整个时间居住rheumatoid arthritis(ra),瑜伽一直是我的避风港。当我12人穿过青少年杂志文章时,我发现了瑜伽和冥想,我被迷上了。研究表明that yoga can help people with various types of arthritis reduce joint pain, improve joint flexibility and function, and lower stress and tension for better sleep. And it’s true. Yoga has not only helped me manage my RA symptoms better, but, on some days, it’s been my source of peace. Here are some of my favorite poses and tips on how you, too, can use yoga for RA.

  • Vrksasana(树姿势):这种构成挑战我缺乏平衡和协调,但总是强化我一旦我通过的能力。
  • Setu Bandha Sarvangasana(桥梁姿势):这种姿势是物理治疗中的主食以及许多瑜伽实践。这是一个多功能的姿势,用于建立背部和腿部的力量。
  • Mrtasana or Savasana(Corpse pose): Even when I wasn’t doing well, I would always try to incorporate breath work and meditation into my day as a way to manage pain. When I experience this, Corpse pose is my go-to. While you might be familiar with this pose as the final one in your practice, it can be done on its own. It simply involves lying down with intention and resting. Corpse pose can be incredibly beneficial for the days when your body isn’t in the right shape for higher-intensity work.



朱莉·卡尔尼是一个具有银屑病关节炎的瑜伽教练,说她被激励为教授瑜伽,因为它有多有效managing her psoriatic arthritis. She says it’s important to think beyond the poses to gain the most benefit from a yoga practice.


朱莉建议chair yoga, especially on days when you’re struggling with mobility. Aim for any pose that “brings you the most relaxation and allows you to focus on your breath,” she adds.


  • viparita卡拉尼(腿上墙姿势):“这种姿势是sobeneficial because it helps get your inflammation moving and stimulates your lymphatic system,” says Julie. “You get a change of perspective with your feet elevated above your heart and can flush blood into new areas of your body where it may have been stagnate before.”
  • 仰卧仰卧扭曲姿势:“曲折有助于激励我们的身体并让我们的消化系统工作,”朱莉说。“能量是我们可以缺乏关节炎的东西,这种姿势肯定有助于促进一般的能源和健康意识!”
  • Sun Breath pose: Julie says you can reap the benefits of this pose sitting or standing.太阳致敬is a favorite of hers, too, as long as mobility allows. “It’s a full-body workout!”


如果你从来没有做过瑜伽或仍然是一个初学者,你可能有点恐吓。好消息是,无论多么经历水平,任何人都可以做瑜伽。无论你是喜欢我,还需要一天只是为了躺在地上,还是休息,或者你是否喜欢新的挑战,你可以做瑜伽。G. Bernard Wandel是一个瑜伽教练from Washington, D.C., whose mother lives with RA. He sees yoga as a great addition to the pain management toolbox and recommends a step-by-step process to ease into a lifelong practice.

Step 1:放松。这有助于让您进入deeper parasympathetic nervous system response,这让您的身体准备恢复并从压力事件中恢复。

第2步:Try simple breathing practices, which not only help bring one into PNS dominance, but could also help manage pain. Breath in slowly and fully from your nose, and then exhale from the nose and repeat.

Step 3:一旦您了解自己的物理能力,开发一个温和而有针对性的运动计划,以帮助改善物理功能,促进整体福祉的感觉。尝试在自然流动中不同的姿势,看看没有强迫它的对你有益。

Step 4:Create a long-term practice plan with your favorite poses to maintain consistency. Practice at the same time every day, or as often as you’re able. Once you fall into a routine, it will become more natural.

G. Bernard还表示,为了让医生通知并关键,以避免伤害自己,这是一个重要的。最初可以使用瑜伽教练或物理治疗师,也可以是令人难以置信的益处。在开始任何新的例程之前,请始终咨询您的医生。定期完成后,瑜伽可以帮助您使用RA实现更好的生活,就像它为我做过的那样。

Kirsten Schultz.is a writer from Wisconsin who challenges sexual and gender norms. Through her work as a chronic illness and disability activist, she has a reputation for tearing down barriers while mindfully causing constructive trouble. Kirsten recently founded Chronic Sex, which openly discusses how illness and disability affect our relationships with ourselves and others, including — you guessed it — sex! You can learn more about Kirsten and Chronic Sex atchronicsex.org.