Ovulation occurs when hormonal changes signal your ovaries to release a mature egg. It usually happens once a month in the middle of your menstrual cycle, but it can occur more than once a month or not at all.




该过程由生殖激素驱动。排卵之前,您的水平luteinizing hormone (LH)上升。这被称为LH激增。

The LH surge causes the follicle to swell and rupture. This releases an egg that then travels through the fallopian tube.

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)排卵过程中的水平也会上升,但其作用不太受到理解。


Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of your menstrual cycle. It happens after thefollicular phase在您的期间开始前约2周。卵泡相是含鸡蛋的豆荚成熟和其中一个卵成熟时,

However, this process can vary a lot from person to person and month to month. In general, you should ovulate about 2 weeks before the start of your period.

Ovulation sometimes happens more than once a month. In other cases, it does not occur at all, even when menstruation takes place. This can make it hard to track, but paying attention to physical changes may help you identify when you’re ovulating.



Ovulation pain (mittelschmerz)


These sensations are sometimes described as a twinge or pop. They can be felt in either ovary and may vary in location and intensity from month to month.

Some people may experience ovarian pain on alternating sides of their body each month, but it’s a myth that your ovaries take turns releasing eggs.


You may also feel a burning sensation caused by the release of fluid from the follicle when the egg is expelled. This fluid sometimes causes irritation in the abdominal lining or surrounding area. A feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen may also accompany these sensations.

Ovary pain may also beunrelated to ovulation




If pregnancy does not happen, your BBT will remain raised until your period starts.

Tracking your BBTmay provide clues about your ovulation pattern from month to month, but this method is not foolproof.

An 较旧的研究 在200多名女性中,发现晚期排卵不能通过任何方法预测,并且没有排卵的迹象,包括BBT,与卵的释放完全相对应。


Changes in cervical mucus


The change in cervical mucus consistency around the time of ovulation helps transport sperm to an egg.

During your fertile window, this nutrient-rich, slippery fluid increases in volume. It also becomes thinner, stretchy in texture, and clear in color. Cervical mucus is often described as having an egg-white consistency during this time.

在排卵前的日子里,你可能notice more discharge than usual because of an increase in cervical mucus volume.

When you’re at your most fertile, cervical mucus may help keep sperm alive for an average of 3 days but potentially up to 5 days 。这增加了您的受孕机会,并为性交提供了润滑。

You can check the consistency of cervical mucous by observing it in your underwear liner.

Changes in saliva

Estrogen and progesterone can alter the consistency of dried saliva before or during ovulation, causing patterns to form. These patterns may look similar to crystals or ferns in some people with periods.

However, smoking, eating, drinking, and brushing your teeth can all mask these patterns, making them a less reliable indicator of ovulation.


Some more potential signs of ovulation include:

  • Tender breasts。有些人报告乳房压痛或sore nipples大约在排卵时。
  • Bloating。有些人在排卵前后感到肿。自从bloatingoccurs at other moments during your cycle, particularly during menstruation, it’s not necessarily a reliable indicator of ovulation.

The ovulation phase of your menstrual cycle typically lasts between 16 and 32 hours, starting with the LH surge and ending when the egg is released.

Ovulation generally occurs 24 to 48 hours after the LH surge.

You can become pregnant both before and after ovulation. This is called the fertile window.

Your fertile window starts up to 4 days prior to ovulation and extends for 1 day after ovulation. You are most fertile on the day before ovulation and the day of ovulation.

If you’re trying to get pregnant, you may find it helpful to track your ovulation. Even if you are not trying to conceive, monitoring your cycle may be a useful way of understanding more about your overall health, energy levels, mood changes, and when you can expect your period to start.

To track ovulation, try to keep a record of the following information:

  • 您的月经日期
  • 对月经的描述
  • descriptions of your cervical mucus
  • your BBT readings
  • 身体变化,例如抽筋,疼痛,腹胀或乳房压痛
  • other relevant information, such as your mood, libido, and energy levels

您可以使用任何日历或期刊跟踪排卵。有许多可打印的模板可以跟踪您在线可用的月经周期。此外,诸如美国怀孕协会和theMarch of Dimesprovide online ovulation predictors.

生育图表是另一种选择。They require you to plot your morning temperature readings on a graph, providing a handy visual of the rise in your BBT after ovulation.

Finally, there are a number of apps you can use to help you track your cycle. While these apps may help you determine when you’re most likely to be fertile, they may not be able to reliably predict the day of ovulation, according to a2018 study

大多数在家ovulation testsmeasure LH levels in your urine, a relatively reliable predictor of ovulation. There are many different types of tests you can use, including:

  • Ovulation tests.这种类型的测试可以让您知道您在接受测试的那一天是否肥沃。就像妊娠试验一样,它涉及在棍子上排尿,以获得正(肥沃)或阴性(不肥沃)。还提供数字版本。
  • Ovulation predictors.Predictor kits measure and track your levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) over several months to determine when you’re most fertile. This test typically requires daily urine testing outside of menstruation.
  • BBT监视器。您可以每天口头跟踪温度,并将其记录在日记帐或应用程序中。
  • Saliva tests.Saliva tests indicate when you’re nearing ovulation. However, these tests tend to be less effective than urine tests. They tend to be most effective if used daily over several months, first thing in the morning.
  • Fertility kits.At-home fertility kits offer a comprehensive look at both you and your partner’s fertility. In addition to analyzing reproductive hormones such as LH in urine, they may also analyze sperm quality via an ejaculate.


Keep in mind that ovulation tests cannot diagnose fertility issues. For example, it’s possible to experience an LH surge without ovulating.

Similarly, at-home ovulation predictor tests do not provide information about non-hormonal causes of infertility, such as:

  • blocked fallopian tubes
  • 肌瘤
  • 敌对的宫颈粘液

Finally, at-homesperm testsare not definitive indicators of sperm quality. If you suspect that you or your partner have fertility issues, it’s important to talk with a doctor or fertility specialist.

People who have irregular periods often have irregular ovulation or do not ovulate at all. You can also have regular periods and still not ovulate.

Your physician may order bloodwork and imaging tests such as a sonogram to try and determine if you’re ovulating.

If you’re thinking about conceiving, consider talking with a doctor before you start trying. They can help determine if there are any obvious reasons that you may have trouble conceiving.

生育能力随着年龄的增长而下降, but even young people can have infertility issues. Talk with a fertility specialist if you’re having difficulty conceiving if:

  • you’re under 35 and unable to get pregnant within 1 year of actively trying
  • 您超过35岁,无法在积极尝试的6个月内怀孕

It’s also important to note that70 to 80 percent经过12个月的孕育,夫妻将怀孕,但这可能会随着年龄的增长而变化。

Many infertility issues in either partner can be resolved without expensive or invasive procedures. Keep in mind that the longer you wait, the more stress you might feel. If you’re having sex during your fertile window and not getting pregnant, you do not have to wait to get help.

Some people experience signs and symptoms of ovulation. These can include abdominal pain or cramps, bloating, slightly elevated body temperature, changes in cervical mucus and saliva, and breast tenderness.

Ovulation is a part of your fertile window, but pregnancy can happen up to 5 days prior and 1 day after you’ve ovulated.

Ovulation predictor kits may help you pin down when you’re ovulating but should not be used long-term if you do not become pregnant. There are many causes of infertility that are not associated with ovulation. Many of these can be managed or treated with medical and infertility support.