Your healthcare needs



A primary care provider (PCP) is the main doctor many women see. PCPs are often either family medicine doctors or internal medicine doctors. They treat common illnesses such as colds and minor infections. They also manage chronic diseases such as diabetes, asthma, and high blood pressure. They serve as a home base for your medical care. Your PCP maintains all your health history in one place. Depending on their training, many primary care physicians can manage most health issues of women including gynecology. Many family medicine doctors practice both gynecology and obstetrics.

With certain types of insurance, a referral from your PCP is necessary to see a specialist.



  • What can I do to improve my overall health?
  • 我家里有健康问题让我有风险吗?
  • Am I at high risk for any chronic diseases?
  • 今年我需要什么筛查测试?
  • What tests will I need next year?
  • Should I get a flu shot or other vaccination?
  • 是否需要治疗这种感染所必需的抗生素?

A gynecologist is a doctor specializing in the female reproductive organs. The美国产科医生和妇科医生recommends that young women make their first visit for reproductive health between the ages of 13 and 15. Women may visit yearly, or as needed, after that.



Questions you might ask your gynecologist include:

  • How often do I need a Pap smear?
  • 我多久需要一次盆景考试?
  • 什么类型的生育控制可能对我最适合?
  • 我应该如何进行性传播感染的筛选?
  • 在我的时期里,我有严重的痛苦。你能帮我吗?
  • 我已经开始在期间发现。这意味着什么?


Your obstetrician will guide you through the entire process of pregnancy. They’ll also help you manage any pregnancy complications.



  • 我什么时候应该开始服用产前维生素?
  • 我多久需要产前护理?
  • 我有高危怀孕吗?
  • How much weight should I gain during pregnancy?
  • 怀孕期间我不应该吃什么?
  • Should I schedule my labor?
  • 我应该有阴道出生或剖腹产吗?
  • 剖腹产后,我可以在阴道出生吗?
  • 我应该考虑使用分娩中心进行我的送货吗?


  • 粉刺
  • 湿疹
  • rosacea
  • psoriasis
  • 与老化有关的皮肤变化



Questions you might ask your dermatologist include:

  • 我应该在皮肤上寻找什么变化?
  • What is the best way to protect my skin from sun damage?
  • 我应该担心莫尔斯吗?
  • I frequently get skin rashes. How can I stop them?
  • My skin is dry. Can that be helped?
  • 我多久需要检查鼹鼠?
  • What is the best treatment for my skin condition?

眼科医生是一个医学博士,或医学博士., who specializes in the treatment of eyes and related structures. Ophthalmologists treat serious eye conditions that require surgery. You may also see an ophthalmologist for regular eye exams and prescription lenses.

An optometrist is a healthcare professional trained to deliver eye and vision care. Optometrists have a doctor of optometry, or O.D., degree instead of an M.D. degree. Optometrists generally act as your primary doctor for eye care. You may visit one annually to get your vision checked. Most of the time, an optometrist will be the one to prescribe any corrective eyewear you may need.

Questions to ask your eye specialist


  • 我多久需要媒体筛选?
  • 我应该测试青光眼吗?
  • 我应该关心什么眼睛症状?
  • I have floaters in my eyes. Is that dangerous?
  • Is there any way I can protect my eyes from damage?
  • Do I need bifocals?

牙医s take care of your teeth and provide any oral healthcare you need. Good oral health plays an important role in your overall health. You should visit your dentist for a cleaning and dental checkup every six months.

Questions to ask your dentist

Questions you might ask your dentist include the following:

  • 我应该更频繁地清理清洁吗?
  • 我该怎么办才能改善我的牙科健康?
  • 您是否筛选口腔癌或口服HPV患者?
  • 我应该筛选口腔癌吗?
  • 我应该用牙齿漂湿吗?
  • Is there any way to get protection from cavities?

Your healthcare team is there to support you through the stages of your life and to help you live a healthy life. Be sure to ask questions and use the resources your doctors provide to make health decisions that benefit you in both the short and long term.