Tart cherries, also known as sour, dwarf or Montmorency cherries, have become increasingly popular over the last couple of years.

Compared to sweet cherries, which tend to be enjoyed fresh, tart cherries are often consumed dried, frozen or juiced.

Tart cherry juice is made from the fruit of thePrunus cerasus树,原产于西南亚和欧洲,并与许多有趣的健康福利有关。


Here are 10 science-based health benefits of tart cherry juice.


Tart Cherry Juice富含各种营养素。80盎司(240毫升)含有119卡路里和以下(1):

  • 碳水化合物:28克
  • Fiber:5.grams
  • Protein:2grams
  • 胖的:1gram
  • Vitamin A:62%的RDI
  • 维生素C:4.0% of the RDI
  • Manganese:14%的RDI
  • Potassium:12%的RDI
  • 铜:12%的RDI
  • Vitamin K:7.% of the RDI

Tart cherry juice also contains smaller amounts of B vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, omega-3 and omega-6 fats, in addition to antioxidants and other beneficial plant compounds (12).

与甜樱桃品种相比,Tart Cherries含有20次more vitamin A那and their antioxidant levels are up to five times higher (13. 4. 5. ).

One easy way to tell tart cherries from sweet varieties is by their color. Sweet cherries tend to be darker in color, whereas tart cherries retain their bright red color after being harvested.

Keep in mind that some varieties of tart cherry juice contain substantial amounts of added sugars, so opt for an unsweetened variety.


Tart cherry juice contains many nutrients and beneficial plant compounds. Compared to sweet cherry juice, it may also contain higher levels of certain nutrients.

2。May increase strength and reduce muscle soreness

身体活跃的个体可能对Tart Cherry Juice对肌肉力量和酸痛的影响特别感兴趣。

A majority of studies have reported beneficial effects.


The runners given cherry juice experienced three times less pain during and after the race compared to those given the placebo ( 6. ).

在另一项研究中,跑步者给16盎司(480毫升)of cherry juice in the days leading up to and immediately following a marathon experienced less muscle damage, soreness and inflammation. They also recovered faster ( 7. ).

Similar results have been observed after supplementing daily with 480 mg of tart cherry powder ( 8. 9. 10. ).

此外,Tart Cherry Juice和Supplements可能会增加肌肉力量。

One group of men was given tart cherry supplements or a placebo in the days leading up to and immediately following an intense resistance training session.

The tart cherry group lost up to 4% less muscle strength as a result of the training when compared to men given the placebo ( 10. ).

Tart Cherry Supportess还可以减少肌肉分解,肌肉酸痛和速度培训的耐受训练的人( 9. 10. 11. ).

Although the majority of studies report beneficial effects, it’s important to note that a few found no benefits. Thus, more research is needed on this topic ( 12. 13.).


Tart cherry juice intake in the days leading up to and immediately following intense physical exercise may reduce muscle strength loss and soreness. It may also speed up recovery.

3.。Could help you sleep better

Tart cherry juice may be a safe and effective way to treat insomnia and increase the amount of sleep you get each night.


Moreover, tart cherries contain a good amount of tryptophan and anthocyanins, two compounds that may help the body create melatonin and lengthen its effects.

研究表明,补充酸樱桃汁增加了褪黑激素的水平并有助于改善睡眠质量和持续时间( 14. ).


Interestingly, tart cherry juice seems to be just as, if not more, effective at reducing insomnia thanvalerian和褪黑激素 - 两种最多学习的自然产品用于失眠( 15. ).


Tart Cherry Juice可以帮助增加身体的褪黑激素水平。这有助于减少失眠症的症状,可以导致更好的睡眠。

4.。May reduce symptoms of arthritis and gout

Tart cherry juice is often claimed to reduce arthritis symptoms, such as joint pain and inflammation.

In one study, tart cherry juice reduced certain blood markers of inflammation in women with osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis (16.).

