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Healthy sex is just one aspect of sexual health. Sexual health encompasses the entire spectrum of health and well-being of an individual. It includes all the following aspects in relation to sexuality:

  • physical
  • 情绪化
  • mental
  • social

According to the 世界卫生组织(WHO) , the scope of sexual health is wide. It includes not only individuals, couples, and families, but also communities and whole cultures.

It involves topics such as:

  • sexual orientation and gender identity
  • 了解解剖学,生殖健康和生育能力
  • understanding the risks involved in sexual activity
  • 尊重胁迫或暴力的关系
  • 愉悦且安全的性经历
  • access to good healthcare
  • 访问与性活动有关的自我保健实用性的教育资源

Read on to learn about these areas of sexual health:

  • safer sex practices
  • getting screened regularly for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • choosing vaccines and medications
  • using contraception properly
  • 获得有关生殖健康问题的医疗
  • 对低性欲的怎么办

If you’re sexually active, it places you at an increased risk for contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), which are now more commonly known as STIs.

Vaginal, anal, and oral sex all put you at risk for sexually transmitted infections.

Risk increases as the number of sexual partners increases, though it’s possible to contract an STI the first time you have sex with a partner.



WHO 强调性健康是涵盖许多因素的幸福状态,包括:

  • 对性有很好的了解
  • 与您的性伴侣建立自愿和积极的关系
  • enjoying the sex you’re having


Practice safer sex


  • 外避孕套
  • internal condoms
  • dental dams
  • gloves

These methods have been shown to be effective at preventing STIs, which are transmitted through bodily fluids such as:

  • semen
  • blood
  • vaginal secretions
  • saliva

Barrier methods can help protect you and your partner from STIs such as:

  • HIV
  • 淋病
  • 衣原体
  • 滴虫病
  • 肝炎, B, and C



  • syphilis
  • HPV(人乳头瘤病毒)
  • HSV (herpes simplex virus)




  • 口交
  • vaginal sex
  • anal sex

It’s important to note that some STIs can be transmitted during oral sex, including:

  • syphilis
  • HPV
  • herpes
  • 淋病
  • 衣原体

根据疾病控制与预防中心的说法,HPV导致有关 70 percent 在美国,口咽的癌症(喉咙附近的喉咙后部)的癌症。

This year, according to the American Cancer Society, slightly more than 54,000 people will be diagnosed with oral cavity or oropharyngeal cancer in the United States.



Prevent HIV with PrEP




  • headache
  • diarrhea
  • nausea
  • 疲劳
  • 肚子痛

Talk with your doctor about whether PrEP may be a good option for you, especially if:

  • you plan to have sex without a condom with a partner who has HIV or another STI
  • you or your sexual partner share needles
  • 您的性伴侣通常在与您或其他伴侣发生性关系期间不使用障碍方法
  • your sexual partner is a penis owner and has sex with other penis owners




  • Cervarixprotects against the two strains of HPV that cause most cases of cervical cancer.
  • 加达西尔预防这两种菌株,以及导致大多数生殖器疣的两种菌株。
  • 加达西尔9覆盖与Gardasil相同的四个HPV菌株,但还包括另外五个“高风险”菌株,总计九个菌株。

These vaccines are most effective when given before having sex. It’s typically recommended beginning vaccinations for young women and men at age 11 years old. You can still get vaccinated through your late 20s.

Health insurance generally covers the cost of the vaccines for people up to age 26 years. Though the FDA 已批准使用该疫苗为45岁以下的人使用疫苗,保险范围在年龄较大。

The hepatitis B vaccine is normally given during infancy. Hepatitis B causes liver disease. It can be transmitted through sexual activity without a barrier method as well as through blood or blood products.

Hepatitis A is not usually passed from person to person during sex, but it can be transmitted during oral-anal contact. The hepatitis A vaccine is recommended for all children ages 1 year and older.



Left untreated, bacterial STIs such as淋病and衣原体可能会对您的健康(包括不育)产生严重的负面影响。筛查可以帮助防止这些并发症。

Make a date with a new partner to get tested before starting a sexual relationship. That way, you’ll each know if you’re putting each other at risk, and treatment can be given if appropriate.


