Obesity is one of the biggest health problems in the world.




Obesity and Willpower

Many people seem to think that weight gain and obesity are caused by a lack of willpower.

That’snot entirely true。Although weight gain is largely a result of eating behavior and lifestyle, some people are at a disadvantage when it comes to controlling their eating habits.

问题是,暴饮暴食是由遗传学和激素等各种生物学因素驱动的。某些人简单地倾向于增加体重( 1 ).



They don’t take into account all the other factors that ultimately determine what people do and when they do it.

Here are 10 factors that are leading causes of weight gain, obesity and metabolic disease, many of which have nothing to do with willpower.




Non-industrialized societies rapidly develop obesity when they start eating a typical Western diet. Their genes didn’t change, but the environment and the signals they sent to their genes did.

简而言之,遗传成分确实会影响您对体重增加的敏感性。关于同卵双胞胎的研究表明了这一点( 2 ).

SummarySome people appear to be genetically susceptible to weight gain and obesity.

2。Engineered Junk Foods

Heavily processed foods are often little more than refined ingredients mixed with additives.

These products are designed to be cheap, last long on the shelf and taste so incredibly good that they are hard to resist.



SummaryStores are filled with processed foods that are hard to resist. These products also promote overeating.

3。Food Addiction

许多糖甜的高脂垃圾食品都刺激了您大脑中的奖励中心(3,,,, 4 ).


Junk foods can cause addiction in susceptible individuals. These people lose control over their eating behavior, similar to people struggling with alcohol addiction losing control over their drinking behavior.

Addiction is a complex issue that can be very difficult to overcome. When you become addicted to something, you lose your freedom of choice and the biochemistry in your brain starts calling the shots for you.

SummarySome people experience strong food cravings or addiction. This especially applies to sugar-sweetened, high-fat junk foods which stimulate the reward centers in the brain.



Their tactics can get unethical at times and they sometimes try to market very unhealthy products as healthy foods.

These companies also make misleading claims. What’s worse, they target their marketing specifically towards children.

In today’s world, children are developing obesity and becoming diabetic and addicted to junk foods long before they’re old enough to make informed decisions about these things.



Insulin is a very important hormone that regulates energy storage, among other things.

One of its functions is to tell fat cells to store fat and to hold on to the fat they already carry.

西方饮食促进insulin resistance在许多超重和肥胖的人中。这可以提高整个体内胰岛素水平,导致能量存储在脂肪细胞中,而不是可用( 5 ).

While insulin’s role in obesity is controversial, several studies suggest that high insulin levels have a causal role in the development of obesity ( 6 ).

中的一个降低胰岛素的最佳方法是在增加纤维摄入量的同时减少简单或精制的碳水化合物( 7 ).

This usually leads to an automatic reduction in calorie intake and effortless weight loss — no calorie counting or portion control needed ( 8 ,,,, 9 ).

SummaryHigh insulin levels and insulin resistance are linked to the development of obesity. To lower insulin levels, reduce your intake of refined carbs and eat more fiber.

6。Certain Medications

Many pharmaceutical drugs can cause weight gain as a side effect ( 10 ).

例如,随着时间的推移,抗抑郁药与适度的体重增加有关( 11 ).

Other examples include diabetes medication and antipsychotics ( 12 ,,,, 13 ).

这些药物不会减少您的意志力。它们改变了您的身体和大脑的功能,降低了代谢率或增加食欲( 14 ,,,, 15 ).

SummarySome medications may promote weight gain by reducing the number of calories burned or increasing appetite.




在健康的人,高瘦素水平与to reduced appetite. When working properly, it should tell your brain how high your fat stores are.

问题在于,瘦素在许多有肥胖症的人中都没有工作,因为出于某种原因,它无法跨越血脑屏障( 16 ).

This condition is calledleptin resistanceand is believed to be a leading factor in the pathogenesis of obesity.

SummaryLeptin, an appetite-reducing hormone, doesn’t work in many individuals who have obesity.

8。Food Availability

Another factor that dramatically influences people’s waistline is food availability, which has increased massively in the past few centuries.

Food, especially junk food, is everywhere now. Shops display tempting foods where they are most likely to gain your attention.

Another problem is that junk food is often cheaper than healthy, whole foods, especially in America.


Convenience stores in these areas only sell sodas, candy and processed, packagedjunk foods

How can it be a matter of choice if there is none?



Added sugar may be the single worst aspect of the modern diet.

That’s because sugar changes the hormones and biochemistry of your body when consumed in excess. This, in turn,有助于体重增加


Excessfructoseintake may cause insulin resistance and elevated insulin levels. It also doesn’t promote satiety in the same way glucose does ( 17 ,,,, 18 ,,,, 19 ).

For all these reasons, sugar contributes to increased energy storage and, ultimately, obesity.



People all over the world are being关于健康和营养的信息

There are many reasons for this, but the problem largely depends on where people get their information from.

Many websites, for example, spread inaccurate or even incorrect information about health and nutrition.

Some news outlets also oversimplify or misinterpret the results of scientific studies and the results are frequently taken out of context.

Other information may simply be outdated or based on theories that have never been fully proven.

Food companies also play a role. Some promote products, such as weight loss supplements, that do not work.


SummaryMisinformation may contribute to weight gain in some people. It can also make weight loss more difficult.

The Bottom Line



Unless there is some medical condition getting in your way, it is within your power to控制您的体重


The point of this article is to open people’s minds to the fact that something other than individual responsibility plays a role in the obesity epidemic.

The fact is that modern eating habits and food culture must be changed to be able to reverse this problem on a global scale.

认为这一切都是由于缺乏willpower is exactly what food producers want you to believe, so they can continue their marketing in peace.