

This article will take a closer look at the symptoms, possible causes, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment of Tietze syndrome.


According to research that’s been done on the condition, the second or third rib is typically involved. In 70 to 80 percent of cases , the pain is located around a single rib. Usually only one side of the chest is involved.

Inflammation of the cartilage of the affected rib causes the pain. This area of cartilage is known as the costochondral junction.

The inflammation can cause swelling that becomes hard and spindle shaped. The area may feel tender and warm, and look swollen or red.

Tietze syndrome pain may:

  • 突然或逐渐来
  • feel sharp, stabbing, dull, or aching
  • range from mild to severe
  • 蔓延到你的手臂,脖子和肩膀
  • get worse if you exercise, cough, or sneeze


研究院和蒂策综合症资助的确切原因尚不清楚。如何ever, researchers believe that it may be the result of small injuries to the ribs.


  • excessivecoughing
  • severe vomiting
  • upper respiratory tract infections, includingsinusitis要么喉炎
  • 剧烈或重复的体育活动
  • injuries or trauma


What’s known is that:

  • Tietze综合征主要影响40岁以下的儿童和人民。它在20多岁和30岁的人中最常见。
  • A2017 studynoted that the number of cases was higher in the winter-spring period.
  • 同样的研究发现,妇女的妇女比例较高,但其他研究发现,Tietze综合征同样影响女性和男性。

Tietze综合征和costochondritisboth cause chest pain around the ribs, but there are important differences:

Tietze syndrome Costochondritis
是罕见的,通常会影响40岁以下的人。 相对普遍,通常会影响40岁以上的人。
症状include both swelling and pain. 症状include pain but not swelling.
涉及只有一个地区的疼痛 70% of cases. 至少涉及超过一个区域 90% of cases.
Most often involves the second or third rib. 最常常涉及第二个到第五肋骨。


When you see a healthcare provider for chest pain, they’ll first want to rule out any serious or possibly life-threatening condition that requires immediate intervention likeangina,pleurisy,或者心脏病发作.

The healthcare provider will perform physical exam and ask about your symptoms. They’ll likely order specific tests to rule out other causes and to help them determine the right diagnosis.

This could include:

  • 血液测试寻找心脏病发作或其他条件的迹象
  • 超声成像to look at your ribs and to see if there’s any cartilage inflammation
  • achest X-rayto look for the presence of disease or other medical concerns involving your organs, bones, and tissues
  • a胸部MRI.to take a closer look at any cartilage thickening or inflammation
  • abone scanto take a closer look at your bones
  • anelectrocardiogram (EKG)to look at how well your heart is working and to rule out heart disease

A diagnosis of Tietze syndrome is based on your symptoms and ruling out other possible causes of your pain.


  • 休息
  • avoiding strenuous activities
  • applying heatto the affected area

In some cases, the pain may resolve on its own without treatment.

To help with the pain, your healthcare provider may suggest pain relievers such as over-the-counter (OTC) nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids.).

If your pain persists, they may prescribe a stronger pain reliever.

Other possible treatments for ongoing pain and inflammation includesteroid injections减少肿胀或利多卡因injections at the affected site to ease pain.




It’s different from costochondritis, a more common condition that also causes chest pain, that mostly affects people over age 40.
