Baked beans are sauce-covered legumes prepared from scratch or sold premade in cans.

In the United States, they’re a popular side dish at outdoor cookouts, whereas people in the United Kingdom eat them on toast.

Though legumes are considered healthy, you may wonder whether baked beans qualify.

This article reviews baked beans and whether they’re good for you.

Baked beans are typically made with small, white navy beans.


Some baked beans are vegetarian, while others contain small amounts ofbaconor salt-cured pork for flavor.

Despite their name, the beans aren’t always baked. They can be cooked by other methods, too, such as on the stove top or in a slow cooker.



Baked beans provide many nutrients.

Though amounts may vary by brand, a 1/2-cup (130-gram) serving of canned baked beans offers approximately ( 1 ):

  • Calories:119
  • Total fat:0.5 grams
  • Total carbs:27 grams
  • Fiber:5 grams
  • 蛋白质:6克
  • Sodium:19% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
  • Potassium:6% of the RDI
  • Iron:8% of the RDI
  • 镁:8% of the RDI
  • Zinc:26% of the RDI
  • Copper:20% of the RDI
  • 硒:RDI的11%
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1):10% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B6:6% of the RDI

Baked beans provide fiber andplant-based protein. They’re also a good source of thiamine, zinc, and selenium, which support energy production, immune function, and thyroid health, respectively ( 2 , 3 , 4 ).

Notably, legumes containphytates— compounds that can interfere with mineral absorption. However, cooking and canning reduce the phytate content of baked beans ( 5 ).

Baked beans offer beneficial plant compounds, including polyphenols, as well.

These may protect your cells from damage caused by unstable molecules called free radicals and inhibit inflammation. Both free radical damage and inflammation have been linked to heart disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases ( 6 , 7 ).

Due to the nutrition content and association with reduced chronic disease risk, U.S. dietary guidelines recommend a minimum of 1 1/2 cups (275 grams) of legumes per week for an average 2,000-calorie diet ( 8 ).




Tasty and Convenient

Baked beans are flavorful and generally well-liked, which may encourage people to eat morelegumes.

One study found that 57% of adolescents liked baked beans, while less than 20% liked lentil soup or salad made with beans ( 9 ).

Canned baked beans are also quick and easy to prepare — all you have to do is open the can and heat them.


Just 1/2 cup (130 grams) of baked beans supplies 18% of the RDI for fiber. Fiber supports gut health, includingregular bowel movements( 1 ).

纤维也滋养了microbes in your large intestine or colon. This may increase the number of beneficial bacteria linked to reduced colon cancer risk ( 10 , 11 , 12 ).

Moreover, baked beans contain the plant compounds apigenin and daidzein, as well as other nutrients that may protect against colon cancer ( 13 ).

May Lower Cholesterol

Baked beans provide fiber and compounds called phytosterols that can inhibit cholesterol absorption in your gut. This may reduce high blood cholesterol, a risk factor for heart disease ( 14 , 15 ).

When adults with高胆固醇每天吃1/2杯(130克)烤豆,持续两个月,与不吃豆类相比,他们的总胆固醇降低了5.6%(16).

In another study, men with borderline-high cholesterol ate 5 cups (650 grams) of baked beans weekly for 1 month. They experienced an 11.5% and 18% decrease in total and LDL (bad) cholesterol, respectively ( 17 ).



另一方面,烤豆具有一些缺点 - 您可以通过从头开始使它们最小化。

High in Sugar


烤豆(罐装或自制)的1/2杯(130克)份量包括3茶匙(12克)添加的糖。这是2,000卡路里饮食的每日限制的20%( 1 , 8 , 18 ).

消耗太多added sugarcan cause tooth decay and is linked to an increased risk of obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and memory problems ( 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 ).

At least one U.S. brand makes baked beans containing 25% less sugar, and another sold in Europe offers baked beans sweetened only with stevia — a zero-calorie, natural sweetener.

Note that if you make baked beans at home using either canned or dried navy beans, you can control the amount of added sugars.

Tend to Be Salty

对于某些人来说,钠是另一种关注的营养素,尤其是那些容易患盐摄入量增加的高血压的人( 23 ).

Canned baked beans average 19% of the RDI forsodiumper 1/2-cup (130-gram) serving, which is primarily from added salt ( 1 ).


In homemade versions, you can add less salt. If you’re making baked beans using canned rather than dried beans, rinse and drain them to reduce the sodium by about 40% (24).

Contain Additives

The majority of canned baked beans contain添加剂,有些人更喜欢避免(25, 26 ).

Among the most common are:

  • Modified corn starch.这种增厚剂通常用化学物质改变,以使其更有效。它通常也是由玉米进行转基因修饰的玉米制成的,这是一种有争议的做法,可能会有风险( 27 , 28 , 29 ).
  • Caramel color.Caramel coloring often contains a chemical called 4-methylimidazole, which is a potential cancer-causing agent. Still, scientists say current levels allowed in food are safe ( 30 , 31 ).
  • Natural flavors.These are extracted from plant or animal foods but are usually not simple ingredients you would use at home. The vague description also makes it hard to tell if less common food allergens are present ( 32 ,33, 34 ).

May Contain BPA Contaminants

The interior lining of bean cans commonly contains the chemical bisphenol A (BPA), which can leach into foods ( 35 ).

食品药品监督管理局(FDA)说,该化学物质对于当前批准的用途是安全的,但许多科学家不同意。一些研究表明BPAmay increase obesity risk and reduce fertility, among other potential health concerns ( 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 ).

In a study of foods collected from grocery stores, baked beans ranked fourth highest in BPA among 55 different foods containing detectable amounts of the chemical ( 39 ).

A few organic brands of baked beans are sold in cans made without BPA or similar chemicals. However, these brands cost more.


Beans contain fiber and other indigestible carbs that are fermented bybacteria in your gut, potentially causing you to pass more gas ( 40 ).


Additionally, 75% of people who initially reported increased gas said it returned to normal levels after 2–3 weeks of eating beans daily ( 41 ).

Lectins Are Minimized by Cooking

Legumes, including the navy variety in baked beans, contain proteins called lectins.

Consumed in large amounts,lectins可能会干扰消化,造成肠道损害,并干扰您体内的激素平衡( 42 ,43).



Potential drawbacks of canned baked beans include added sugars and salt, food additives, and BPA contaminants from can linings. These can be minimized by making baked beans from scratch. Digestive issues may also occur.

Baked beans are high in protein, fiber, other nutrients, and beneficial plant compounds. They may improve gut health and cholesterol levels.


Baked beans made with minimal sugars and moderate in salt can be a nutritious addition to a均衡饮食.