asafoetida.(Ferula Asafoetida.)是干燥的SAP - 或胶树脂 - 从根根中获得Ferula.plants. It’s commonly dried, ground into a coarse, yellow powder, and used for either culinary or medicinal purposes ( 1 , 2 , 3 )。

虽然它是阿富汗和伊朗的原产,但Asafoetida通常用于印度美食,在那里它被称为铰链( 1 )。

作为调味料,Asafoetida以其强烈的刺激气味而闻名,这是由于其高浓度的硫化合物。事实上,由于其令人不快的气味,它有时被称为臭胶( 4 )。

然而,当煮熟时,它的味道和嗅觉变得更加卑鄙,并且通常被描述为类似于韭菜,大蒜和甚至肉类( 1 , 4 )。

In Ayurvedic medicine, hing is used to aid digestion and gas, as well as treat bronchitis and kidney stones. During the Middle Ages, some people wore the dried gum around their necks to help ward off infection and disease ( 4 )。

Still, many traditional uses of asafoetida haven’t been proven by modern science.

This article examines the benefits, downsides, and uses of asafoetida.


Good source of antioxidants

asafoetida.has been found to be a good source ofantioxidants( 1 , 5 ,6)。

These compounds help protect your cells against potential damage caused by unstable molecules called free radicals. As a result, antioxidants may also help protect against chronic inflammation, heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes ( 7 , 8 )。

具体地,已显示Asafoetida含有大量的酚类化合物,例如单宁和黄酮类化合物,这对于它们有效的抗氧化效应而闻名(6, 9 )。

虽然测试管和动物研究发现Asafoetida表现出抗炎和抗氧化活性,但需要对人类的潜在抗氧化作用进行更多的研究( 5 , 10 )。

Additionally, as asafoetida is used in such small amounts in cooking, it’s unclear whether culinary use of the spice provides these benefits.


One of the most common uses of asafoetida is as anindigestion援助 ( 1 )。

在一个30天的研究中,包括43名成人中度至严重的消化不良,每天两次服用含有Asafoetida的250毫克胶囊的人报告腹胀,消化和整体生活质量的显着改善,与安慰剂组相比( 11 )。


asafoetida也被证明通过增加消化酶的活性来帮助促进消化。具体而言,它可能增加肝脏释放,这是消化脂肪所需的( 1 , 12 )。


May help reduce symptoms of IBS

肠易激综合征(IBS)is a chronic digestive condition that’s characterized by abdominal pain or discomfort, bloating, and gas, as well as constipation, diarrhea, or both ( 13 )。

Due to its potential effects on digestion, asafoetida is thought to help reduce symptoms associated with IBS.

Two small studies in adults with IBS found a significant improvement in reported IBS symptoms after 2 weeks of taking asafoetida supplements. Yet, another study found that this supplement had no effect on IBS symptoms ( 14 )。



洋葱和大蒜contain high amounts of fructans, which are indigestible, fermentable carbs that may cause digestive distress in some individuals with IBS ( 15 , 16 , 17 )。



  • Antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial effects.Test-tube studies have found that asafoetida may protect against pathogens, such as various strains of链球菌细菌 ( 1 , 18 , 19 )。
  • May help lower blood pressure.Asafoetida可以通过放松血管来降低血压。但是,研究仅限于动物( 1 , 20 )。
  • Potential anticancer effects.动物和试管研究表明,Asafoetida可能有助于阻止某些癌细胞的生长和传播,包括乳腺和肝癌( 1 , 21 , 22 )。
  • May protect brain health.Several animal studies have indicated that asafoetida may help safeguard against记忆损失和神经损伤在大脑中( 23 , 24 )。
  • May ease asthma symptoms.动物研究表明,asafoetida对气道平滑肌有一个放松的影响,这对于治疗哮喘是重要的( 25 , 26 ,27)。
  • 可能降低血糖水平。One study in rats found that 22.7 mg of asafoetida extract per pound (50 mg per kg) of body weight helped减少禁食血糖水平( 1 , 4 )。


It’s also worth noting that these studies use a concentrated form of asafoetida rather than the amounts typically used when cooking. As a result, culinary uses of the spice may have minimal effects.



While research on the safety of asafoetida in humans is limited, the amounts of asafoetida that are typically used in cooking are thought to be generally safe.

人类的30天的研究发现,参与者每天两次耐受250毫克( 11 )。

然而,动物研究表明,大剂量的asafoetida可能导致气体,腹泻,焦虑,头痛和口腔肿胀。此外,小鼠的研究表明,在每磅91毫克/磅/克/克/克/克/克)的体重6周( 1 , 28 )。

此外,由于缺乏研究,asafoetida不建议为儿童或那些人建议或母乳喂养( 1 )。

Because it may lower blood pressure or thin blood, people on blood pressure medications or blood thinning drugs should avoid asafoetida supplements ( 4 )。


If you have any questions or concerns, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional before trying asafoetida.



asafoetida.has been used for thousands of years to flavor dishes. In fact, ancient Romans used to store it in jars alongside pine nuts to be used as a seasoning ( 4 )。


If you follow a无麸质饮食,请务必寻找与米粉而不是小麦混合的铰链粉。


In Indian cuisine, hing powder is often paired with other spices like姜黄或者孜然提供一种咸味,熏蒸到扁豆或蔬菜的菜肴。在法国,有时候被添加到牛排中( 4 )。

作为补充剂,Asafoetida以胶囊形式提供。虽然一项研究每日两次发现250毫克,但缺乏适当用量的总体研究( 11 )。


asafoetida或hing powder赋予熟食,熏蒸的菜肴。虽然Asafoetida也被销售为补充,但尚未建立安全有效的剂量。


已被证明是抗氧化剂的良好来源。虽然有限的研究表明多种益处 - 特别是消化健康 - 需要更多的人类研究。

Still, when ground into a powder, this ingredient — also known as hing — makes a great addition to your spice cabinet. A small pinch can add a savory,梅花品质to dishes like curries, lentil dal, soups, and stews.