During your reproductive years, you’ll get a menstrual period about once a month. Unless you’re especially squeamish, there’s no need to avoid sexual activity during your period. Though period sex can be a bit messy, it is safe. And, having sex when you’re menstruating can actually offer a few advantages, including relief from menstrual cramps.



1. Relief from cramps

性高潮可能会缓解月经来潮。Menstrual cramps are a result of your uterus contracting to release its lining. When you have an orgasm, the muscles of your uterus also contract. Then they release. That release should bring some relief from period cramps.

Sex also triggers the release of chemicals called内啡肽,这让你感觉很好。另外,从事性活动会占据您的思想,这可能有助于消除月经不适。

2. Shorter periods



Your libido changes throughout your menstrual cycle, thanks to hormonal fluctuations. While许多女人say their sex drive increases during排卵,这是您期间大约两周的时间,其他人报告在他们的期间内感到更多的打开。


You can put away the KY during your period. Blood acts as a natural lubricant.


关于 half of womenTrusted Source with migraine headaches get them during their periods. Although most women with月经偏头痛avoid sex during their attacks, many of those who do have sex say it partially or completely relievesTrusted Source 他们的头痛。


在您期间发生性行为的另一个担心是有可能通过性传播感染(STI)likeHIVorhepatitis。These viruses live in blood, and they can spread through contact with infected menstrual blood. Using condoms every time you have sex can reduce your risk of spreading or catching an STI.


If you aren’t actively trying to conceive, using protection is a good idea, no matter what part of your menstrual cycle you’re in. Your odds of conceiving are lower during your period, but it’s still possible to受孕此时。

你是most likelyto get pregnant during ovulation, which happens about 14 days before your period starts. Yet every woman’s cycle length is different, and your cycle length can change monthly. If you have a short menstrual cycle, your risk of getting pregnant during your period is higher.

Also consider that精子可以活着在你的身体长达七天。因此,如果您有一个22天的周期,并且在获得月经后不久就排卵了,那么您有可能在精子仍在生殖道中释放一个鸡蛋。


Have your partner wear a乳胶避孕套每当您发生性关系以减少怀孕和抓住性传播感染的几率。如果您或您的伴侣对乳胶过敏,则有其他形式的保护您可以使用。您可以向您的药剂师或医生咨询建议。


  • 与您的伴侣保持开放和诚实。告诉他们您在期间对性爱的感觉,并询问他们对此的感觉。如果你们中的任何一个都犹豫,请谈论不适的原因。
  • 如果您有卫生棉条,请在开始欺骗之前将其取出。
  • Spread a dark-colored towel on the bed to catch any blood leaks. Or, have sex in the shower or bath to avoid the mess entirely.
  • 保持湿毛巾或湿纸巾在床上清理后。
  • Have your partner weara latex condom。It will protect against pregnancy and STIs.
  • 如果您通常的性姿势不舒服,请尝试一些不同的事情。例如,您可能想尝试与伴侣在身后躺在身边。

Don’t let your period put a halt to your sex life. If you do a little prep work, sex can be just as enjoyable during those five or so days as it is the rest of the month. You might be surprised to find that sex is even more exciting during your period.

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