Get regular Pap smears



HPVcauses nearly all cases of cervical cancer 。因此,实践更安全的性行为可以帮助降低宫颈癌的风险。


Invasive cervical cancer and its treatment can have negative effects on your overall health, especially your sexual health.


Women often assume that pelvic pain, like cramping, is normal. They’ve been told that menstruation is supposed to hurt. Therefore, they may not discuss their discomfort with their doctor.




The uterus lining is called the endometrium. It’s the source of blood and tissue during menstruation. It’s also needed to nourish a growing fetus.

当你有子宫内膜异位症, endometrium-like存款到器官和组织tissues throughout the abdomen and pelvis. This can be extremely painful.


  • 严重的月经疼痛
  • 性生活中的疼痛
  • pain during bowel movements
  • heavy bleeding
  • bleeding between periods

Pain from endometriosis can often be treated. Treatment varies according to other health conditions you may have. Sometimes, the treatment depends on your family planning goals.


  • 抗炎药
  • 激素疗法
  • 手术以去除多余的组织
  • hysterectomy(removal of the uterus)


Fibroids are noncancerous tumors in the uterus. Research shows that up to 77% 根据2016年发表的评论,女性有肌瘤。但是,大多数妇女永远不需要治疗。

Fibroids aren’t necessarily painful or problematic, and they don’t increase your risk for cancer. Fibroidsmay contribute to infertility, but many women are able to become pregnant after treatment for fibroids.

If you have fibroids and you become pregnant, your healthcare team will monitor your fibroids. Sometimes they grow during pregnancy and can affect your baby’s movement into the fetal position.


  • pelvic pain
  • 性生活中的疼痛
  • heavy or painful menstrual bleeding
  • fertility issues

If treatment for your fibroids becomes necessary, several options are available. Your doctor can help you decide which method is best for you.

Birth control

If you’re someone with a uterus having sex with someone who has sperm, it’s important to know youroptions for birth control.


There are a wide variety of available birth control options. Some methods require a prescription or a minor procedure in the doctor’s office, and some do not.

无论您的保险状况如何,节育选择通常都是负担得起的。联邦Title X Family Planning Programcovers all forms of birth control. You can find a Title X family planning clinic near youhere

Contraceptive options include:

  • male
  • IUD
  • 避孕药
  • 荷尔蒙斑块或戒指
  • birth control shot
  • 皮肤下植入物
  • 消毒
  • 避孕海绵
  • 宫颈帽
  • diaphragm

与你的医生讨论这些选项is right for you. Their effectiveness varies greatly and so does the ease of use. Sterilization is considered the most effective method, but it’s permanent.


Lack of interest in sex


  • 新药物
  • 慢性医疗状况
  • 疲劳
  • menopause
  • 怀孕,分娩后和母乳喂养
  • anxiety or depression
  • 压力
  • relationship concerns

If you’ve experienced a sudden lack of interest in sex, talk with your doctor. There may be an identifiable cause.


Couples therapy may be beneficial, too. If you’re bothered by a decreased sex drive, there are a variety of methods and treatments that can help.



性爱can be treated in a variety of ways, depending on the cause. When you talk with your doctor about your problem, be prepared to discuss if you have vaginal discharge or other vaginal issues, or pain that occurs:

  • during penetration
  • 当触摸外阴外面时
  • after sex
  • during deep penetration


Problems with orgasm


If you have difficulty reaching orgasm, practice on your own to see what feels good for you. During a shower or bath is a good time for self-exploration.

According to theAmerican College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, you might also try the following techniques alone or with a partner:

  • 阅读有关性和愉悦的书籍。
  • 了解您的身体及其工作原理。
  • 探索有和没有伴侣的性行为的各种性活动,例如口交,触摸和手淫。
  • 尝试诸如按摩之类的感官非性活动。
  • 与您的伴侣谈谈您和他们喜欢的东西。
  • 减少生活中压力的来源。
  • Increase sexual stimulation.
  • Try sexual toys.
  • Use mental imagery and fantasy.

It’s also important to keep communication open between you and your sexual partner. For a better understanding of your sexual health, a sex therapist can be a helpful resource.