In another study, patients who consumed two 8-ounce (240-ml) bottles of tart cherry juice daily experienced slightly less pain and stiffness after six weeks ( 17. ). However, the differences observed between patients given the cherry juice and those given a placebo were very small ( 17. ).


Drinking tart cherry juice seems to reduce blood levels of uric acid — a chemical that can trigger gout when present in too high concentrations (18.).

此外,一些研究报告,个性化ls with gout who consume fresh cherries or cherry juice concentrate daily are up to 50% less likely to suffer from an attack ( 19. 20. ). However, the total number of studies on this topic is limited and most are observational.

Thus, it is difficult to determine whether the cherry juice is the cause of the reduced symptoms or whether people with fewer gout symptoms are more likely to use alternative treatments like cherry juice.


Tart Cherry Juice的抗炎作用可能有助于减少关节炎和痛风的症状。但是,效果似乎很小,需要更多的研究。



Tart Cherries及其果汁含有大量的抗氧化剂和其他有益的植物化合物,可能对脑细胞具有保护作用( 21. ).

In one study, consuming 16 ounces (480 ml) of tart cherry juice daily improved antioxidant defenses in healthy older men and women ( 22. ).


Adults in the cherry juice group experienced improvements in verbal fluency and short-term and long-term memory, whereas those in the placebo group experienced no improvements ( 23. ).


The high antioxidant levels in tart cherry juice may help improve brain function and reduce symptoms of mild-to-moderate dementia.


馅饼樱桃汁富含许多维生素,矿物质和有益的植物化合物可获得boost to your immune system

In particular, researchers believe that tart cherries’ high antioxidant content may help prevent infections.

For instance, one study researched the effect of this juice on upper respiratory tract symptoms commonly experienced by marathon runners after a race.

A group of runners drank tart cherry juice in the days leading up to and immediately following a marathon race while another consumed a placebo.

50%的跑步者给出了安慰剂在比赛之后开发的威力,而泰特樱桃汁集团的那些没有人( 24. ).


Tart Cherry Juice富含各种营养素,可能会加强免疫系统。但是,需要更多的研究。

7.–10. Other potential benefits

Tart cherry juice may offer a variety of other health benefits.

  1. 可以防止癌症:Certain antioxidants found in tart cherry juice may help turn off genes involved in cancer growth. However, this hasn’t been tested directly on humans yet ( 25. ).
  2. Might reduce pain:Tart cherry juice may help reduce peripheral neuropathy, a type of pain caused by nerve damage ( 26. ).
  3. 可能会降低血压:Studies show that tart cherry juice consumption may lead to modestreductions in blood pressure levels 27. 28.).
  4. Could help you lose weight:Tart cherry juice was observed to reduce weight, belly fat and blood cholesterol levels in mice. However, human studies are needed ( 29. ).

Tart cherry juice may also provide the benefits listed above. However, more studies are needed before strong conclusions can be made.


如果您对Tart Cherry Juice的好处感兴趣,您可能希望遵循类似于上述研究中使用的剂量说明。

Specifically, most of the studies that observed benefits gave participants two daily 8-ounce (240-ml) doses of the juice.

据信这相当于每天约200粒樱桃( 24. ).

Regarding tart cherry juice powder, studies using powdered supplements typically used around 480 mg per day.


Additionally, this juice is safe for most people, though it contains high amounts of sorbitol — atype of sugar alcoholthat can cause stomach pain and diarrhea for some.

Tart Cherry Juice还含有槲皮素,一种可以与某些药物相互作用的植物化合物,特别是血液稀释剂。药物上的个人应在为他们的饮食中添加大量脂肪樱桃汁之前咨询医生。


Tart cherry juice is considered safe for most people. The dosage instructions above may help you maximize the health benefits.

The bottom line

Tart Cherry Juice富含营养素,可以提供几种令人印象深刻的健康益处,并且是对任何饮食的简单补充。

It seems especially effective at reducing muscle soreness and improving sleep.


For the most benefits, opt for an unsweetened version or blend two handfuls of tart cherries with some water to make your own.