

It was originally promoted by Dave Asprey, the creator of the Bulletproof Diet. The coffee produced and marketed by Asprey’s company is supposedly free of mycotoxins, which are naturally occurring fungal toxins found in some improperly stored foods ( 2 )。


Bulletproof coffee has become increasingly popular, especially among paleo and low carb dieters.



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虽然草食黄油含有一些共轭亚油酸,丁酸酯和维生素A和K2,但MCT油is a refined and processed fat with no essential nutrients.

If you eat three meals per day, replacing breakfast with Bulletproof coffee will likely reduce your total nutrient intake by about one-third.




While the health effects of saturated fats are controversial, many health professionals believe that high intake is a major risk factor for several diseases and should be avoided ( 3 )。

Although some studies associate a high intake of饱和脂肪with an increased risk of heart disease, others have found no significant links ( 4 )。


While saturated fat can be part of a healthy diet when consumed in reasonable amounts, it may be harmful in massive doses.

If you’re worried about saturated fat or高胆固醇水平,考虑限制您对防弹咖啡的摄入量或完全避免使用。



Many studieshave been conducted on low carb and ketogenic diets, which are often high in fat and may include Bulletproof coffee.

Most of this research indicates that these diets do not increase your levels of total and LDL (bad) cholesterol — at least on average ( 5 )。

Among other potential benefits, your triglycerides and weight will likely drop, while your HDL (good) cholesterol will likely rise ( 6 )。

However, butter seems to be particularly effective at raising LDL cholesterol levels. One study in 94 British adults showed that eating 50 grams of butter daily for 4 weeks increased LDL cholesterol levels more than consuming an equal amount of coconut oil or olive oil ( 7 )。

另一项为期8周的研究对瑞典男性和女性体重过多的研究发现,与鞭打奶油相比,黄油的LDL胆固醇增加了13%。研究人员假设这可能与黄油的脂肪结构有关( 8 )。

Also, keep in mind that not everyone responds the same way to a high fat diet. Some people see急剧增加in total and LDL cholesterol, as well as other markers of heart disease risk ( 9 )。

For those who have cholesterol problems while on a low carb or ketogenic diet, one of the first things to do is avoid excessive intake of fat (such as butter). This includes Bulletproof coffee.




当与健康饮食一起食用时,防弹咖啡可能会帮助您减肥and increase your energy levels ( 10 )。

If you find that this morning drink improves your well-being and quality of life, it may be worth the decreased nutrient load.




Bulletproof coffee is a high fat coffee drink intended as a早餐replacement. It’s popular among people who follow a ketogenic diet.

While it’s filling and energy-boosting, it comes with several potential downsides, including reduced overall nutrient intake, increased cholesterol, and high levels of saturated fat.

Still, Bulletproof coffee may be safe for those who don’t have elevated cholesterol levels, as well as those who follow a low carb or生酮饮食

If you’re interested in trying Bulletproof coffee, it may be best to consult a healthcare professional to get your blood markers checked.