When you’re trying to lose weight, you might start by eating less.



1。Make at Least Half Your Plate Veggies

Vegetables have lots of filling water and fiber, but not a lot ofcalories(( 1 ).

By replacing half the starch or protein of your meal with non-starchy vegetables, you can eat the same volume of food and still slash overall calories ( 1 ).

And research has shown that the amount of food you eat is a factor in feeling full ( 2 ).


参与者吃了类似的食物,无论他们得到多少蔬菜,这意味着那些蔬菜比例最高的人甚至不知道卡路里( 3 ).




Veggies add volume to your meal, letting you eat fewer calories for the same amount of food.


Science has repeatedly shown that蛋白质increases feelings of fullness more than carbs or fat ( 4 ).

One study from 2012 looked at the effects of eating high-protein meals on feelings of fullness. Participants ate meals with 20–30% of calories from protein.

研究人员发现,人吃了蛋白质-rich meals felt fuller in both the short and long term, compared to when their meals contained half that amount of protein ( 5 ).


Focus on lean sources of protein, such as eggs, skinless poultry, dairy, seafood and fish. Plant-based proteins are also good choices, and may include beans, bean dips, tofu and nut butters.

Here are some ideas for getting a protein boost in different meals and snacks:

  • Add some plainGreek yogurt早餐冰沙。
  • 将全麦饼干与弦奶酪或鹰嘴豆泥配对。
  • 用蔬菜汤煮鸡蛋。
  • Add beans or a hard-boiled egg to salad.

Protein helps your body feel more full than carbs or fat do. Include protein with each meal and snack to boost its power.


喝果汁或苏打水等富含卡路里的饮料并不能使您感到饱满,但确实会让您的卡路里不需要( 6 ,,,, 7 ).

对于老年人,喝酒water在一顿饭可以帮助满足你的食欲和红色uce the likelihood you’ll overeat.

In one study in older adults, people who drank about 2 cups (500 ml) of water before breakfast ate approximately 13% less than the participants who did not drink any water before eating ( 8 ).

Drinking water before a meal doesn’t seem to have the same effect on younger adults. Nevertheless, replacing high-calorie drinks with water can save you total calories at your meal ( 9 ).

Drink water or other zero-calorie beverages with your meal to quench your thirst without increasing your calorie intake.


Drinking water with your meal saves you extra calories. What’s more, drinking a glass of water before a meal helps some people eat less.

4。Begin With a Vegetable Soup or Salad


在一项研究中,参与者每周一次在实验室吃午餐五个星期。当他们在主菜之前得到汤时,他们的整餐比吃饭时,他们的卡路里少20%( 10 ).

同一位研究人员在给人们的沙拉面食之前给人们沙拉时发现了类似的结果( 11 ).

When people ate a small salad before their pasta, they ate 7% fewer calories during their meal than when they dove directly into the pasta. When they ate a large salad, they ate 12% fewer calories.

Light vegetable soups and salads have something in common: they have a high water content, are full of fiber-rich veggies and are generally low in calories.

这种高纤维高水组合似乎是遏制随后卡路里摄入量的好方法( 12 ).

However, watch out for salad dressing, which can quickly rack up the calories.


Starting off with a low-calorie soup or salad takes the edge off your hunger, priming you to eat less of the main course.


It might sound strange, but the size of your plates and eating utensils affects how much you eat.

在一项研究中,研究人员发现,人们倾向于填满大约70%的盘子,而不论盘子尺寸如何 13 ).

That translates into a lot more food if you’re using a 10-inch plate compared to an 8-inch plate — 52% more food, in fact ( 13 ).

And when you have more on your plate, you’re likely to eat more ( 14 ).

In other studies, people have served themselves more ice cream when using a bigger spoon and have eaten less food when using a small fork (15,,,,16).



Using smaller plates can help keep portion sizes in check while tricking your brain into thinking you’re eating more.

6。Eat Mindfully


Distracted eating tends to lead you to eat more, not just at that meal, but for the rest of the day ( 17 ).

谨慎的饮食,,,,the practice of paying full attention to what you eat without distractions, helps you notice your body’s hunger and fullness cues, so that you can actually know when you’ve had enough ( 18 ).

Mindfulness can also help you distinguish between physical hunger and emotional hunger ( 18 ).



And instead of multitasking at mealtime, try setting aside at least 20 minutes to tune into your food, taking time to smell it, taste it and feel its effect on your body.



7。Spice Up Your Meals

Adding hot peppers to your food may help you eat less.

A compound inhot pepperscalled capsaicin can actually help reduce appetite and hunger ( 19 ).

In one study, participants who consumed spicy red pepper as part of an appetizer ate 190 fewer calories during a subsequent lunch and snack than those who skipped the spice ( 20 ).

如果你不能加热gingermay have a similar effect.

一项对十个超重男性的研究发现,在早餐期间喝姜茶时,参与者比跳过姜茶时感到饥饿( 21 ).


Adding hot pepper or ginger to your meal may help you feel more full and eat less.

8。Eat More Soluble Fiber

In general,fiber-rich foodscan help you feel full.


在消化道中,可溶性纤维会产生浓稠的凝胶,有助于缓慢消化,使饥饿保持越来越浓度( 22 ,,,, 23 ).

Recently, researchers found that adding soluble-fiber-rich flax orchia seedsto meals increases feelings of fullness ( 24 ).

附带说明,那些相同的研究人员发现,与起始水平相比,到六个月结束时,使用CHIA种子会降低饥饿激素生长素素( 25 ).

Here are a few easy ways to increase your soluble fiber intake:

  • Add chia or ground flaxseeds to smoothies, yogurt and cereal.
  • Top whole-grain oatmeal, buckwheat or millet breakfast bowls with diced apple or pear.
  • Add beans to soups, salads and entrées.
  • 多吃南瓜。冬季和夏季南瓜的可溶性纤维都很高。
  • Snack on fruit.

Soluble fiber helps keep hunger at bay. Find it in oatmeal, chia seeds, squash, beans, apples and pears.

The Bottom Line


In fact, there are many things you can do to keep hunger at bay.

