您的hand is made up of your wrist, palm, and fingers.

您的wrist is made up of many smaller bones and joints that allow your hand to move in several directions. It also includes the distal ends of the forearm bones. Your palm is made up of 5 bones that connect to the 14 phalanges, or finger bones.

Let’s take a closer look.

您的wristis made up of eight small bones called the carpal bones, or the carpus. These irregularly shaped bones join your hand to the two long forearm bones: the radius and ulna.



  • scaphoid,拇指下方的长船形骨头
  • 巨人,在肩cap虫旁边的新月形骨头
  • 梯形,在肩膀上方和拇指下方的圆形形状的骨头
  • 梯形,梯形旁边的楔形骨头
  • 胶囊, an oval or head-shaped bone in the middle of the wrist
  • 哈马特,在手指的小指侧下方的楔形骨头
  • Triquetrum,哈马特下方的金字塔形骨头
  • 匹比,一个小的豌豆形芝麻骨(嵌入肌腱或肌肉中的骨头),位于三液体顶部
Diagram of the many bones in the human wrist and hand.
Illustration by Jason Hoffman



  • Radiocarpal joint.放射性关节is where the radius — the thicker forearm bone — connects with the bottom row of wrist bones: the scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum bones. This joint is mainly on the thumb side of your wrist.
  • 尺关节。这个is the joint between the ulna — the thinner forearm bone — and the lunate and triquetrum wrist bones. This is the pinky finger side of your wrist.
  • Distal radioulnar joint.该关节在手腕上,但不包括手腕骨头。它连接半径和尺骨的底端。

掌骨are the five long hand bones between your wrist and fingers. They make up the palm of your hand and are visible through the skin on the back of your hand. Each metacarpal bone corresponds to a digit (finger) and consists of a base, shaft or body, and head.

Slightly thicker and shorter, the first metacarpal has the most mobility and can move on its own. The second through fifth metacarpals move alongside each other and are similar in size and shape. Of these four bones, the fourth and fifth are the most mobile.

这five metacarpal bones are:

  • 首先(拇指)metacarpal:最厚,最短的掌骨骨与梯形一起移动
  • Second (index) metacarpal:最长的掌骨骨,最大的底座连接到梯形,梯形和胶囊
  • 第三(中)metacarpal:用背心铰接
  • 第四(环)metacarpal:用背心铰接并哈马特
  • Fifth (pinky) metacarpal:smallest metacarpal bone, articulates with the hamate

这finger bones are made up of 14 narrow bones called phalanges. Each of the four fingers consists of a proximal, middle, and distal phalanx. The thumb has a proximal and distal phalanx only.


  • Proximal phalanx.proximal phalanx是最大的卵形,与掌骨骨和中间球形形成关节。
  • Middle (intermediate) phalanx.中间的与近端针状和远端裂纹形成关节。
  • 远端针。distal phalanx支撑指尖的指甲和敏感的皮肤,并与中间的卵形形成关节。

这finger joints provide movement and allow you to perform activities such as pinching and grasping, according to the美国手术学会(ASSH)


  • CarpometAcarpal(CMC):关节在腕骨远端和掌骨骨的底部
  • 掌pophangeal(MCP):指关节将掌骨的骨头连接到近端卵形,允许在多个方向上捏,握和手指运动
  • 近端法(PIP):近端和中间缘之间的关节,允许手指弯曲并延伸
  • Distal interphalangeal (DIP):指甲床附近的指尖

这three thumb joints are:

  • Trapeziometacarpal (TMC) joint:拇指的CMC关节更专业,运动和灵活性最多
  • 掌pophangeal(MCP):连接掌骨骨和近端卵形的关节,用于捏和抓紧
  • 法转教(IP):指甲床附近的指尖



  • 扭伤。当您撕裂或伸展韧带时,会发生扭伤。这可能是由于过度拉伸,身体影响或跌倒。
  • Impaction syndrome.当尺骨骨稍长于半径时,这种腕部也称为尺骨基台。这通常发生在手腕骨折以不良(非典型)方式愈合,并使该骨骼和您的腕部骨骼之间的尺关节不稳定。
  • 关节炎疼痛。Arthritis can happen in any of the wrist, hand, or finger joints, including theMCP joint。您可以从手腕关节疼痛关节炎。这可能从通常的磨损或手腕受伤发生。你也可以得到rheumatoid arthritisfrom an immune system imbalance.
  • Fracture.你可以断裂手腕,手或手指中的任何骨头都因秋天或其他受伤而受伤。
  • 重复应力伤害。Common injuries to the wrist, hand, and fingers happen from repetitive movements. This includes typing, texting, writing, and playing tennis. Symptoms include swelling,麻木和痛苦。
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome.当这种综合征发生median nerve被压缩。Carpal tunnel syndromecan result from repeated overextension of the wrist, high blood pressure, or diabetes.
  • Boxer’s fracture.这种冲击损伤通常会影响第四和第五元掌。通常,boxer’s fractureoccurs when you use a closed fist to hit a hard object.
  • 泽西手指。这个common sports injury当指尖附近的肌腱从骨头拉开时,通常发生在环手指中。有时需要手术。
  • 槌手指。也被称为baseball finger,mallet finger是影响肌腱伸直手指或拇指的撞击损伤。肌腱可能会撕裂或从手指骨上脱落,从而导致疼痛,瘀伤和肿胀。
  • 触发手指。也被称为狭窄的脊髓炎炎,这种情况通常会影响拇指和无名指。它可能是在有力的手用后发生的,并且在糖尿病和类风湿关节炎的人中很常见。症状触发手指包括疼痛,刚度以及弯曲或拉直手指时的锁定或捕捉感。

