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A whitehead is a type ofacne当死皮细胞,油和细菌被困在您的一个毛孔中时,这种情况就会形成。怀特海斯可能会很烦人,而且它们似乎在最糟糕的时期发展。



One cause of blocked pores is hormonal changes, which are common triggers of acne. Certain life stages can increase the amount ofsebum, or oil, your pores produce. The increased oil production causes clogged pores and whiteheads.

These stages include:

某些仅含有孕酮的避孕药也可能会增加激素水平并引起女性痤疮的耀斑。同样,有些妇女在月经周期的某些阶段就注意到更多的痤疮birth control pills

Several 学习 发现遗传学也发挥的方式吗e in the development of different types of acne, including whiteheads. If someone in your family suffers from acne, you have a higher risk of developing it too.


A whitehead can develop anywhere on your body. The nose, chin, and forehead are collectively known as the T-zone. The particularly oily parts of your face, such as the T-zone, may be particularly prone to acne.


  • 你的胸部
  • 背部
  • 肩膀
  • 武器

Acne can occur in men and women, and at almost any age. Even if you never had problems with whiteheads as a teen, you can still develop them at some point during adulthood.

Whiteheads are considered a mild form of acne. They’re relatively easy to treat.


Topical retinoids are used to prevent acne. They shouldn’t be used as a spot treatment on your pimples. Retinoids work by several mechanisms, but, ultimately, they prevent the pore-clogging process.

You should wear防晒霜daily since your skin will be more sensitive to the sun as a result of using a topical retinoid.

If you have inflammatory acne (red bumps and pustules on your face) your doctor might also prescribe oral or topical antibiotics, which destroy excess skin bacteria and reduce inflammation and redness. The oral antibiotics are usedoff-label治疗痤疮。


Oral and topical medications are both effective treatments for whiteheads, but they’re not the only options. You can also enjoy clearer, healthier skin and reduce the risk of future breakouts by making certain lifestyle changes.

如果您化妆,请考虑使用化妆品品牌非生物学和oil-free. These products might be a better fit for people who are prone to acne because they don’t clog pores. That reduces the likelihood of acne, such as whiteheads.

你也应该使用oil-free lotionsor moisturizers to limit the amount of oil added to your skin.

Wash your hair and skin on a regular basis. And don’t forget to remove makeup before going to bed. However, you should avoid excessive washing since this may actually cause irritation on the face and worsen your acne.



  • Excessive washing and scrubbing doesn’t prevent whiteheads.
  • Dirt doesn’t cause acne.
  • 用力洗脸会刺激皮肤,并使现有的痤疮恶化。
  • Greasy foods don’t cause acne.



