A biometric screening is a clinical screening that’s done to measure certain physical characteristics. It can be used to assess your:

  • height
  • weight
  • 体重指数(BMI)
  • 血压
  • blood cholesterol
  • blood sugar

The goal of a biometric screening is to give a snapshot of your health and alert you to any changes in your health status.

The screening may be offered by your employer, your union, a public health organization, or nonprofit groups. It may also include wellness counseling and education, risk assessments, and exercise programs.

Biometric screening isn’t a substitute for a regular physical examination by your healthcare provider. It doesn’t diagnose disease. But it may indicate possible risk factors.

Let’s take a closer look at what a biometric screening is, what to expect if you have this screening, and how to prepare for one.

A biometric screening aims to alert you to any possible health risks. It also provides an easy way to keep track of changes in your vital statistics from year to year.


Your test results are often available right away and can alert you to potential health conditions, such as:

Employers use biometric screenings to get a sense of employee health risks. Sometimes, employers offer incentives to encourage employees to participate in the screening.

It’s thought that identifying risks early may help reduce employer healthcare costs, although this is a subject of ongoing research and debate.

By providing an opportunity for employees to stay on top of any health issues, an employer may benefit from improved performance and productivity.

Study findings

  • A2015年研究凯撒(Kaiser)家族基金会(Kaiser Family Foundation)发现,有18%的小公司和50%的大公司提供生物识别筛查。
  • A2015年研究by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) found that when employers offered financial incentives for screening, participation increased by 55 percent.
  • EBRI 2015年的同一项研究发现,生物识别筛查结果导致人们为降低血压,降低胆固醇和管理抑郁症的药物处方填充处方。
  • 2014年的研究 在提供免费生物特征筛查的新墨西哥州社区计划中,该计划通过延迟或预防慢性疾病来节省未来的健康成本。

During a biometric screening, your vital statistics are measured, and blood work is usually part of the screening, too. Some screenings may also involve acomplete blood count (CBC).



A biometric screening usually only takes 15 to 20 minutes. During the procedure you can expect the following:

  1. A healthcare professional will measure your height and ask you to step on a scale.
  2. They may use a tape measure to measure your waist circumference and possibly your hip circumference.
  3. They’ll put a blood pressure cuff around your arm to get a blood pressure reading.
  4. 他们可能会从手指刺或needle in your vein(venipuncture).
  5. You may be asked to fill out a short questionnaire, which asks about your medical history or any health issues you may be concerned about.

Remember, the biometric screening doesn’t involve diagnosis. It only indicates possible risk factors.

Some programs may have a healthcare professional discuss your results with you. Also, your employer may provide follow-up programs, such as nutrition counseling.



Your employer or the company doing the biometric screening will advise you about any specific preparation for the screening.


  • Fast for 8 to 12 hours.Don’t drink anything except water, black coffee, or tea before the screening.
  • Stay hydrated.Being well hydrated can make it easier to find a vein if your blood needs to be drawn via venipuncture.
  • Dress comfortably.戴一顶帽子或衬衫,允许您轻松地滚up your sleeve for blood pressure measurement or a blood draw.
  • Take your medications照常。如果您对此有任何疑问,请询问您的雇主。
  • 避免运动12小时。If recommended by your employer or the company administering the biometric screening, avoid exercising beforehand.




In some cases, an insurance company will require biometric screening as a condition of the employer’s health insurance policy.

Any medical information in your biometric screening is considered 受保护和私人 根据1996年的《健康保险可移植性法案》(HIPAA)。

This means that your personal information can’t be disclosed to your employer or anyone else unless you authorize it.

Some states may have additional laws that protect your privacy. Some federal laws also offer health privacy protections, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and the Affordable Care Act.

A biometric screening is a fancy name for a collection of your vital statistics. This type of screening typically measures your BMI, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar.

The purpose is to give you information that might indicate risk factors for certain chronic conditions. If you’re at risk of diabetes or high blood pressure, for example, seeking treatment sooner can lead to a better outcome.

Screenings are usually voluntary and aren’t a substitute for a regular medical checkup with your doctor. Your screening results aren’t a diagnosis.

Your results are private. Some employers may offer special services as a follow-up, such as exercise programs or nutrition counseling.