在某个之间ages 17 and 21,大多数成年人将发展他们的第三组臼齿。这些臼齿更常见于智齿。

牙齿are categorized by their placement and function. The sharper teeth can tear food into smaller pieces and the flatter teeth grind food down. Wisdom teeth are the flatter kind of teeth, called molars. Molars are all the way in the back of your mouth. Adults get three sets of molars on top and bottom, and on both sides of the mouth.



All of the teeth a person will ever have are present at birth, higher up in the skull structure. First, a set of 20 baby teeth erupts and falls out. Then 32 permanent teeth grow in. The firstset of molars通常在6岁时可见,第二次设置在12岁左右12岁,并在21岁之前的某个时间(智齿)。

Once essential for an early human diet of roots, leaves, meat, and nuts, wisdom teeth are no longer totally necessary. Today, humans cook food to soften it, and we can cut and crush it with utensils.


Still, genetics do cause most adults to develop their wisdom teeth. 一项研究 发现至少有53%的人至少有一个智齿进来。男人比女性更容易拥有它们。


Whether visible or not, wisdom teeth can cause oral health problems. Wisdom teeth that haven’t erupted through the gums are calledimpacted。Sometimes this causes even more problems than visible wisdom teeth.

Humans and our jaws have gotten smaller over time. There are probably a few reasons for this evolutionary progress. Some scientists believe that as the human brain grew bigger over time, the jaw got smaller to accommodate for space.


Most jaws are完成生长当一个人18岁的时候,但是当一个人在周围时,大多数智慧都会出现19.5岁。智齿牙齿引起的大多数问题都是由于它们只是不适合的事实。



It’s recommended that teenagers be evaluated for智齿去除手术。People who get their wisdom teeth removed at a younger age tend to heal better from surgery, before the roots and bone have fully formed. This can help avoid any potential problems before they start.

There are always risks associated with surgery so be sure to ask a lot of questions when you’re deciding whether or not to have these teeth removed. If you decide not to have your wisdom teeth removed, they need to be monitored closely by your dentist. Wisdom teeth tend to become more problematic over time.

Sometimes dentists will recommend wisdom tooth removal before any orthodontic work, like braces, to ensure that these teeth don’t erupt later and undo all the hard work of shaping your jaw and teeth.

Either a professional dentist or oral and maxillofacial surgeon can remove your wisdom teeth. They’ll give you clear instructions on how to prepare for surgery and what to do during recovery.