以帮助胃瘫痪,空腹吃水果不是其中之一。




There’s no logic behind this idea, and there’s also no evidence to support it.

Some online sources claim that eating a food that’s high in sugar, such as fruit, raises your blood sugar levels and “wakes up” your digestive system.

事实上,无论白天的时间如何,葡萄糖都会暂时增加任何含碳的食物,而葡萄糖被吸收 10. ).


There is no need to “wake up” your digestive system, as it’s always prepared to jump into action the moment that food touches your tongue, no matter what time it is.

And while eating a meal high in碳水化合物可能暂时导致您的身体使用碳水化合物作为燃料,它不会改变新陈代谢的整体率( 10. ).

The truth is that fruit is healthy any time of the day.




Myth number 5 is similar to myth number 4, claiming that you should avoid fruit after 2 p.m.

It seems that this rule originated as part of the “17.-Day Diet。”

The idea is that eating fruit (or any carbs) after 2 p.m. raises your blood sugar, which your body does not have time to stabilize before bed, leading to weight gain.

However, there’s no reason to believe that fruit will cause high blood sugar in the afternoon.

见sub carb-containing食物会使你的血糖ar as the glucose is being absorbed. Still, there’s no evidence that your blood sugar will be raised more after 2 p.m. than at any other time of the day ( 11. ).

虽然您的碳水化合物耐受性可能全天波动,但这些变化很小,而不是change your overall metabolic rate 10. 11. ).

There’s also no evidence that eating fruit in the afternoon will cause weight gain.

Your body does not simply switch from burning calories to storing them as fat when you go to sleep. Yourmetabolic ratedoes tend to decrease as you fall asleep, but you still burn plenty of calories to keep your body running (12.).



In fact, if you’re looking to lose or maintain your weight, research indicates that people who eat lots of fruits and vegetables throughout the day tend to weigh less and are less likely to gain weight ( 13. 14. ).

例如,对17项研究的一次审查发现,果实最高摄入量的人数减少了17%( 14. ).

Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is a great way to get the nutrients you need. Furthermore, if you’re avoiding fruit in the afternoon and before bed, you’re eliminating a healthy, whole-food option for a snack or dessert.



So is there a best time to eat fruit?

Any time of the day is a great time to eat fruit. There’s no evidence that you should avoid fruit in the afternoon or around meals.

Fruits are healthy, nutritious foods that can be eaten throughout the day.

That said, there are a few instances when the timing of your fruit intake might make a difference.

If you want to lose weight

Due to thefiberin fruit, eating it may help you feel full for longer. This could cause you to eat fewer calories and may lead to weight loss ( 15. 16.).


If you have type 2 diabetes

Eating fruit with other food can make a difference for people with diabetes.

Pairing fruit with other food or a meal that’s high in protein, fat, or fiber may cause the sugar from fruit to enter the small intestine more slowly ( 8. ).

This could result in a smaller rise in blood sugar, compared with eating fruit alone.

If you have gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes是当一个人在怀孕期间发展糖尿病。对于这些人来说,怀孕期间激素的变化导致碳水化合物不耐受。


However, if you have troublemanaging your blood sugar,它可能有助于避免在早上吃大量的水果和其他碳水化合物。

Research has suggested that those with gestational diabetes may experience a higher increase in blood sugar after breakfast compared with later in the day. However, more studies are needed on this topic (17.).


For most people, eating fruit is a healthy choice at any time of the day. Still, timing may matter for people with diabetes or those who want to lose weight.

果实含有丰富的营养素和一个重要的部分healthy diet

Myths claiming there’s a best or worst time to eat fruit are unfounded and untrue, and they only spread confusion and misinformation.

Regardless of the time of day, eating fruit is a delicious and healthy way to get plenty of nutrients for your body.