
实际上,据认为,大约50%的人经常经历食物的渴望,这可能会破坏他们健康饮食的尝试( 1 ).

然而,一些健康食物的感觉quite indulgent. This article details 18 healthy foods that can satisfy your urge to eat without sabotaging your diet ( 2 ).

1。Fresh Fruit

Fruit is naturally very sweet and a great choice when you get a sugar craving.

In addition to tasting great, fruit is an extremely nutritious snack. It providesprebiotic fiber,抗氧化剂和有益的植物化合物,所有卡路里都很少( 3 ,,,, 4 ).

Furthermore, eating fruit has been linked to better health and a lower risk of diseases like heart disease and obesity ( 5 ,,,, 6 ).

One 2015 review found that eating 300 grams (or 4 servings) of fruit per day reduced the risk of heart disease by 16% ( 7 ).


2。Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurttastes creamy and indulgent, but it’s also really healthy.

It’s higher in蛋白质和更低的糖比普通酸奶,这是一个good source of calcium, B vitamins and beneficial bacteria.

This combination of nutrients makes it a great food for both your bone and digestive health ( 8 ,,,, 9 ).

Moreover, topping your Greek yogurt with fruit may provide additional health benefits and nutrients ( 10 ).

3。A Hot Drink

如果您想看自己的卡路里摄入量,,,,try making yourself a hot drink.

Drinking a hot coffee, tea or espresso after a meal can help you avoid the temptation of dessert.

It can also satisfy the need to do something, further helping you distance yourself from a craving.

Coffeecan even increase the amount of a fullness hormone called peptide YY ( 11 ).

Peptide YY has an appetite-suppressing effect, which may help you reduce your calorie intake and lose weight ( 12 ,,,, 13 ).

4。Snack Bar

Although many snack bars are high-sugarjunk foods,,,,it’s possible to find or make healthy ones that can add lots of beneficial nutrients to your diet.


Also, check the label to make sure it doesn’t contain anyadded sugars例如餐糖,椰子糖或糖浆。

如果您对营养标签感到困惑,并且不确定哪些酒吧合适,则可以尝试制作自己的小吃吧,如this recipe

5。Dark Chocolate

If you are craving chocolate, you can try swapping your regular milk chocolate for a small amount of dark chocolate.

Dark chocolate这是至少70%可可制成的,不仅很美味,而且还含有大量的抗氧化剂。

Additionally, including dark chocolate in your diet may reduce your risk of heart disease ( 14 ,,,, 15 ).

However, you’ll still need to watch your portion size. While small amounts have been linked to health benefits, larger amounts will add a lot of sugar to your diet and may not have the same protective effects ( 16 ).

Stick to a small square or two to satisfy your craving.



Eating a small amount of nut butter with fruit can be the perfect way to satisfy a craving for a sweet and crunchy treat.

This snack provides all the vitamins, minerals and fiber found in fruit, as well as the healthy fats, proteins and beneficial plant compounds found in nuts ( 5 ,,,, 17 ).


To make sure your snack is as healthy as possible, watch your portion size and choose a nut butter that contains only nuts (and perhaps a bit of salt).

7。Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheeseis a mild-flavored cheese product that’s low in calories but very nutritious.

Despite containing only 163 calories per cup, it consists of about 70% protein and contains good amounts of calcium, vitamin B12 and riboflavin (B2) (18).


这是因为来自dairy foodslike cottage cheese have been shown to help people feel fuller longer, which could help you eat less and lose weight ( 19 ,,,, 20 ,,,, 21 ).

8。Banana Ice Cream



This snack is not only creamy and full of flavor, it’s also much lower in calories and higher in fiber than regular ice cream (22,,,,23).



Popcorncan be a great snack to satisfy your salt craving without blowing your calorie budget, especially if you’re prone to snacking on chips.

However, the preparation method, serving size and topping choice are key when choosing a healthy popcorn to snack on.


Additionally, homemade, air-popped popcorn is much lower in calories than popcorn that has been popped in hot oil. Avoid pre-packaged microwave varieties, which are full of unhealthy ingredients and calories.


10。Vegetable Chips

Vegetable chips are another choice for those who are prone to craving potato chips.

They are made like potato chips, but they’re made from vegetables like seaweed, kale or parsnips instead of potatoes.

However, some commercial brands of these chips can be as high in calories, salt and fat as regular potato chips.

To be sure you’re eating a low-calorie and healthy snack when you choose vegetable chips, try making your own at home by followingthis recipe



Olivesare a small, pitted fruit that’s often featured in the Mediterranean diet in the form of olive oil ( 26 ).

They’re low in calories and contain a wide range of beneficial plant compounds.

Additionally, oleic acid, which is the main fat found in olives, has been linked to some health benefits, including reduced inflammation and improved heart health ( 27 ).



If you’re craving something a bit salty, edamame is a great choice.


It also contains 52% of the RDI for vitamin K and over 100% of the RDI for folate.

This makes edamame a really healthy snack and a great choice for halting your salty cravings in their tracks.

13。Miso Soup

Miso soup can also be an excellent choice for dealing with salty cravings.

Miso paste, its main ingredient, is made by fermenting soybeans with salt, grains and a type of fungus called koji.

This Japanese soup is not only tasty and low in calories, it’s a good source of fiber, protein, beneficial plant compounds and quite a few vitamins and minerals (29).

It’s also been linked to a few health benefits.

For example, one study found that Japanese women who regularly ate miso soup had a lower risk of breast cancer ( 30 ).

Another study found that Japanese women who ate a lot of plant compounds from soy-based foods like miso soup had a lower risk of stroke ( 31 ).

14。Trail Mix

Trail mix is a handy snack that’s made up of dried fruit and nuts.


Trail mix can also help you include some nuts in your diet.

坚果含有多种有益的营养素,与许多健康益处有关,包括改善2型糖尿病患者的血糖控制( 17 ,,,, 32 ,,,, 33 ).

Moreover, they may help reduce your risk of heart disease by lowering your levels of dangerous, small LDL cholesterol particles ( 34 ).

However, watch your portion size. A cup of trail mix contains nearly 700 calories, so stick to a handful to avoid overeating.



They are very sweet and contain a high amount ofsugar

However, they are a rich source of抗氧化剂and contain fiber, potassium, iron and a number of beneficial plant compounds ( 35 ).



16。Cold Drinks

如果您渴望sugary soda,,,,it could just be that you’re thirsty.


You could try drinking iced tea or carbonated water.

To make it feel like more of a treat, try adding lots of ice and a slice of lemon.


If you’re prone to sugar cravings, berries can quench your need for sugar, while adding some really beneficial nutrients to your diet.

As well as being very easy to prepare,berries很有营养。

They are sweet, low in calories, high infiberand a rich source of vitamins and minerals.

Their high antioxidant content also means they have strong anti-inflammatory properties, which may play a role in protecting you from diseases like heart disease and cancer ( 36 ,,,, 37 ,,,, 38 ).

18。Hummus With Vegetables

If you’re hungry and craving a savory snack, try vegetables dipped in hummus.

Hummus is made with chickpeas, garlic and olive oil, all staples of the very healthy地中海饮食,,,,which has been linked to better heart health ( 39 ).

Eating this snack with vegetables can increase your vegetable intake and add valuable nutrients to your diet.

The Bottom Line


Fortunately, the healthy snack options in this article can satisfy your cravings and serve as nutritious additions to your diet.

If you can, try planning ahead and having healthy snacks on hand to stop yourself from reaching for junk food.