流通不良可能是由许多事情引起的:整天坐在桌子上,高胆固醇,血压issues, and even糖尿病。它也可以在许多方面表现出来,包括:

  • numbness
  • cold hands and feet
  • 肿胀
  • muscle cramps
  • brittle hair and nails
  • breakouts
  • 黑眼圈在你的眼睛下


  • 药物
  • 饮食
  • 避免吸烟
  • 锻炼

Movement is key to wellness on many levels, including for circulatory health. Yoga is not only one of the most accessible types of exercise (it’s low impact and can be done by people at all levels), but it’s also one of the best types of exercise for poor circulation.

The below sequence of poses will be a great addition to your self-care and wellness routine. This is especially true if you’re dealing with circulation issues, no matter what their cause or physical manifestation in your body.

Equipment needed:Though yoga can be done without a yoga mat, one is recommended for the below sequence. It can help you maintain firm footing and is used in some of the instructions as well.


Muscles worked:hamstrings, latissimus dorsi, deltoids, glutes, serratus anterior, and quadriceps

  1. 从四个四分开始,肩膀高于您的肩膀
  2. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, press firmly
    into your hands as you lift your hips into the air, straightening your
    arms and legs.
  3. 对于某些人来说,这可能立即是一个很好的立场。为了
  4. 正常呼吸时,当您按下每个
    finger and press your heels toward the floor. Your heels may not be on the
    ground here, depending on your stance, but you want them working in that
  5. Let your neck relax, but do not let it hang.
  6. Stay here for three long, deep breaths. (You can repeat
    this a few times, though it would be best to do the entire series a few
    times, starting each time with this pose.)

Warrior II非常适合改善双腿的肌肉张力。您的肌肉将压缩并释放腿部的静脉,从而增加有效的循环。

Muscles worked:股四头肌,斜肌,臀部韧带,鳞片和胸腔小调

  1. 从朝下的狗看,在你的手之间看
  2. 在抬起双手之前,请左转
    您的front foot should be lined up with the toes facing forward. If you were
    运行一条直线从你的右脚跟the back of the mat, it
    perpendicularly aligned with each other.)
  3. Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, cartwheel your hands
    as you stand. This will mean pressing firmly into your feet and beginning
    until you are creating a “T” with your arms.
  4. As you hold this pose, check your alignment: Your right
    knee should be at a 90-degree angle, with your knee over your ankle,
  5. 一旦您安顿下来并感到舒适
    in your alignment, breathe in and out deeply and slowly at least 3 times.
  6. 第三次呼气后,再次呼吸,然后

三角形is also a standing pose, so it’s another one that’s great for muscle tone and leg circulation. This pose involves opening up your chest and expanding the lungs as well, which improves circulation in your torso.

Muscles worked:sartorius,梨状肌,臀大肌,斜肌和三头肌

  1. Begin by repeating the steps to get into Warrior II.
  2. 当您拉直时,而不是进入Warrior II,吸气
    您的前腿并保持双腿对齐,在那个“ T”中。
  3. 当您呼气时,将躯干从右腿上倾斜
    your hip, keeping your spine long and your arms in line with your
    肩膀,所以“ t”会和你在一起。
  4. 将右手放在脚,脚踝或胫骨上。您的
    left arm should be reaching toward the sky. Your gaze can be looking at
  5. Press into your feet and engage your leg muscles as you
    keep your chest open to the side, breathing deeply.
  6. 至少三呼吸后,将躯干从
    像您为Warrior II一样切换到另一侧。(如果您要重复
    the sequence, go back to pose 1 and repeat the sequence two more times,


Muscles worked:腿筋和脖子以及躯干的前部

  1. 为了this pose, move your mat up against a wall where
    up the wall that your legs can stretch up it without knocking anything
  2. 平行于墙壁。然后,用脚躺下
  3. 在您的下背部/上尾部枢转,提起您的
    feet and gently swinging your torso so it intersects the wall and hugs
    comfortable (you may have to wiggle a little), extend your legs up the
    wall. You can also place a cushion or folded blanket under your lower back
  4. 将手臂放在您旁边,手掌抬起。你可以留在这里
    as long as you like.

Take it to the next level

如果you feel comfortable in inversions, and if you have good balance, core strength, and yoga props, you can do “legs in the air” pose, instead of up the wall. It will not be a resting pose in quite the same manner, but it’s great for circulation as well as the core.

  1. Stay on your mat and get a yoga block so it’s within
  2. 躺在垫子上,膝盖弯曲,举起
  3. 保持双手并肩,手掌紧迫
  4. Inhale deeply. As you exhale, begin to extend your legs
    to the ceiling slowly and in a controlled manner.
  5. 将您的ac骨压入街区以进行支撑,留下来
    here for 10 full, deep breaths before exiting in the reverse order you
    entered. Bend knees into your chest and gently roll your pelvis down as
    you return your feet to the ground. Then press into your feet and lift
    your hips to remove the block.

